16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (2024)

These 16 veggie and vegan cold and flu-fighting recipes will show that you don't need chicken soup to feel better. From soups and smoothies to hot toddies and tonics, this list of immune-boosting recipes will see you on the mend in no time.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (1)

When you think about cold and flu fighting recipes, you'll likely first think of chicken soup.

But us vegetarians and vegans certainly don't need to miss out on poorly comfort food. There are plenty of options for tasty and healthy vegetarian and vegan sick food.

There are loads of great meat-free recipes that will support your immune system and help prevent colds and flu.

When I was scouring the web for the best remedy recipes, a few ingredients cropped up time and again.

Garlic and ginger came out on top, closely followed by turmeric.

Below you'll find plenty of veggie cold and flu fighting recipes, from tonics and smoothies to soups and hot toddy.

Here are some great options of what to eat when sick.

veggie and vegan cold and flu fighting recipes

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (2)

Vegan Chicken Noodle Soup // This vegan version of the classic chicken noodle soup is easy to make, full of flavor and comforting.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (3)

Turmeric Tonic // This turmeric tonic, from Green Kitchen Stories is a soothing and sweet drink based on an Indian Ayurvedic home remedy.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (4)

Beetroot Soup // Beetroot soup harnesses all the nourishment of beets in a creamy flavorful soup to help you recover from flu!

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (5)

Pea Soup // This quick and easy pantry pea soup is full of nourishing peas. A super simple cold and flu fighting recipe.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (6)

Zucchini Soup // This is another quick simple vegetable soup. Zucchini soup is full of nourishing green veg so it makes a great vegan sick food.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (7)

Green Pasta // If you don't have a sore throat, you may want to go for something a little heartier than soup. The vegetable sauce for this Green Pasta is full of antioxidant-rich avocado and green herbs. You could even make it an all-veg meal by swapping the pasta for zoodles made with spiralised zucchini / courgette.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (8)

Feel Better Soup // Well and Full shares the recipe for this Feel Better Soup.

It's made with healing spices and delicious aromatics, such as turmeric, thyme and black pepper making it the perfect soup for when you're feeling under the weather!

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (9)

Vegan Lentil Soup // This vegan lentil soup is velvety smooth, creamy, nourishing and only has 7 ingredients!

Ready in less than 25 minutes, it’s a one-pot high-protein, filling and delicious soup recipe that's great for warding off colds.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (10)

Easy Tomato Soup // This delicious easy tomato soup recipe only takes 20 minutes to make and 6 simple ingredients.

It’s full of flavour, creamy and is vegetarian, vegan and gluten free. A perfect nourishing and easy vegan soup for colds.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (11)
16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (12)

Slow Cooker Lentil Stew - This slow cooker or stovetop Lentil Stew will warm you up on cold evenings.

It’s easy, hearty and bursting with vegetables and great taste.

Optional harissa paste gives a lovely depth of warm flavor. Vegan and gluten-free. Perfect to nourish your body when suffering from a cold or flu.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (13)

Easy Vegan Laksa // This easy vegan laksa (Malaysian soup) from Veggie Desserts is ready in under 15 minutes, and it’s bursting with flavour from the coconut milk, chilli and turmeric.

It’s a filling meal, warming starter or easy side dish - full of nourishing cold and flu busting spices. This is a great filling, vegan soup for colds.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (14)

Rainbow Superfood Nut Milks // These vibrant nut milks from The Hungry Herbivores are so pretty!

Beneath those lovely colours is a load of cold and flu-busting goodness from spirulina, baobab, blueberry, maca and turmeric. These are more great vegan immune boosting recipes.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (15)

Quick Kale Soup // Veggie Desserts shares the recipe for this beautiful blended kale soup.

It's full of nourishing greens and is a great vegetarian or vegan soup for coughs and colds (easily vegan).

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (16)

Mexican Bean Soup // This hearty spicy Mexican Bean Soup has a little chilli kick to help blast away your illness.

This vegan soup for colds will fill you up and give you some protein and goodness.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (17)

Indonesian Jamu - Turmeric Health Tonic // I hadn't heard of jamu before reading this lovely recipe from Quite Good Food.

It's an Indonesian tonic that's served chilled and it's flavoured with turmeric, ginger and lime. Amber says, "Jamu is traditional Indonesian medicine, predominantly made from natural ingredients including roots, bark, flowers, seeds, leaves and fruits. It dates back thousands of years and has some similarities to Ayurveda. In Indonesia jamu is used to address a wide range of ailments, depending on the ingredients used."

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (18)

Vegan Noodle Soup // This vegan version of the classic chicken soup from The Vegan 8 shows that you don't need meat to make the classic comforting get well soup.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (19)

Immune Booster Vegan Ramen Bowl // Whether or not you have a cold or flu, you'll love tucking into a bowl of May I Have That Recipe's vegan ramen bowl.

It's full of nourishing veggies, plus turmeric and ginger.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (20)

Anti Inflammatory Lemon Turmeric Tonic // Tasting Page has created this lemon turmeric tonic as a healthy elixir.

It's perfect to drink every day and keep the body optimized, or to help ward off cold and flu.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (21)

Carrot Sweet Potato Soup // This creamy veg-packed soup is a warming way to make you feel better. It's a delicious and easy vegan soup for coughs and flu.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (22)

Turmeric Shots // Umami Girl's turmeric shots blend turmeric, ginger, golden beet, carrot, orange, green apple and lime juices. As she says, they’re a nice little natural pick-me-up full of micronutrients.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (23)

Apple Ginger Flu Shot // Grab your blender and whiz up Aline Made's nourishing Flu Shot smoothie. The fruit, ginger and turmeric will all help to support your immune system.

I hope these recipes will help you on the way to a speedy recovery from a cold or flu. They're all tasty vegetarian or vegan immune boosting recipes.

16 Veggie and Vegan Cold and Flu Fighting Recipes (2024)


What vegans eat to get over a cold? ›

To boost your immune system, eat foods containing vitamins A and C: citrus fruits, kiwi, and tomatoes to cover the C, and broccoli and dark, leafy greens for vitamin A.

What vegetarian food is good for cold and cough? ›

  1. Bananas. Bananas are one of the easiest foods on the digestive system and remain one of the few appealing foods when your appetite diminishes due to illness. ...
  2. Berries. If you have a cold, try eating berries. ...
  3. Broth. ...
  4. Carrots. ...
  5. Chamomile Tea. ...
  6. Cherries. ...
  7. Citrus Fruits. ...
  8. Garlic.
Sep 1, 2023

What vegan food is good for you when you are sick? ›

7 Healthy Recipes to Cook When You're Having a Cold or Flu
  • Vegan Noodle Soup with Veggies. ...
  • Citrus Salad with Blood Orange Vinaigrette. ...
  • Vegan Rice Noodle Soup. ...
  • Golden Coconut Soup with Rice Noodles. ...
  • Red Thai Coconut Soup. ...
  • Energy Balls with Amaranth and Turmeric.

What vegetarian food is good for fever? ›

Green leafy veggies

Spinach, romaine lettuce, and kale are some of the green leafy vegetables packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that gives energy to your body during fever.

What is the best veg to fight a cold? ›

Kale, broccoli, cranberries, green tea, red onions, blueberries: What do these have in common? All have an antioxidant called quercetin that may help you fight the common cold.

What foods fight off a cold? ›

What to Eat When You Are Sick
  • Garlic. Garlic has been studied for centuries for its anti-bacterial properties. ...
  • Chicken Soup. Good, old fashioned chicken soup has been used forever as a common cold aid and there are some real benefits. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Non-Fat Greek Yogurt. ...
  • Red Bell Peppers. ...
  • Blueberries.
Dec 15, 2021

What juice is good for coughing up mucus? ›

Drinking pineapple juice can reduce cough

According to research, the nutrients in pineapple juice have the ability to soothe the symptoms of a cough or cold. Another analysis also showed that pineapple juice soothes the throat and dissolves mucus, so it could be used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

What foods help stop coughing? ›

Natural Cough Remedies
  • Honey. 1/12. A teaspoon or two of honey may cut mucus production. ...
  • Hot Drinks. 2/12. Hot drinks won't ease a stuffy head, but they can soothe a cough much better than room temperature drinks. ...
  • Ginger. 3/12. ...
  • Water. 4/12. ...
  • Steam. 5/12. ...
  • Neti Pot. 6/12. ...
  • Elderberry. 7/12. ...
  • Menthol. 8/12.
Aug 28, 2023

Which fruit is best for cough and cold? ›

Fruits can also be highly beneficial during those cough and cold days. Apples, berries, pineapples, and much more can help keep inflammation at bay. However, say no to citrus fruits during cough and cold. They are the handful of fruits to avoid during cough and cold.

What is the most nutritious thing to eat when sick? ›

Some fruits and cooked vegetables are easy on an upset stomach. For example, applesauce, bananas, and potatoes provide essential nutrients you may lose if you have diarrhea or vomiting. Applesauce is a source of potassium and vitamin C but has less fiber than an apple with a peel.

Which fruit is best for fever and cold? ›

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, contain high levels of flavonoids and vitamin C. These decrease inflammation and boost immunity, which may help to fight a fever. Some studies suggest that a flavonoid called quercetin, which is also found in berries, may help to treat rhinovirus infections.

Can I eat banana in fever? ›

Bananas are a great food to eat when you're sick. They're soft and bland but rich in nutrients and fast-acting carbs. The potassium in bananas can also help replenish your electrolyte stores since potassium is one of the key electrolytes your body needs. Another benefit of bananas is the soluble fiber they contain.

What should Indians eat for breakfast when having a fever? ›

Khichdi is a wholesome meal that is the quintessential fever food. It is so easy to make and tastes absolutely amazing. You can pair it up with some coriander leaves, lemon juice and savour it with some mint chutney or curd on the side.

Are vegans more susceptible to colds? ›

Contrary to popular belief, vegans can get sick, too. For those who do not follow a balanced, nutritious diet, the risk may be higher, and this is because vitamin and nutrient deficiencies can trigger a significant decrease in our immune system function, therefore allowing the invasion of viruses into our bodies.

What is vegan for a cough? ›

Bronchostop cough syrup contains marshmallow root extract and thyme extract, making this traditional herbal vegan cough syrup suitable for all types of coughs. Cough syrups can soothe the throat and generally make having a cold and cough a little easier to wait out.

Why am I vegan and always cold? ›

One possibility is that they are not getting enough iron. Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Without enough iron, the body cannot transport enough oxygen to the tissues, which can lead to cold intolerance.

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