140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (2024)

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Inside: 140 positive affirmations for kids to say and 50 positive phrases you can say to your child. This epic post also includes 80 printable positive affirmation cards and a free Positive Things to Say to Kids Poster.

Table of Contents

Kids are all so unique and so precious. I mean, seriously, no two kids are the same! How incredible is that?!

While our kids are young, they are learning how to navigate this big, often scary world.

But here’s the problem:

Sometimes our kids can get stuck in the sludge of negative self-talk…

…Negativity sure does pull you down like quicksand. (And did you know, that negative thinking patterns are common for many children?)

So instead of allowing our kids to be swallowed up with these unhelpful thought patterns, let’s help them flip the switch, rewire the pathways, and change those negative thoughts to positive ones.

Sometimes daily pressures can get in the way of feeling good, and kids lose sight of what’s important – who they are.

That’s why I’ve listed 140 inspiring positive affirmations for kids!

Whether it’s a child who needs encouragement at home or a student trying to succeed at school, these daily affirmations will get your children to live up to their full potential daily.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (1)
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (2)

Gain access to our library of free printables!

Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

What are Positive Affirmations for Kids?

Positive affirmations are short “I” statements or positive phrases that we repeat to ourselves, such as “I love myself.”

Positive affirmations can be written down, spoken aloud, or just thought about.

Positive affirmations are much more than just positive thinking or a positive mindset or outlook.

unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information.

The Mayo Clinic

Since self-talk is unstoppable and never-ending, we have an incredible opportunity to make our internal story positive, and what’s even more exciting is this actually changes the pathways in our brains…(more on that below).

These little acts of kindness are among the best gifts we can give ourselves!

Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Kids:

Positive affirmations are a form of positive self-talk generally used to increase self-esteem, motivate yourself and others, or simply just make you feel good.

Researchers are continually exploring the fantastic way of thinking about our health. We can expect benefits such as better psychological and physical well-being, better coping skills, increased confidence and resiliency, lower rates of depression, and more.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (5)

And here is something fascinating:

Positive Affirmations and The Brain Connection

The Berkely Well Being Institute states, “self-fulling prophecies show us that when webelieve something will come true, it is more likelyto. And neuroplasticity research shows us that by focusing on something, we strengthen those brain regions and make them stronger. We can evenstrengthen the positive neural pathways in the brain,decreasing relianceon negative, well-worn pathways in the brain.

In short (because I’m no neuroscientist), this means that NEW neuropathways are being formed whenever our kids repeat certain thoughts (good or bad).

Now the science part might be a little complex, but it’s actually really easy; all you need to do is pick a collection of phrases and repeat them in your mind, or say them out loud.

So the more our kids repeat positive thoughts, the easier time your child has riding this neuropathy in the future.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (6)Pretty cool, eh?

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (7)

And what makes me smile is thinking about the next time a challenging situation arises for my child. They are more likely to believe the messages they have told themselves over and over.

For example: If a bully in the schoolyard sneers, “You’re dumb,” my child will ride their neuropathway and will already be conditioned to know and believe that they are, in fact, smart, and the bully’s words will lose all their power.

The bottom line is that positive affirmations give kids the confidence to feel good.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (8)

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (9)

How to Use Positive Affirmations For Kids?

Below are some quick ideas for incorporating this positive habit into your daily life.

  • Have your child repeat the chosen affirmation three times. Say each one a little louder.
  • Have your child use affirmations if they are struggling with schoolwork or if they lack confidence in their abilities (think reading or math).
  • Use them to motivate kids in any aspect of their lives, when trying out for sports teams or during a music recital. Affirmations help to boost confidence and teach kids that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
  • Say daily morning affirmations and hang these printable affirmations on the fridge or washroom mirror, and encourage reading them aloud daily.
  • Put affirmations in your child’s lunch box.
  • Keep a daily journal where kids can write one affirmation that speaks to them daily.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (10)

Now, you can write down your positive statements in a notepad or journal to refer back to, but you can also print these instant downloadable cards and use them daily.

Repeat the phrase each evening at bedtime, say one at the breakfast table, and hang one on the washroom mirror each morning, stand in front of the mirror, and repeat it! You can use these anywhere, anytime.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (11)

The most important component of using positive affirmations for students or your kids is to use them repeatedly. This will ensure your kids reap the full power of the affirmation.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (12)

Featured resource

80 Positive Affirmation Cards

Before we get to the positive affirmations for kids below, you definitely want to check out our Positive Affirmation Bundle, which includes 80 printable affirmations cards, self-care ideas posters for kids, and worksheets.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (13)

Pro Tip!

Remember: positive affirmations for kids should focus on the abilities that they have, their inner strength, their talents, and their traits. (Not their physical attributes.) For example, Positive affirmations such as I am a kind person are helpful for children who need to be reminded of how much good there is in them.

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids

Use the list of positive affirmations below, purchase our printable card set, or create your own.

If you want to create your own, consider subjects you want your kids to work on, like hobbies, goals, friendships, etc.

Once you have an idea of the subjects you want to work on, you will need to think precisely about what you want from this subject. For example, if friendships are a struggle for your kids, then the affirmation could be, “I am a good listener.”

And lastly, keep your affirmations in the present tense, avoid the negative, and keep them short and precise!

Positive Affirmations for Kids

  • This test is easy because I worked hard to study!
  • I can do great things.
  • I can find my worth on the inside, not the outside.
  • I am brave and courageous.
  • There is no one else in the world quite like me.
  • I can practice things to get better.
  • I have what it takes!
  • My mind is strong; my body is strong.
  • It’s easy to love me.
  • My friends think I’m funny and interesting to be around.
  • I am a hard worker.
  • I am confident.
  • I can do anything if I set my mind to it.
  • Anything is possible. I just need to believe.
  • My thoughts are positive and inspiring.
  • I love myself just the way I am.
  • I am capable of anything I set my mind to.
  • It’s OK for me to make mistakes because it means I’m trying something new and learning more about myself.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (14)
  • I am smart.
  • I am thoughtful and a good listener.
  • I always try to help others.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I will achieve my goals if I work hard.
  • I believe the future has so much good stuff in store for me.
  • I’m grateful for everything I have.
  • I am proud of the person I’ve become.
  • I am capable.
  • I am determined.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (15)

Kids Affirmations for Self-Love

  • I am on this planet for a reason.
  • I am grateful for ME!
  • I am proud of me.
  • I can give myself a big hug anytime.
  • I love myself.
  • I am unique and special.
  • No one else in the world is exactly like me, and that’s what makes life interesting.
  • It’s OK if someone doesn’t like me because so many people love me for who I am.
  • I am enough.
  • I am worthy of love, respect, and kindness from others.
  • My thoughts are powerful.
  • I am a beautiful person who deserves the best things in life!
  • The universe is always working in my favor. It’s easy to be happy when you see the good.
  • I trust myself and my instincts.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (16)

Positive Affirmations for Kids for Resilience and Growth Mindset

  • I deserve to be happy.
  • Every day is a new opportunity to try something new.
  • I have so many wonderful qualities.
  • It’s OK to say NO!
  • I am a good person with so many positive qualities.
  • If I don’t like something about myself, I have the power to change it.
  • When I fall, I can get back up!
  • I am successful.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I believe others have good intentions.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (17)
  • I am a great person with the potential to do and be everything in life!
  • Life is fun!
  • I am talented and smart.
  • I am a wonderful person and deserve the best.
  • Challenges help me grow and learn.
  • I can take responsibility for my mistakes.
  • Learning from mistakes is the best way to be successful.
  • It is easy for me to find happiness in small, simple things.
  • I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
  • Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better!
  • I respect myself and others around me for who they are inside of their hearts.
  • I appreciate all of my talents and abilities.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (18)

Positive Affirmation for Kids About Confidence

  • My brain is powerful.
  • I am calm.
  • I matter.
  • I am enough.
  • I get better every single day.
  • I am amazing.
  • I am safe.
  • I am resilient.
  • I can be kind, even when it’s hard.
  • I can make any day a great day.
  • I will succeed.
  • I can set goals and reach for the stars.
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (19)

Morning Positive Affirmations for Kids

  • I am so happy to start a new day.
  • I am looking forward to all the happiness that might come today.
  • I am grateful that I have breakfast on the table.
  • I am excited to go to school.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I am a good person.
  • I am ready to start the day with a smile.
  • Life is beautiful.
  • I can take a deep breath and relax.
  • I am ready for anything the day brings.

Snag this FREE poster of 101 positive things to say to kids to help your children feel confident and loved! This is positive parenting at its best! Get it right here!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (20)

50 Positive Phrases YOU can Say to Your Kids

Not only do we want our kids to repeat positive affirmations to themselves, but as parents or educators, we can also sprinkle in nuggets of encouraging words throughout the day.

If you are looking for more positive phrases for your kids, this is an epic list.

1. You are good enough. You deserve to be successful.

2. You have the power to change things for the better!

3. Your life’s purpose is unique to you, and you’re perfect just the way you are!

4. Nothing will stop your shine from warming this world – not even you!

5. Remember that failure is a part of success, and everything you have ever done has helped shape your future!

6. It’s a privilege to be alive – so make the most of it and enjoy the ride!

7. Anything is possible when unbridled ambition meets patience, persistence, creativity, persistence, and hard work – just like anything is possible when you have a great support system!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (21)

8. You can do anything you set your mind to!

9. Every day is a new chance at life – so don’t let yesterday’s failures stop you from striving forward!

10. Never forget that remarkable things happen when people are friendly and work together! Good things come to those who put in the effort!

12. Your best self shines when your intentions are rooted in love and kindness for yourself, others, and our world.

13. You’re awesome!

14. You are the author of your own life!

15. Life is more beautiful when you enjoy every moment and find joy in simple moments that others may perceive as ordinary or routine!

16. Nothing can stop you from achieving success except yourself, so don’t give up on what’s important to you!​​​

17. You are just as amazing now as you always were and always will be!

18. I am so proud of how hard you are working!

19. The world is more beautiful when we play together, laugh together, sing our favorite songs on the radio together…

20. You are perfect just the way you are!

21. Don’t ever let others convince you that who you are isn’t good enough because it is more than good – amazing!

22. It doesn’t matter what happens in life… keep going no matter what! Everything will be OK eventually- so don’t worry about tomorrow!

23. It’s OK to say no, it’s OK to change your mind, and it’s always OK to make mistakes – learn from them whenever you can!

24. You are a huge part of this world that needs positivity every day, so keep smiling even when things get tough!

25. You can do it!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (22)

Featured resource

Calm Confident Kids Toolbox

These positive affirmations and so much more are a part of our newest Calm Confident Kids Toolbox, including breathing exercises, posters, worksheets, and more. This is a special offer, and we don’t know how long it will last. Learn More Here

26. The view from the top is spectacular

27. You can ask for help

28. If you believe it, you can achieve it

29. Your mistakes are chances to learn

30. Reach for the stars

31. You are unstoppable

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (23)

32. Challenges make youstronger

33. Make an effort, NOT an excuse

34. Follow your dreams

35. Life throws us curve balls and throws us for loops – but it’s up to you how you handle them!

36. The world is a better place with you in it!

37. You’re the best friend a person could ask for!!

38. Every day is a chance to get closer to who we are supposed to be, so go out there and be the best you that YOU can possibly be!

39. Believe in yourself, and always remember, you are your own best friend!

40. You make me proud every day with the fantastic person I see standing before me who is strong, fearless, kind, and caring…never stop being you!

41. You are more powerful than any single person out there – so go out into this world with your head held high because YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

42. It’s OK to feel scared, it’s OK to feel sad, and it’s OK to feel angry too

43. Everyone worries sometimes

44. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

45. You are strong and capable of doing anything you set your mind to – so look forward with hope instead of fear!

45. The world is better off with people like you who make others smile, laugh, and feel loved, so keep doing what you’re amazing at!!

46. Keep smiling even if you’ve been through some tough times – you deserve a life filled with happiness and positivity!!

47. You are so loved…and no matter what, always remember that! So don’t ever forget how amazing you truly are!!!

48. You don’t always need to follow the crowd.

49. You should never be afraid of who you are – embrace it because the world needs more people like you!!!

50. Be you. Everyone else is already taken!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (24)

Why do we need positive affirmations in the world today?

Positive affirmations are important in today’s day and age because the world we live in is not always a friendly place.

Kids face enormous challenges, and there is SO much pressure on them. It is essential to help kids build confidence and pride in themselves. And not just believe in themselves on the surface, but deep down in the deepest potholes of their being.

Instilling these positive beliefs into kids’ minds will make it easier for them to love themselves, know who they are, and tackle anything that life can and will throw at them.

Affirmations help people of all ages learn how to love who they truly are inside and out instead of worrying about what others think or say about them. It helps flip negative thought patterns and is a powerful tool for social-emotional learning.

We can all use a little bit of positivity and inspiration in our lives.

When you feel good about yourself, anything is possible!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (25)

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Students and Kids

The power of positive affirmations for kids is undeniable. We don’t have to let the negative voice take over! We can whisper these positive statements over and over and change our child’s day!

Whether you want your children to be more confident, happier, or less stressed, these affirming statements can help them live up to their full potential and achieve goals that will have a lasting impact on themselves and the world around them.

What other ways parents can encourage self-confidence and resilience in their children? Please share with us below!

Have an amazing day!

140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (26)

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140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (27)
140 Positive Affirmations for Kids To Use Daily (Inspire & Encourage) • Mindfulmazing.com (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.