20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (2024)

The following deep emotional love letters for him will take you back to a time when people communicated through letters.

Now we have texts and emails, but there’s something so romantic and much more personal in letters, isn’t there?

To write deep emotional love letters for him, you have to put a lot of your time and energy into it. You have to communicate in a different way than you normally do.

Whether you put a letter in an envelope or send it through an email is your choice. Either way, it sends a message of deep feelings.

You can find some tips for writing a letter, use our examples, or read them to get inspired to write your own.

Aren’t sure whether to send one in the first place? Sometimes, we write letters we never send as reminders of the feelings we have, and some guys even write a letter to their future wife.

Your boyfriend might not be so great with expressing his feelings, but he’d still appreciate a letter from you. Read through our collection of deep emotional love letters for him and send one to your boyfriend.

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (1)

If you want to personalize your letter first, you can, and you can even combine ours with yours. Simply choose the sentences which best describe your feelings for him.

If you instead find a letter that already perfectly describes your feelings, don’t hesitate to send it.

Some of these deep emotional love letters for him will leave you breathless. Don’t hesitate to leave your partner breathless as well.

Just because guys like to act tough, it doesn’t mean that they’re immune to romance. Deep emotional love letters for him will surely touch his heart.

Write down all the deep emotional love letters for him you were thinking of sending him.

When you’re ready to send one, do so, but if you’re not yet ready to, it’s okay. You can simply enjoy them until you decide to send them.

Your partner will most likely save a letter from you forever. Deep emotional love letters for him are there to capture your emotion for all eternity.

Even if you’d like to write a letter to someone you still love but aren’t with, write one. Think about whether to send it or not, though.

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (2)

If you keep deep emotional love letters for him in your diary, you can read them again after some time.

On the other hand, if you’re with the man you love and just want to express your feelings, celebrate that love. Don’t let the romance disappear from your relationship and use these deep emotional love letters for him.

Afterward, you can find more love letters for him that you can read and use. What do you think about these?

Deep emotional love letters for him.

1. My love,

The moment it struck me that what we had was true love was when I began to care deeply for someone other than myself, and all the love songs I heard became all about you.

You are the very charm that my heart and mind recognize. I don’t want to ever give you reasons to doubt my love for you.

We have become two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other. I love you with all that lives and breathes in me.

In addition, thank you for sweeping me off my feet the way you did, and for bringing me all the love and peace.

2. Hey sweetheart,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (3)

I realize that I overreacted last night, and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. The truth is, I can’t picture my life without you.

When you walk into the room, my heart beats a little faster. When I hear your voice, I melt a little inside.

And when I see your sweet face, I know that you are my one true love. When you take me in your arms, it feels like coming home to the only place I belong.

Please forgive me and let me make it up to you tonight.

3. My king,

I fully acknowledge my luck in being the only woman who you made your queen.

I am well aware that there are millions of beautiful and smart women out there, one of which could have easily become the manager of your kingdom.

However, you decided to fight the odds just to be my king. It’s truly my good fortune that I can’t take lightly, given that you had to withstand so much to stick with me.

Honey, I respect you for being the man of my dreams, one who isn’t afraid to go after what he desires.

I adore you because you are the epitome of loyalty. Finally, I love you because I am hopelessly in love with you.

4. Love,

I always thought I knew who the man of my dreams was until I met you. Any thoughts I could have had of the perfect person went out the window when you came into my life.

You have exceeded all of my expectations. Even with your flaws, you’re perfect because you’re the perfect person for me.

I could not have dreamed up a better person. Being with you is like being in a dream that I never want to wake up from.

5. Hello my love,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (4)

As you will know from my daily confessions of, “I love you,” I have come to adore you. I still can’t come to terms with the fact that I get to call such a charming man mine.

You have made me feel exceptional! And you do it so effortlessly.

Your love and passion give me so much strength to drive through every day without quitting. Since I met you, I’ve never cherished another as I do you, and I don’t think I ever will.

I have come to realize that my greatest fear is losing you. I love you with my whole being and the meaning you have brought into my life is invaluable.

6. Hey honey,

You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. I just can’t stop thinking about you.

You are the most important person in my life so I just wanted to say I love you, and I can’t wait to see you again.

Just being with you has made all my dreams come true, and I want to do everything I can to make you feel that way too.

You deserve to be treasured for being the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful boyfriend any girl could ask for and believe me, I do treasure you.

7. Cutie pie,

Loving you has opened me up to a lot of things I wouldn’t have known. A day makes no sense if I don’t get to spend a few minutes of it with you.

You are my daily devotion, but I’m glad I get to include you in my daily activities.

Without you, I’d lose this happiness I feel inside of me. I’d feel incomplete, as I am nothing without you, my love.

You’re my everything and my Mr. Perfect. I can’t stop imagining a future with you, in a beautiful house with flowers in the garden and our kids playing outside.

Let’s forget our flaws and focus on our perfections. You are the best for me, baby.

8. My darling,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (5)

I wanted to write you a love letter. I know it’s a little silly but I thought I’d try anyway.

It’s just that I feel so much when I’m with you that I wanted to try to put it in words so that you know how I feel about you.

You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing.

Though I can’t see you right now, I can picture how you are. I see your eyes and how they shine, the way you smile, and how you look right before you laugh.

I want to be next to you right now and I don’t want you to hold anything back. I’ll always be there for you and I hope that you know that.

I can feel you close to me even though you’re far away. Please believe me when I say I love you.

9. Dear boo,

I want to let you know that you’re the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. It’s unbelievable that you’re mine.

Your smile is one in a million and the way you make me laugh harder than anyone else could makes me feel loved and cherished.

You’re simply the definition of a perfect boyfriend.

10. Love of my life,

No amount of gifts bought or words written down can do justice in expressing just how intense my love is for you.

The only thing I would want to change about our relationship is that I had found you sooner.

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, baby, as you would realize the extent of my love for you. My story can never be complete without you in it.

11. Honey,

You always ask me why I love you, so I decided to write it all down so you can keep it and read it whenever you feel the need.

I love your sense of humor. It’s one of the first things I noticed about you.

You have a way of putting people at ease with a simple joke, and you always include everyone in the fun instead of using your humor to put someone down.

I also love your optimistic nature. You always try to see the good in every person and situation, even when I can’t see it myself.

When I look at the world through your eyes, it’s a better place.

12. My love,

If you’re wondering how much I love you, wonder no more. You’re the sun in my sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air I breathe.

Before I met you, I didn’t believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given me faith that true love really does exist because I share it with you.

13. Dear sweetheart,

You mean the world to me, you’re more than just a boyfriend to me, and words alone can’t explain what you are in my life. You are my sunshine.

I wish you could look into my heart to see how much I love you. You have indeed shown me the qualities of a good boyfriend and showered me with love.

I would love to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I care, value, and respect you.

Whenever I say I love you, I mean it. It emanates from the bottom of my heart and there’s nothing on earth that can change what I feel for you.

You are in my every thought and there’s never a day I consider complete without a thought about you.

14. My rock,

You’ve always been the person I can count on for anything, be it my wildest dreams or my darkest fears. You’re my biggest cheerleader who claps the loudest.

You’re the best partner and teammate that any woman could ask for. You’ve never failed to be there for me anytime I need you.

I love how I can picture myself with you for all eternity, how you make me excited about love like a love-struck teenager.

I may not get to say this every day, but I want you to always know that I love you truly and you are the one I cannot let go of.

15. My prince,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (7)

Have I ever told you how special you are to me? You’re the most special person in my life; in fact, you are my life.

I want to promise you that I will always love you, that I will bring you sunshine, and paint a smile on your face.

I’ll comfort you, I promise you, and I’ll gather up rainbows to chase away all your sadness.

I promise to take care of you, to help you in any way I can, from a simple smile of encouragement to shouldering your problems.

As long as forever, my love will stay true, I solemnly promise you that.

16. Hey sweetie,

I always dreamed of having a boyfriend, and I used to ponder what he’d be like. I imagined he’d be handsome and funny, and he’d be a great person too.

Now you’re here, and all my dreams have become a reality. It’s so wonderful to have someone special to share everything with.

You laugh at my dorky jokes, and we love listening to the same music. I feel like I can tell you anything, and you understand exactly where I’m coming from.

I’ve never been so happy, and it’s all because of you. I hope you feel the same, and I promise I’ll try to be the best girlfriend you’ve ever had.

17. Hello, sweetheart,

I love you because you constantly remind me of how important I am to you and because you know what I’m thinking even before I say it aloud.

Because you’re a good listener, and you’re willing to support my dreams and aspirations no matter how absurd they might be, I love you.

I love you because you’re incredibly strong, just as you are caring and affectionate to those around you.

Because you always want what is best for me even when I don’t even realize it myself, I love you.

And above all, I love you because you are just you.

18. My love,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (8)

I love the way you look. You’re so handsome, but you don’t seem to realize how good-looking you are.

I see the way other people look at you, and I know they envy me for being with you. I’d love you even if you weren’t so darn handsome, but I’m glad you are.

I love your gentle hands. You’re such a strong man, but you have such a soft touch.

When you take my hand in yours, I feel safe and cared for. I can’t tell you how wonderful that is.

I love your generous soul. Whenever someone’s in need, you’re the first person to lend a hand.

Some people might think you’re a little too generous and easily taken advantage of, but I know better. You just can’t resist helping because you understand how easily you could find yourself in their situation.

19. My beloved,

Being away from you is a lot worse than I could have ever imagined. I truly realize now how much you mean to me.

I have a hard time falling asleep at night as I keep thinking about you, about our times together.

Then during the day, it’s the same… I miss you all the time and I can hardly concentrate on the things I’m doing.

No distraction seems strong enough to divert my attention. Your image just keeps reappearing in my mind.

My dear, I love you, and this separation is just so tough on me. There’s a calendar on my bedroom wall, where I keep counting the hours and days until I see you again.

I miss you more than you know and I hope that you miss me too. I’m sending you a kiss, a hug, my heart, and my love, always.

20. My dear,

You know how mushy I can get when I’m next to you? Well, this is one of those times.

I know that you know I love you; I mean, I tell you this all the time. But sometimes I wonder if you really know just how much.

And if you’re pondering how much, well, let me tell you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

I knew I wanted to go through both the good times and the bad times with you, richer and poorer, by your side.

You’ve become the air I breathe and I’ve seen what it’s like to give love.

21. My Prince Charming,

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (9)

I still can’t believe that we’ve been together for years, and it all still feels like yesterday! Time seems to go by so fast when I’m with you.

I will forever cherish all the memories we’ve made. So far, being with you has been nothing but a blessing.

Our love has become the envy of all. I wake up with more and more reasons to fall in love with you all over again and I never want to stop!

Loving you has taught me more than I thought I knew, so thank you for sweeping me off my feet. I adore you so much.

22. Darling,

Ever since I met you, I don’t really notice anyone else around me, as if it’s only you who matters. And, of course, you’re the most important person in my life.

There’s nobody else I would rather be with. I would choose you again and again and again.

If there’s life after this, I would choose you there too. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t imagine living without you.

I don’t need anyone else but you. You and only you can make me happy.

I love you from the bottom of my heart and this is the pure truth. You’re so kind, smart, funny, confident, and handsome and I want you to know that my heart will always be tied to yours.

23. Love of my life,

You’re more precious to me than all the treasures beneath the sea. You’re more important to me than life itself.

I don’t know how it all started, and I don’t want to know whether there will be an end. I just want to cherish the present with you, and I long for more memories to be made with you in the near future.

Life might seem unsure and unpredictable, but I’m certain that I want you in my life forever. I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will ever be.

You mean the world to me, honey.

Read more: 120+ Deep Love Messages For Him To Make Him Love You More

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (10)
20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart (2024)


How do you write a love letter that will make him cry? ›

I want to be with you, share my dreams with you, and face the challenges of life with you by my side. You are my love, my joy, and my heart's true desire. I love you more than words can express, and I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. You are my everything, and I cherish every moment we share.

How do guys feel when a girl writes them a letter? ›

It can make them feel valued and special. Happiness: Receiving a love letter can bring a sense of joy and happiness. Knowing that someone has taken the time to express their feelings in a tangible way can be a heartwarming experience.

How to write a letter to your boyfriend explaining how you feel? ›

Literally "count the ways" you love them, and list some of the reasons for your love. Talk about how your life has changed since they became a part of it and why you are grateful for that. Talk about the future, where your relationship will be going next, how you will be there to support and "show up" for each other.

What text will make him cry long distance? ›

My heart is forever yours, and I am overwhelmed by love for you.” “You are the love of my life, and I am deeply touched by the way you've filled my world with happiness and love.” “Your love has the power to heal all wounds and make everything better. I am forever thankful for your presence in my life.”

Do girls like when guys write them notes? ›

In general, it's flattering, and if from the right guy, it's wonderful. Sometimes it's embarrassing, if it's from someone she knows really likes her, but she doesn't reciprocate the feeling. In that case she doesn't want to hurt the guy, but also doesn't want to falsely encourage him.

Do guys like to read love letters? ›

Love letters are not a thing of the past. In fact, a lot of people end up writing them to people they care about. Among my guy friends, love letters are one of their favorite things to get from the ladies because they can hold onto them and read them over and over again.

Do men appreciate love letters? ›

Guys love receiving love letters just as much as anyone, but getting all those emotions you feel in a love letter for him can be a little tricky. Don't worry about finding the perfect words, though. We've got you covered with some great examples of love letters for boyfriends to help inspire you.

What is the sweetest love letter? ›

You have made my soul come alive, and my heart couldn't stop loving you for a mere moment. I am utterly grateful to destiny for you and your love. You are the sweetest thing in my life, and there is nothing else I would ever love as I love you. Thank you for being in my life and making me believe in true love.

What is the greatest love letter ever written? ›

The Most Romantic Love Letters Ever Written
  1. Johnny Cash in a letter to June Carter in 1994. ...
  2. Napoleon Bonaparte sends his love to Joséphine de Beauharnais in 1796. ...
  3. Winston Churchill in a letter to his wife Clementine Churchill in 1935. ...
  4. Ernest Hemingway professes his love to Marlene Dietrich in 1951.

How do you start a deep love letter? ›

Start off with a sweet salutation like, "Dear darling," "To my love" or using their special nickname so they know this letter is all about them. Don't be afraid to get mushy to really set the mood. Next, tell them why you're writing a letter instead of just signing a generic card.

What is a deep love message for him? ›

Love Messages for Him. You are my everything, and I am so grateful for your love and support. You are the sunshine in my life, and I love you more than words can express. You're my strength, my protector and my hero.

How do you express your feelings to a guy in words paragraph? ›

From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, thoughts of you fill my mind and warm my heart. I'm grateful for the way you understand me without words, the way you support me without hesitation, and the way you love me unconditionally. You are my forever love, and I'm so blessed to have you in my life!

How do you write a painful love letter? ›

Sad Love Letters for Breakup

Dear [Recipient's Name], I never thought I'd have to write this, but I need to express my feelings. The love we shared was real and beautiful, but I can't ignore the growing distance between us. I cherish our memories and the happiness you brought into my life.

What can I write to make my boyfriend cry? ›

Sweet Things To Say To Your Boyfriend To Make Him Cry
  • I could stay awake all night to hear you breathe and see you smile while you sleep. ...
  • I could lose myself in this moment for the rest of my life, and every moment I spend with you is one I cherish.
  • We were both frozen in love the day we met.
Mar 19, 2024

How do you write a very emotional letter? ›

Use strong words specific details.

Writing your heart out means that you need to use correct words to express what you're feeling. Use vivid details to make your intentions clear. It's good to use good words, but don't get addicted to the thesaurus.

How do you write a letter to make someone cry? ›

Write it like how you'd tell a story. Write about how they touched you, what they said to you, the look in their eyes. These small details make a memory more vivid for the person reading it. Take them back in time with you and show them what could've been.

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