Download 45500 Famous Motivational Quotes Database in Excel and PDF | Sharp Quotes (2024)

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Download motivational quotes database from below links both in excel spreadsheet text file as well as pdf file. The list contains 45500+ famous quotes from 76+ categories, e.g.age, alone, amazing, anger, anniversary, architecture, art, attitude, beauty, best, birthday, business, car, change, communication, computers, cool, courage, dad, dating, death, design, diet, dreams, education, environmental, equality, experience, failure, faith, family, famous, fear, fitness, food, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, funny, future, gardening, god, good, government, graduation, great, happiness, health, history, home, hope, humor, imagination, inspirational, intelligence, jealousy, knowledge, leadership, learning, legal, life, love, marriage, medical, men, mom, money, morning, movies, thoughts, pain, beauty, idea, music, religion, success and few others.

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First 1000 Quotes from the collection of 45500+ motivational quotes:

1. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. – Mark Twain

2. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. – Henry Ford

3. Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. – Mark Twain

4. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. – Kurt Vonnegut

5. A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age. – Robert Frost

6. As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. – Andrew Carnegie

7. How incessant and great are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete. – C. S. Lewis

8. Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage, but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator. – Confucius

9. Old age has deformities enough of its own. It should never add to them the deformity of vice. – Eleanor Roosevelt

10. Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. – Samuel Ullman

11. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her. – Agatha Christie

12. All diseases run into one, old age. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. Bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age. – Aristotle

14. Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries. – Bill Cosby

15. Age appears to be best in four things old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. – Francis Bacon

16. None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. – Henry David Thoreau

17. Every man over forty is a scoundrel. – George Bernard Shaw

18. Forty is the old age of youth fifty the youth of old age. – Victor Hugo

19. You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. – George Burns

20. Alas, after a certain age every man is responsible for his face. – Albert Camus

21. Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to. – Bill Vaughan

22. Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young. – Theodore Roosevelt

23. A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth. Instead of its bringing sad and melancholy prospects of decay, it would give us hopes of eternal youth in a better world. – Maurice Chevalier

24. A man growing old becomes a child again. – Sophocles

25. I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am. – Francis Bacon

26. Age considers youth ventures. – Rabindranath Tagore

27. What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy. – Voltaire

28. Age is a very high price to pay for maturity. – Tom Stoppard

29. Old age is no place for sissies. – Bette Davis

30. I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything till noon. That’s when it’s time for my nap. – Bob Hope

31. As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body, but can never be so in mind. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

32. I don’t believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates. – T. S. Eliot

33. Advice in old age is foolish for what can be more absurd than to increase our provisions for the road the nearer we approach to our journey’s end. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

34. When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age. – Victor Hugo

35. It takes a long time to become young. – Pablo Picasso

36. After thirty, a body has a mind of its own. – Bette Midler

37. There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. – Sophia Loren

38. Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. – Don Marquis

39. Old minds are like old horses you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order. – John Adams

40. Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age. – Hosea Ballou

41. Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art. – Stanislaw Lec

42. Preparation for old age should begin not later than one’s teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement. – Dwight L. Moody

43. There is always some specific moment when we become aware that our youth is gone but, years after, we know it was much later. – Mignon McLaughlin

44. Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form. – Andre Maurois

45. As long as any adult thinks that he, like the parents and teachers of old, can become introspective, invoking his own youth to understand the youth before him, he is lost. – Margaret Mead

46. Old age is fifteen years older than I am. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

47. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. – Betty Friedan

48. The great secret that all old people share is that you really haven’t changed in seventy or eighty years. Your body changes, but you don’t change at all. And that, of course, causes great confusion. – Doris Lessing

49. The trick is growing up without growing old. – Casey Stengel

50. Old age comes on suddenly, and not gradually as is thought. – Emily Dickinson

51. I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that. – Lauren Bacall

52. I’m happy to report that my inner child is still ageless. – James Broughton

53. Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor. – Euripides

54. It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen. – Brigitte Bardot

55. One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young. – William Feather

56. After you’re older, two things are possibly more important than any others: health and money. – Helen Gurley Brown

57. You end up as you deserve. In old age you must put up with the face, the friends, the health, and the children you have earned. – Judith Viorst

58. I’m not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You’re as old as you feel. – Henri Frederic Amiel

59. Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. – Sam Ewing

60. My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s. – Warren Beatty

61. As you age naturally, your family shows more and more on your face. If you deny that, you deny your heritage. – Frances Conroy

62. Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you’re aboard, there’s nothing you can do. – Golda Meir

63. In youth the days are short and the years are long. In old age the years are short and day’s long. – Pope Paul VI

64. The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. – Doug Larson

65. Age is how we determine how valuable you are. – Jane Elliot

66. Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. – Bob Hope

67. Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life. – Kitty O’Neill Collins

68. I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. – Josh Billings

69. To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age. – Amos Bronson Alcott

70. If you’re old, don’t try to change yourself, change your environment. – B. F. Skinner

71. Old age is an excellent time for outrage. My goal is to say or do at least one outrageous thing every week. – Louis Kronenberger

72. I want to get old gracefully. I want to have good posture, I want to be healthy and be an example to my children. – Sting

73. You know you’re getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them. – Harrison Ford

74. What makes old age so sad is not that our joys but our hopes cease. – Jean Paul

75. Old age is a shipwreck. – Charles de Gaulle

76. While one finds company in himself and his pursuits, he cannot feel old, no matter what his years may be. – Amos Bronson Alcott

77. To resist the frigidity of old age, one must combine the body, the mind, and the heart. And to keep these in parallel vigor one must exercise, study, and love. – Alan Bleasdale

78. Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man. – James Thurber

79. No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else. – Katharine Graham

80. If you haven’t turned rebel by twenty you’ve got no heart if you haven’t turned establishment by thirty you’ve got no brains! – Kevin Spacey

81. Oh rage! Oh despair! Oh age, my enemy! – Pierre Corneille

82. I don’t want to fight aging I want to take good care of myself, but plastic surgery and all that? I’m not interested. – Christine Lahti

83. Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever. – Don Marquis

84. We should so provide for old age that it may have no urgent wants of this world to absorb it from meditation on the next. It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave. – Pearl S. Buck

85. Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. – Harold Coffin

86. Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay. – Doris Day

87. No man is ever old enough to know better. – Holbrook Jackson

88. The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of the blood. – Logan P. Smith

89. In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us. – Beverly Sills

90. We pay when old for the excesses of youth. – J. B. Priestley

91. The answer to old age is to keep one’s mind busy and to go on with one’s life as if it were interminable. I always admired Chekhov for building a new house when he was dying of tuberculosis. – Leon Edel

92. We’ve put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it. – Frank A. Clark

93. The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much but that you change so little. – Max Lerner

94. I’m not afraid of aging. – Shelley Duvall

95. He has a profound respect for old age. Especially when it’s bottled. – Gene Fowler

96. Whatever poet, orator or sage may say of it, old age is still old age. – Sinclair Lewis

97. To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent – that is to triumph over old age. – Thomas Bailey Aldrich

98. In old age we are like a batch of letters that someone has sent. We are no longer in the past, we have arrived. – Knut Hamsun

99. There’s no such thing as old age, there is only sorrow. – Fay Weldon

100. Those who love deeply never grow old they may die of old age, but they die young. – Dorothy Canfield Fisher

101. I get all fired up about aging in America. – Willard Scott

102. The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you’ll grow out of it. – Doris Day

103. There is an anti-aging possibility, but it has to come from within. – Susan Anton

104. The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men more. – Colleen McCullough

105. When a noble life has prepared old age, it is not decline that it reveals, but the first days of immortality. – Muriel Spark

106. The whole business of marshaling one’s energies becomes more and more important as one grows older. – Hume Cronyn

107. The tendency of old age to the body, say the physiologists, is to form bone. It is as rare as it is pleasant to meet with an old man whose opinions are not ossified. – Bob Wells

108. Old age adds to the respect due to virtue, but it takes nothing from the contempt inspired by vice it whitens only the hair. – Ira Gershwin

109. As men get older, the toys get more expensive. – Marvin Davis

110. I find that a man is as old as his work. If his work keeps him from moving forward, he will look forward with the work. – William Ernest Hocking

111. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. – Albert Einstein

112. Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. – Albert Einstein

113. Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age. – Albert Einstein

114. Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize our age. – Albert Einstein

115. The age of a woman doesn’t mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

116. Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. – Mark Twain

117. A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. I told him, ‘At my age, I don’t even buy green bananas.’ – Claude Pepper

118. When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory. – Friedrich Nietzsche

119. Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun as we see that the shadows, which are at morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday. – Eleanor Roosevelt

120. Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are. – Muhammad Ali

121. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves. – Mahatma Gandhi

122. A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. – William Shakespeare

123. In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. – Thomas Jefferson

124. The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next. – Helen Keller

125. The golden age is before us, not behind us. – William Shakespeare

126. Every formula of every religion has in this age of reason, to submit to the acid test of reason and universal assent. – Mahatma Gandhi

127. Thomas Jefferson once said, ‘We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.’ And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying. – Ronald Reagan

128. No woman should ever be quite accurate about her age. It looks so calculating. – Oscar Wilde

129. At twenty years of age the will reigns at thirty, the wit and at forty, the judgment. – Benjamin Franklin

130. Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. – Anais Nin

131. Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. – Ronald Reagan

132. Old age is just a record of one’s whole life. – Muhammad Ali

133. We prefer world law in the age of self-determination to world war in the age of mass extermination. – John F. Kennedy

134. Each age, it is found, must write its own books or rather, each generation for the next succeeding. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

135. Education is the best provision for old age. – Aristotle

136. The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. – Lucille Ball

137. Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die young, but then you’d never complete your life, would you? You’d never wholly know you. – Marilyn Monroe

138. I don’t think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. – Oprah Winfrey

139. The kids are old enough now – I just want to let them be kids. I don’t want to comment on them too much. They’re at an age where I just want to let them be kids. – Eminem

140. He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden. – Plato

141. Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age? – Erich Fromm

142. I’ve got volumes on how not to behave. I’ve got more information now than a guy should have at my age. – Charlie Sheen

143. I’m at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I’ve just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. – Rodney Dangerfield

144. Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese. – Luis Bunuel

145. Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age. – Ernest Hemingway

146. Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi. – Oprah Winfrey

147. In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. – George Orwell

148. I must confess, I was born at a very early age. – Groucho Marx

149. The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which mean never losing your enthusiasm. – Aldous Huxley

150. It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. – Margaret Mead

151. We aren’t in an information age, we are in an entertainment age. – Tony Robbins

152. To me – old age is always ten years older than I am. – John Burroughs

153. Age is not important unless you’re a cheese. – Helen Hayes

154. No matter what age you are, or what your circ*mstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning. – Barbara de Angelis

155. A woman has the age she deserves. – Coco Chanel

156. The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. – H. L. Mencken

157. Youngsters of the age of two and three are endowed with extraordinary strength. They can lift a dog twice their own weight and dump him into the bathtub. – Erma Bombeck

158. He who has not the spirit of this age, has all the misery of it. – Voltaire

159. Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. – Margaret Mead

160. I think being able to age gracefully is a very important talent. It is too late for me. – Clint Eastwood

161. Error is acceptable as long as we are young but one must not drag it along into old age. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

162. Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. – Douglas MacArthur

163. I don’t need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me. – Stephen Fry

164. Talk is by far the most accessible of pleasures. It costs nothing in money, it is all profit, it completes our education, founds and fosters our friendships, and can be enjoyed at any age and in almost any state of health. – Robert Louis Stevenson

165. Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success. – Dale Carnegie

166. Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age. – James Joyce

167. Age merely shows what children we remain. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

168. Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life. – Aphra Behn

169. The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

170. Dressing up is a bore. At a certain age, you decorate yourself to attract the opposite sex, and at a certain age, I did that. But I’m past that age. – Katharine Hepburn

171. I was born at the age of twelve on an MGM lot. – Judy Garland

172. A woman telling her true age is like a buyer confiding his final price to an Armenian rug dealer. – Mignon McLaughlin

173. How young can you die of old age? – Steven Wright

174. Legend: A lie that has attained the dignity of age. – H. L. Mencken

175. Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. – Jeanne Moreau

176. Every great architect is – necessarily – a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age. – Frank Lloyd Wright

177. At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since. – Salvador Dali

178. Middle age is when you’re sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you. – Ogden Nash

179. If youth knew if age could. – Sigmund Freud

180. I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that. – Princess Diana

181. The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different. – Aldous Huxley

182. Men are like wine – some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. – Pope John XXIII

183. I created Punk for this day and age. Do you see Britney walking around wearing ties and singing punk? Hell no. That’s what I do. I’m like a Sid Vicious for a new generation. – Avril Lavigne

184. We are all geniuses up to the age of ten. – Aldous Huxley

185. It is well for the world that in most of us, by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again. – William James

186. Every age has its own poetry in every age the circ*mstances of history choose a nation, a race, a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry. – Jean-Paul Sartre

187. Old age is not a matter for sorrow. It is matter for thanks if we have left our work done behind us. – Thomas Carlyle

188. I suppose when they reach a certain age some men are afraid to grow up. It seems the older the men get, the younger their new wives get. – Elizabeth Taylor

189. Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope. – George Burns

190. Publishing is in a kind of Jurassic age. – Paulo Coelho

191. Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine. – Joan Collins

192. Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age – as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. – Phyllis Diller

193. Youth has no age. – Pablo Picasso

194. Youth is a blunder Manhood a struggle, Old Age a regret. – Benjamin Disraeli

195. To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it. – Bertrand Russell

196. It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion. – Bertrand Russell

197. Nobody expects to trust his body overmuch after the age of fifty. – Alexander Hamilton

198. Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate. – Soren Kierkegaard

199. In youth we learn in age we understand. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

200. Believe me, that was a happy age, before the days of architects, before the days of builders. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

201. I have the problems of, I must confess, old age. – Billy Graham

202. Not just in commerce but in the world of ideas too our age is putting on a veritable clearance sale. Everything can be had so dirt cheap that one begins to wonder whether in the end anyone will want to make a bid. – Soren Kierkegaard

203. Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t improve with age. – Colin Powell

204. It were a real increase of human happiness, could all young men from the age of nineteen be covered under barrels, or rendered otherwise invisible and there left to follow their lawful studies and callings, till they emerged, sadder and wiser, at the age of twenty-five. – Thomas Carlyle

205. People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach retirement age seem very admirable to me. – Helen Hayes

206. Not to expose your true feelings to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards. – George Orwell

207. The heart never grows better by age I fear rather worse, always harder. A young liar will be an old one, and a young knave will only be a greater knave as he grows older. – Lord Chesterfield

208. For age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress, And as the evening twilight fades away The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

209. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. – Satchel Paige

210. Have regular hours for work and play make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success. – Louisa May Alcott

211. Admiration of the proletariat, like that of dams, power stations, and aeroplanes, is part of the ideology of the machine age. – Bertrand Russell

212. But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. – Edmund Burke

213. Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth – two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. – Ambrose Bierce

214. Experience is a revelation in the light of which we renounce our errors of youth for those of age. – Ambrose Bierce

215. My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc. You have less bias. – Abdul Kalam

216. The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class. – Karl Marx

217. In the information age, you don’t teach philosophy as they did after feudalism. You perform it. If Aristotle were alive today he’d have a talk show. – Timothy Leary

218. Once I planned to write a book of poems entirely about the things in my pocket. But I found it would be too long and the age of the great epics is past. – Gilbert K. Chesterton

219. The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

220. It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true. – Gore Vidal

221. The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth. – Edmund Burke

222. The biggest disease this day and age is that of people feeling unloved. – Princess Diana

223. Old age: the crown of life, our play’s last act. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

224. I think women should start to embrace their age. What’s the alternative to getting older? You die. I can’t change the day I was born. But I can take care of my skin, my body, my mind, and try to live my life and be happy. – Olivia Munn

225. Age is getting to know all the ways the world turns, so that if you cannot turn the world the way you want, you can at least get out of the way so you won’t get run over. – Miriam Makeba

226. Few women, I fear, have had such reason as I have to think the long sad years of youth were worth living for the sake of middle age. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

227. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. – Walter Scott

228. Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses. – Francis Bacon

229. Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. – Tom Wilson

230. It is a blessed thing that in every age some one has had the individuality enough and courage enough to stand by his own convictions. – Robert Green Ingersoll

231. And in my own life, in my own small way, I’ve tried to give back to this country that has given me so much. That’s why I left a job at a law firm for a career in public service, working to empower young people to volunteer in their communities. Because I believe that each of us – no matter what our age or background or walk of life – each of us has something to contribute to the life of this nation. – Michelle Obama

232. No lying knight or lying priest ever prospered in any age, but especially not in the dark ones. Men prospered then only in following an openly declared purpose, and preaching candidly beloved and trusted creeds. – John Ruskin

233. A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age he dies of being a man. – Miguel de Unamuno

234. It is with an old love as it is with old age a man lives to all the miseries, but is dead to all the pleasures. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

235. I cried on my 18th birthday. I thought 17 was such a nice age. You’re young enough to get away with things, but you’re old enough, too. – Liv Tyler

236. We live in an age when to be young and to be indifferent can be no longer synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented by suffering millions and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity. – Benjamin Disraeli

237. Age shouldn’t affect you. It’s just like the size of your shoes – they don’t determine how you live your life! You’re either marvellous or you’re boring, regardless of your age. – Steven Morrissey

238. Rashness belongs to youth prudence to old age. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

239. Many believe – and I believe – that I have been designated for this work by God. In spite of my old age, I do not want to give it up I work out of love for God and I put all my hope in Him. – Michelangelo

240. Old age is a tyrant, who forbids, under pain of death, the pleasures of youth. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

241. The defects of the mind, like those of the face, grow worse with age. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

242. The enemy of society is middle class and the enemy of life is middle age. – Orson Welles

243. Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth. – Charles Kingsley

244. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul for that called Body is a portion of Soul discerned by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age. – William Blake

245. Do you remember when you were 10 or 11 years old and you really thought your folks were the best? They were completely omniscient and you took their word for everything. And then you got older and you went through this hideous age when suddenly they were the devil, they were bullies, and they didn’t know anything. – Chuck Palahniuk

246. This is the patent age of new inventions for killing bodies, and for saving souls. All propagated with the best intentions. – Lord Byron

247. The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind. – William Wordsworth

248. The age of chivalry is past. Bores have succeeded to dragons. – Charles Dickens

249. Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. – Peace Pilgrim

250. Like many women my age, I am 28 years old. – Mary Schmich

251. Life, an age to the miserable, and a moment to the happy. – Francis Bacon

252. We are always the same age inside. – Gertrude Stein

253. I am, as I’ve said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary. – Billy Joel

254. Swing voters are more appropriately known as the ‘idiot voters’ because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you’re either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster. – Ann Coulter

255. If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age. – George Burns

256. Old age is far more than white hair, wrinkles, the feeling that it is too late and the game finished, that the stage belongs to the rising generations. The true evil is not the weakening of the body, but the indifference of the soul. – Andre Maurois

257. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth. – W. Somerset Maugham

258. Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves. – Phyllis Diller

259. There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity. – Arthur Schopenhauer

260. Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization. – Bo Bennett

261. Nearly all the powerful people of this age are unbelievers, the best of them in doubt and misery, the most in plodding hesitation, doing as well as they can, what practical work lies at hand. – John Ruskin

262. What is an adult? A child blown up by age. – Simone de Beauvoir

263. Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it first works out the reason for its own existence. – Richard Dawkins

264. I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age. – William Butler Yeats

265. The wisdom of age: don’t stop walking. – Mason Cooley

266. As the age of television progresses the Reagans will be the rule, not the exception. To be perfect for television is all a President has to be these days. – Gore Vidal

267. Before anything else, we need a new age of Enlightenment. Our present political systems must relinquish their claims on truth, justice and freedom and have to replace them with the search for truth, justice, freedom and reason. – Friedrich Durrenmatt

268. Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. – Jack Benny

269. Age’ is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years.- Martha Graham

270. I’m 36 and if I met a woman of my own age and married her, I’d also be marrying her former life, her past. It might be OK for some people – I don’t want to judge it or anything – but it’s not for me. It would destroy my creativity. – Henry Rollins

271. I believe we should encourage children to sing and play instruments from an early age. – Mick Jagger

272. You should not consider a man’s age but his acts. – Sophocles

273. At my age flowers scare me. – George Burns

274. I would go out with women my age, but there are no women my age. – George Burns

275. It is not well to make great changes in old age. – Charles Spurgeon

276. Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age. – William Feather

277. You are 27 or 28 right? It is very tough to live at that age. When nothing is sure. I have sympathy with you. – Haruki Murakami

278. The stars shall fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt amidst the wars of elements, The wrecks of matter, and the crush of worlds. – Joseph Addison

279. Young men soon give, and soon forget, affronts old age is slow in both. – Joseph Addison

280. By all but the pathologically romantic, it is now recognized that this is not the age of the small man. – John Kenneth Galbraith

281. It is not the young people that degenerate they are not spoiled till those of mature age are already sunk into corruption. – Charles de Montesquieu

282. To be happy, we must be true to nature and carry our age along with us. – William Hazlitt

283. Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young. – J. K. Rowling

284. It is the malady of our age that the young are so busy teaching us that they have no time left to learn. – Eric Hoffer

285. I’m at peace with myself and where I am. In the past, I was always looking to see how everybody else was doing. I wasn’t competitive, I was comparative. I just wanted to be where everybody else was. Now I’ve gotten to an age when I am not comparing anymore. – Courteney Cox

286. We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races. – Robert Mugabe

287. Marriage is not about age it’s about finding the right person. – Sophia Bush

288. We have entered an age in which education is not just a luxury permitting some men an advantage over others. It has become a necessity without which a person is defenseless in this complex, industrialized society. We have truly entered the century of the educated man. – Lyndon B. Johnson

289. Old age is the verdict of life. – Amelia Barr

290. The passions grafted on wounded pride are the most inveterate they are green and vigorous in old age. – George Santayana

291. Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it. – Brigitte Bardot

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292. It is unthinkable for a Frenchman to arrive at middle age without having syphilis and the Cross of the Legion of Honor. – Andre Gide

293. It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. All the illustrious persons of antiquity, and indeed of every age in the world, have passed through this fiery persecution. – Joseph Addison

294. There must be a day or two in a man’s life when he is the precise age for something important. – Franklin P. Adams

295. It is old age, rather than death, that is to be contrasted with life. Old age is life’s parody, whereas death transforms life into a destiny: in a way it preserves it by giving it the absolute dimension. Death does away with time. – Simone de Beauvoir

296. I don’t care about age very much. – Chinua Achebe

297. Old age and the passage of time teach all things. – Sophocles

298. I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity. – Tom Stoppard

299. I had used eclectic therapy and behavior therapy on myself at the age of 19 to get over my fear of public speaking and of approaching young women in public. – Albert Ellis

300. Children rarely want to know who their parents were before they were parents, and when age finally stirs their curiosity, there is no parent left to tell them. – Russell Baker

301. Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net. – Franklin P. Adams

302. Old age: I fall asleep during the funerals of my friends. – Mason Cooley

303. Staid middle age loves the hurricane passions of opera. – Mason Cooley

304. Middle age went by while I was mourning for my lost youth. – Mason Cooley

305. In passing, we should note this curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute. – Francis Schaeffer

306. It’s not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us it’s the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses. – Virginia Woolf

307. Not even old age knows how to love death. – Sophocles

308. It’s really amazing that in the age of unbelief, as a smart man called it, there isn’t even more fraud. After all, with no God, there’s no one to ever call you to account, and no accounting at all if you can get away with it. – Ben Stein

309. I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened. – Fidel Castro

310. Temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. – Washington Irving

311. It is not by the gray of the hair that one knows the age of the heart. – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

312. I think the sport of wrestling, which I became involved with at the age of 14… I competed until I was 34, kind of old for a contact sport. I coached the sport until I was 47. I think the discipline of wrestling has given me the discipline I have to write. – John Irving

313. Another belief of mine that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise. – Margaret Atwood

314. Age carries all things away, even the mind. – Virgil

315. Age steals away all things, even the mind. – Virgil

316. In fact, my courage and my bravery at a young age was the thing I was bullied for, a kind of ‘Who do you think you are?’ – Lady Gaga

317. A bad manner spoils everything, even reason and justice a good one supplies everything, gilds a No, sweetens a truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself. – Baltasar Gracian

318. As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of ‘do it yourself.’ – Marshall McLuhan

319. The excess of our youth are checks written against our age and they are payable with interest thirty years later. – Charles Caleb Colton

320. At the age when Bengali youth almost inevitably writes poetry, I was listening to European classical music. – Satyajit Ray

321. I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age I have to hold on to something. – George Burns

322. I’m at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill. – George Burns

323. Age becomes reality when you hear someone refer to that attractive young woman standing next to the woman in the green dress, and you find that you’re the one in the green dress. – Lois Wyse

324. Our scientific age demands that we provide definitions, measurements, and statistics in order to be taken seriously. Yet most of the important things in life cannot be precisely defined or measured. Can we define or measure love, beauty, friendship, or decency, for example? – Dennis Prager

325. The nearer people approach old age the closer they return to a semblance of childhood, until the time comes for them to depart this life, again like children, neither tired of living nor aware of death. – Desiderius Erasmus

326. Old age is a special problem for me because I’ve never been able to shed the mental image I have of myself – a lad of about 19. – E. B. White

327. People until I was 60 would always say they thought I looked younger, which I think, without flattering myself, I did, but I think I certainly have, as George Orwell says people do after a certain age, the face they deserve. – Christopher Hitchens

328. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers. – Dave Barry

329. Why do people talk of the horrors of old age? It’s great. I feel like a fine old car with the parts gradually wearing out, but I’m not complaining,… Those who find growing old terrible are people who haven’t done what they wanted with their lives. – Martha Gellhorn

330. As winter strips the leaves from around us, so that we may see the distant regions they formerly concealed, so old age takes away our enjoyments only to enlarge the prospect of the coming eternity. – Jean Paul

331. God employs several translators some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice. – John Donne

332. No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience. – Jonathan Swift

333. Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age. – Jonathan Swift

334. Invention is the talent of youth, as judgment is of age. – Jonathan Swift

335. I’m very pleased to be here. Let’s face it, at my age I’m very pleased to be anywhere. – George Burns

336. I must be more sensible and realize that at my age, illusions are hardly permitted and they will always destroy me. – Paul Cezanne

337. My age and health will never allow me to realize the dream of art I’ve been pursuing all my life. – Paul Cezanne

338. My husband gave me a necklace. It’s fake. I requested fake. Maybe I’m paranoid, but in this day and age, I don’t want something around my neck that’s worth more than my head. – Rita Rudner

339. From as long as, literally as far back as I can remember I’ve liked puns, word jokes, I can literally recall looking at a comic at the age of six or seven and I remember what I enjoyed and what it was precisely and how the joke worked. – Tom Stoppard

340. The terror of the atom age is not the violence of the new power but the speed of man’s adjustment to it, the speed of his acceptance. – E. B. White

341. I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. No wonder that by age five I was a raging feminist – although the term had not reached Chile yet, so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me. – Isabel Allende

342. The information encoded in your DNA determines your unique biological characteristics, such as sex, eye color, age and Social Security number. – Dave Barry

343. O love, if I regret the age when one savors you, it is not for the hour of pleasure, but for the one that follows it. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

344. In the television age, the key distinction is between the candidate who can speak poetry and the one who can only speak prose. – Richard M. Nixon

345. Age does not matter if the matter does not age. – Jean Paul

346. I’m well past the age where I’m acceptable. You get to a certain age and you are forbidden access. You’re not going to get the kind of coverage that you would like in music magazines, you’re not going to get played on radio and you’re not going to get played on television. I have to survive on word of mouth. – David Bowie

347. Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. – David Herbert Lawrence

348. Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much, we feel so little. – David Herbert Lawrence

349. Everybody past a certain age, regardless of how they look on the outside, pretty much constantly dreams of being able to escape from their lives. – Doug Coupland

350. One keeps forgetting old age up to the very brink of the grave. – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

351. In the age of the individual’s liquidation, the question of individuality must be raised anew. – Theodor Adorno

352. I ask you to pray for me, for once age has overtaken us, we find consolation only in religion. – Paul Cezanne

353. Today more than ever we need creative minds to address the issues of the age. And one of the most urgent is this: How can humanity know so much, achieve so much, and still fail so many people so badly? – King Abdullah II

354. Women lie about their age men lie about their income. – William Feather

355. A major advantage of age is learning to accept people without passing judgment. – Liz Carpenter

356. The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks. – Randall Jarrell

357. There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age, I missed it coming and going. – J. B. Priestley

358. Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age? – Desiderius Erasmus

359. Well, I’m in my 60s now. I finally look it, I think. People until I was 60 would always say they thought I looked younger, which I think, without flattering myself, I did, but I think I certainly have, as George Orwell says people do after a certain age, the face they deserve. – Christopher Hitchens

360. Bombing Afghanistan back into the Stone Age’ was quite a favourite headline for some wobbly liberals. The slogan does all the work. But an instant’s thought shows that Afghanistan is being, if anything, bombed out of the Stone Age.- Christopher Hitchens

361. Save your money. You’re going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think. – Michael Caine

362. If you read back in the Bible, the letter of the apostle Paul to the church of Thessalonia, he said that in the latter days before the end of the age that the Earth would be caught up in what he called the birth pangs of a new order. – Pat Robertson

363. There is no self-knowledge but an historical one. No one knows what he himself is who does not know his fellow men, especially the most prominent one of the community, the master’s master, the genius of the age. – Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

364. Middle age is when your old classmates are so grey and wrinkled and bald they don’t recognize you. – Bennett Cerf

365. In this electronic age we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information, moving toward the technological extension of consciousness. – Marshall McLuhan

366. You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea. – Pearl S. Buck

367. The sanitary and mechanical age we are now entering makes up for the mercy it grants to our sense of smell by the ferocity with which it assails our sense of hearing. – Havelock Ellis

368. Middle age is when you’ve met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else. – Ogden Nash

369. There are people whose watch stops at a certain hour and who remain permanently at that age. – Helen Rowland

370. My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they’re going to do for the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking. – Amy Winehouse

371. They that have lived a single day have lived an age. – Jean de la Bruyere

372. From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery. – John Henry Newman

373. The class distinctions proper to a democratic society are not those of rank or money, still less, as is apt to happen when these are abandoned, of race, but of age. – W. H. Auden

374. Old age, calm, expanded, broad with the haughty breadth of the universe, old age flowing free with the delicious near-by freedom of death. – Edith Wharton

375. We are living in the machine age. For the first time in history the comedian has been compelled to supply himself with jokes and comedy material to compete with the machine. Whether he knows it or not, the comedian is on a treadmill to oblivion. – Fred Allen

376. At a certain age it just became apparent to me that this was probably the work that I would have to do. – Daniel Day-Lewis

377. Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth. – Denis Diderot

378. Every age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of the things that are to be. – Adlai E. Stevenson

379. I would like to see more airplay for all artists, no matter what age. I think there’s a lot of money being spent toward the young guys, but a lot of the older guys are the ones who blazed the trail for those young guys. – Willie Nelson

380. In my old age, I’ll be in L.A. – David Hockney

381. I shall not grow conservative with age. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

382. I first learned that there were black people living in some place called other than the United States in the western hemisphere when I was a very little boy, and my father told me that when he was a boy about my age, he wanted to be an Episcopal priest, because he so admired his priest, a black man from someplace called Haiti. – Henry Louis Gates

383. Why should 20-year-olds only be considered sexy? I think we get better with age. – Jenny McCarthy

384. I saw how many people were poor and how many kids my age went to school hungry in the morning, which I don’t think most of my contemporaries in racially segregated schools in the South thought very much about at the time. – Charles Kuralt

385. When you get to my age life seems little more than one long march to and from the lavatory. – A. C. Benson

386. I think, if you put a camera in anyone’s life and document it daily from the age of 21 to 27, there are going to be things that aren’t always pretty. – Sienna Miller

387. Non-disclosure in the Internet Age is quickly perceived as a breach of trust. Government, corporations and each of us as individuals must recalibrate how we live and share our lives appropriate to the information now available and the expectations of others. – Simon Mainwaring

388. Where children are, there is the golden age. – Novalis

389. Sure I played, did you think I was born at the age of 70 sitting in a dugout trying to manage guys like you? – Casey Stengel

390. To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in itself would be enough to make me ambitious. – Hannah Arendt

391. I came to water late. I learned to swim at the age of 20. – Liam Neeson

392. People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be, that they’re all asleep at the switch. Consequently we are living in the Age of Human Error. – Florence King

393. I was getting hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis. That’s not normal, even for my age. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

394. I remember at the age of five travelling on a trolley car with my mother past a group of women on a picket line at a textile plant, seeing them being viciously beaten by security people. So that kind of thing stayed with me. – Noam Chomsky

395. Age is not all decay it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk. – George MacDonald

396. I knew at a young age, whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse, that my teammates were counting on me, whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game. – Wayne Gretzky

397. The funniest racism is the racism between minorities. It’s something you don’t see dramatized, but almost every minority I know who’s my age, they have these funny stories about their parents stereotyping other minorities. – Mindy Kaling

398. It’s ironic that at age 32, at probably the greatest moment of my career, with The Godfather having such an enormous success, I wasn’t even aware of it, because I was somewhere else under the deadline again. – Francis Ford Coppola

399. I’m asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn’t say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don’t know myself at all yet. – Kristen Stewart

400. Alexander at the head of the world never tasted the true pleasure that boys of his own age have enjoyed at the head of a school. – Horace Walpole

401. To separate children from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone. – Earl Warren

402. In an age of incompetence, I’ve been able to last in this crazy business. I actually know how to play my ax and write a song. That’s my job. – Billy Joel

403. In this age of media and Internet access, we are much more talkative than ever before. – David Duchovny

404. Over the years Woodstock got glorified and romanticised and became the event that symbolised Utopia. It’s the last page of our collective memory of the age of innocence. Then things turned ugly and would never be the same again. – Ang Lee

405. Every time I see something terrible, it’s like I see it at age 19. I keep a freshness that way. – Ralph Nader

406. I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren’t consumed by technology and television. – Jimmy Buffett

407. We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill… it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress. – Li Ka Shing

408. Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered. – Graham Greene

409. Every age yearns for a more beautiful world. The deeper the desperation and the depression about the confusing present, the more intense that yearning. – Johan Huizinga

410. To be told that one can be dependent on one’s parents until age 26 should strike a young person who wants to grow up as demeaning, not as something to celebrate. – Dennis Prager

411. Does age matter? Time doesn’t matter. – Sandra Bullock

412. I figured out it was a social thing, what women were allowed to do. At a very young age, I decided I was not going to follow women’s rules. – Joan Jett

413. We were really grown up for our age and it was an incredible special band. – Joan Jett

414. Age is the first limitation on roles that I’ve ever had to encounter, and I hit that awhile ago. – Jack Nicholson

415. I can’t hit on women in public any more. I didn’t decide this it just doesn’t feel right at my age. – Jack Nicholson

416. This is the first age that’s ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one. – Arthur C. Clarke

417. I feel we live in the kind of culture now where you have to be very smart to navigate the right way, and I just don’t have those smarts. I think with age and time it will change, but I can’t obsess about it. – Sienna Miller

418. The secret of long life is double careers. One to about age sixty, then another for the next thirty years. – David Ogilvy

419. I knew at an early age I wanted to act. Acting was always easy for me. I don’t believe in predestination, but I do believe that once you get where ever it is you are going, that is where you were going to be. – Morgan Freeman

420. The age in which we live, this non-stop distraction, is making it more impossible for the young generation to ever have the curiosity or discipline… because you need to be alone to find out anything. – Vivienne Westwood

421. I can feel the 60S looming. In my profession, I’ve just moved along with my age. By thinking in decades, rather than whether someone’s 42 or 47, you can give yourself a whole 10 years to turn yourself around in. – Francesca Annis

422. We all know now that people can look good for their age. It isn’t so extraordinary, I don’t know why people go on about it so much. – Francesca Annis

423. A lot of music you might listen to is pretty vapid, it doesn’t always deal with our deeper issues. These are the things I’m interested in now, particularly at my age. – Annie Lennox

424. Life expectancy in many parts of Africa can be something around the age of thirty five to thirty eight. I mean you’re very fortunate if you live to that age. In fact when I went to Uganda for the first time one of the things that occurred to me was that I saw very few elderly people. – Annie Lennox

425. Light and funny has a more compelling quality when you’re younger. But I haven’t abandoned the genre: I love falling down I love Lucille Ball. It’s just that a lot of those stories revolve around problems that I can’t convincingly portray at this age. – Julia Roberts

426. I had the good fortune to be able to right an injustice that I thought was being heaped on young people by lowering the voting age, where you had young people that were old enough to die in Vietnam but not old enough to vote for their members of Congress that sent them there. – Birch Bayh

427. The value of old age depends upon the person who reaches it. To some men of early performance it is useless. To others, who are late to develop, it just enables them to finish the job. – Thomas Hardy

428. I’ve gotten crankier in my old age. – Shirley MacLaine

429. I’ve been very competitive by nature from a young age, whether it was eating a bowl of pasta faster than somebody else, or always wanting to be the first one in line. – Maria Sharapova

430. Death comes not to the living soul, nor age to the loving heart. – Phoebe Cary

431. I’m not busy… a woman with three children under the age of 10 wouldn’t think my schedule looked so busy. – Garrison Keillor

432. High expectations weren’t nurtured in my neck of nowhere back then – children weren’t fawned over from an early age as ‘gifted’ and groomed for a prizewinning future self-esteem was considered something you had to pick from the garden yourself. – James Wolcott

433. Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired. – Plautus

434. Whoever marries the spirit of this age will find himself a widower in the next. – William Ralph Inge

435. Of middle age the best that can be said is that a middle-aged person has likely learned how to have a little fun in spite of his troubles. – Don Marquis

436. Old age is always wakeful as if, the longer linked with life, the less man has to do with aught that looks like death. – Herman Melville

437. What I think is amazing is not that 85% of people who get married under the age of 25 get divorced, it’s that 15% of them stay together. How did they manage to pull that off? You almost can’t wait too long. It’s the single simplest measure to predict divorce. – Elizabeth Gilbert

438. I avoid talking before the youth of the age as I would dancing before them: for if one’s tongue don’t move in the steps of the day, and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule. – Horace Walpole

439. I’m glad I was born when I was. My time was the golden age of variety. If I were starting out again now, maybe things would happen for me, but it certainly would not be on a variety show with 28 musicians, 12 dancers, two major guest stars, 50 costumes a week by Bob Mackie. The networks just wouldn’t spend the money today. – Carol Burnett

440. I was taught from a young age that many people would treat me as a second-class citizen because I was African-American and because I was female. – Queen Latifah

441. Even from a very early age, I knew I didn’t want to miss out on anything life had to offer just because it might be considered dangerous. – Nicole Kidman

442. We live in an age where anonymity is growing in magnitude like a bomb going off. – Jock Sturges

443. I was a mixture of being incredibly old for my age and incredibly backwards. I was born quite old, but then I stopped growing. I lived with my mum and dad till I was 30. – Helena Bonham Carter

444. The Word of fire burns today On the lips of our prophets in an evil age. – Margaret Walker

445. What is wrong with the Iranians in addition to the nuclear bomb? This is the only country on Earth in the 21st century that has renewed imperialistic ambitions. They really want to become the hegemon of the Middle East in an age that gave up imperialism. – Shimon Peres

446. I think it’s quite extraordinary that people cast me as if I’m Warren Beatty: until I met my present wife, at the age of 35, you could name two girlfriends. – Colin Firth

447. Craziest thing I’ve done for love is getting married. I think it’s crazy. I think it’s crazy, crazy, crazy. I’m never going to say I wouldn’t do it again but I have to make sure it’s love and not settling for the ‘I have to do this by a certain age,’ which is kind of what I did. – Jenny McCarthy

448. You never choose the way that you’re raised, it’s just the way that you were raised, but you do get to a certain age where you’re in a position to question the expectations of you and the way that you’ve been formed by your surroundings. – Mia Wasikowska

449. We tried not to age, but time had its rage. – Pete Townshend

450. I want to age with some dignity. – Pete Townshend

451. This is my 20th year in the sport. I’ve known swimming and that’s it. I don’t want to swim past age 30 if I continue after this Olympics, and come back in 2016, I’ll be 31. I’m looking forward to being able to see the other side of the fence. – Michael Phelps

452. Young man, the secret of my success is that an early age I discovered that I was not God. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

453. I’d like to talk about free markets. Information in the computer age is the last genuine free market left on earth except those free markets where indigenous people are still surviving. And that’s basically becoming limited. – Russell Means

454. I would often find myself, at the age of 21, at midnight, running down a dark street on my own with 10 men chasing me. And the fact they had cameras in their hands made that legal. – Sienna Miller

455. Bring a wife home to your house when you are of the right age, not far short of 30 years, nor much above this is the right time for marriage. – Hesiod

456. There are only two things a child will share willingly communicable diseases and its mother’s age. – Benjamin Spock

457. Although it is generally known, I think it’s about time to announce that I was born at a very early age. – Douglas Horton

458. I think it’s your mental attitude. So many of us start dreading age in high school and that’s a waste of a lovely life. ‘Oh… I’m 30, oh, I’m 40, oh, 50.’ Make the most of it. – Betty White

459. No, no, I was only funny on stage, really. I, I, think I was funny as a person toward my classmates when I was very young. You know, when I was a child, up to about the age of 12. – Rowan Atkinson

460. What goes on in Europe concerns us greatly because, if Europe comes apart, the E.U. comes apart, then you’re going to have enormous impact on America, that’s a very big trading partner of ours, and people own securities around the world in this day and age. – Michael Bloomberg

461. Your body actually reminds you about your age and your injuries – the body has a stronger memory than your mind. – Mikhail Baryshnikov

462. People dance at any age. – Mikhail Baryshnikov

463. I never had little brothers, so I was totally not used to hearing a lot of cussing at a young age! I learned what ‘pull my finger’ meant the hard way. – Danica McKellar

464. My sister and I shared a bedroom our entire lives and I believe she discovered the Beatles when she was about 11 and I’m four years younger. So from the age of 7 until 17 we had nothing but Beatles paraphernalia in our room, even those little stuffed Beatles that went on stands that are dressed as the Sgt. Pepper band. – Christina Ricci

465. But look, I was born in 1956, the peak year for births in US history. I think I’m very representative of many of the thought processes my generation have been through and, by and large, people of my age have had their imprint planted on the consciousness of western society for a long time. – Tom Hanks

466. I basically get stereotyped a lot in terms of being a girl and writing ‘chick’ music for teenage girls or something. I think, if anything, the press kind of, because of my gender and my age, tends to kind of relegate my work to this sort of special-interest group. It’s part of the cultural dynamic, I guess. – Ani DiFranco

467. What is amazing for a woman of my age is that I change as the world is changing-and changing very, very fast. I don’t think my mother had that opportunity to change. – Jeanne Moreau

468. I’ve never worried about age. – Jeanne Moreau

469. To me age is a number, just a number. Who cares? – Jeanne Moreau

470. If you’re extremely, painfully frightened of age, it shows. – Jeanne Moreau

471. For a man who has compared himself to Theodore Roosevelt and the nation’s challenges to those of the Gilded Age, Obama put forward a tepid agenda. – Ron Fournier

472. I wrote a screenplay for a ‘Sweet Valley High’ adaptation, and it’s really amazing to me how many women who are my age have responded to the idea and are excited about the movie. – Diablo Cody

473. Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks. – Thomas Browne

474. Here’s my Golden Rule for a tarnished age: Be fair with others, but keep after them until they’re fair with you. – Alan Alda

475. Children under five are the poorest age group in America, and one in four infants, toddlers and preschoolers are poor during the years of greatest brain development. – Marian Wright Edelman

476. Everyone talks about age, but it’s not about age. It’s about work ethic. Winning never gets old. – Lisa Leslie

477. Age is a terrible avenger. The lessons of life give you so much to work with, but by the time you’ve got all this great wisdom, you don’t get to be young anymore. – Elizabeth Wurtzel

478. Science cannot tell theology how to construct a doctrine of creation, but you can’t construct a doctrine of creation without taking account of the age of the universe and the evolutionary character of cosmic history. – John Polkinghorne

479. I came of age believing that, no matter what happened, I would always be able to support myself. – William J. Clinton

480. Dallas’ hit a chord back in the late Seventies and Eighties because it was the age of greed: here you have this unapologetic character who is mean and nasty and ruthless and does it all with an evil grin. I think people related to JR back then because we all have someone we know exactly like him. Everyone in the world knows a JR.- Larry Hagman

481. It is not classified as a pagan religion. The so-called New Age activities and this are not called religions and therefore don’t come under the prohibition of mingling church and state that we have in this country. – Dixie Lee Ray

482. No sex, age, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty but without it one vastly beneath the rank of man. – Bruce Barton

483. People tend to become more emotionally intelligent as they age and mature. – Daniel Goleman

484. With age, you get to a place where you don’t want to knock people out. You just want to give people a hug. – Vin Diesel

485. Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. – Jackie Joyner-Kersee

486. Whoever, fleeing marriage and the sorrows that women cause, does not wish to wed comes to a deadly old age. – Hesiod

487. Age has been the perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth. – Navjot Singh Sidhu

488. I prefer younger men. In some ways, they are much more open to a woman being stronger and independent then some of the men my age. – Kim Cattrall

489. You have to be desirable. And that’s why so many woman of my age or even younger are pushed to Botox and plastic surgery, all the things that people say, ‘Why do women do this?’ Where do you go in your 50s in your career? – Kim Cattrall

490. It is my art. I am better at it than I ever was. And I will do it as long as I can. When you reach a certain age you can slough off what is unnecessary and concentrate on what is. And why not? – Arthur Miller

491. I feel like a lot of the female relationships I see on TV or in movies are in some way free of the kind of jealousy and anxiety and posturing that has been such a huge part of my female friendships, which I hope lessens a little bit with age. – Lena Dunham

492. At my age, no one is married, no one has kids, no one has a career. – Lena Dunham

493. One of the many pleasures of old age is giving things up. – Malcolm Muggeridge

494. There’s also some element of coming of age during the Reagan administration, which everybody has painted as some glorious time in America, but I remember as being a very, very dark time. There was apocalypse in the air the punk rock movement made sense. – John Cusack

495. If you explode onto the scene at a very young age, there are so many people pulling you in different directions. It takes time to recalibrate and see what’s important. – Clive Owen

496. Situational unawareness in the private marketplace or on the battlefield will cost you your livelihood or your life. In the Age of Obama, however, such willful ignorance is a job prerequisite. The less you know the better. – Michelle Malkin

497. We virtually never feel our age, but thinking that we should can lead to disaster. – Martha Beck

498. We grew up in a very creative environment and were exposed to the arts at a very young age, so it’s not a surprise that all of us are in some form of the arts. – Spike Lee

499. I want to be part of the resurgence of things that are tangible, beautiful and soulful, rather than just give in to the digital age. But when I talk to people about this they just say, ‘Yeah, I know what you mean,’ and stare at their mobiles. – Jack White

500. I wanted to do two things when I was growing up, about your age. I wanted to play in the NBA, and I wanted to be a businessman after my basketball career was over, and that is what I am doing now. – Magic Johnson

501. The idea of regretting not doing this seemed insane to me. Sitting in the corner at a bar at age 60, saying: ‘I could’ve been Bond. Buy me a drink.’ That’s the saddest place I could be. At least now at 60 I can say: ‘I was Bond. Now buy me a drink.’ – Daniel Craig

502. There’s a vintage which comes with age and experience. – Jon Bon Jovi

503. It’s not the normal way to look at things but I experienced death at a really young age and because of that it’s been part of my mental landscape that death is really very possible. – Cate Blanchett

504. I’ve an enormous respect for my mother who at the age of 39 raised three children, and I grew up with my grandmother in the household. And so it was a really strong household of women – my poor brother! It was great growing up with so many generations of women. – Cate Blanchett

505. Every age develops its own peculiar forms of pathology, which express in exaggerated form its underlying character structure. – Christopher Lasch

506. I love my kids, and the moments I have with them, and it’s kind of weird, it’s such an age old cliche, but the way that my sons, the way they make me feel when I look at them, the way they say things, no one else would probably react to them, but it’s a special thing for me. – Michael Rapaport

507. There’s a very small group of elite actresses who are my age, who people want to work with. It’s not easy to get a good job with good actors. – Amanda Peet

508. A final word: I am not knowledgeable about the internet. I do not have a computer. I guess that at 74 years of age, I don’t have the patience to learn. – David Wilkerson

509. It lies in human nature that where you experience your first laughs, you also remember the age kindly. – Vaclav Havel

510. We tried not to age, but time had its rage. – Patti Smith

511. Michelle Pfeiffer hasn’t been finding a lot of work recently because she doesn’t like what a woman her age is offered. That’s a real double standard. You get Sean Connery, who gets older and older, still playing opposite young ladies, but it doesn’t work the other way around. – Denzel Washington

512. Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance. – David Mamet

513. My wife and I, unlike many intellectuals, spent five years working on assembly lines. We came to fully understand the criticisms of the industrial age, in which you are an appendage of a machine that sets the pace. – Alvin Toffler

514. Even one voice can be heard loudly all over the world in this day and age. – Aung San Suu Kyi

515. At this age, I should be leading a quiet life. – Aung San Suu Kyi

516. Any new financial order for the world must tackle the three chief challenges of our age. – James Buchan

517. There are signs that the age of petroleum has passed its zenith. Adjusted for inflation, a barrel of crude oil now sells for three times its long-run average. The large western oil companies, which cartellised the industry for much of the 20th century, are now selling more oil than they find, and are thus in the throes of liquidation. – James Buchan

518. With the song ‘This Christmas’ I wanted to do something that was kind of different. I mean, Donny Hathaway is an amazing artist. So I wanted to bring my flavor to the song so when people over the age of 45 or 50 hear it they’ll be like ‘OK, he did his thing with that record.’ It’s like I can appeal to everybody and not just a younger demographic. – Chris Brown

519. In an age when the fashion is to be in love with yourself, confessing to be in love with somebody else is an admission of unfaithfulness to one’s beloved. – Russell Baker

520. Rereading A.J. Liebling carries me happily back to an age when all good journalists knew they had plenty to be modest about, and were. – Russell Baker

521. Reason is a crutch for age, but youth is strong enough to walk alone. – John Dryden

522. What’s a man’s age? He must hurry more, that’s all Cram in a day, what his youth took a year to hold. – Robert Browning

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523. What Youth deemed crystal, Age finds out was dew. – Robert Browning

524. A face to lose youth for, to occupy age With the dream of, meet death with. – Robert Browning

525. I believe the true function of age is memory. I’m recording as fast as I can. – Rita Mae Brown

526. So Harry Potter came in and it is nice that I have kids of the right age. I took them to London and they walked around the set and met Harry Potter and that is thrilling. – Gary Oldman

527. All we can do when we think of kids today is think of more hours of school, earlier age at the computer, and curfews. Who would want to grow up in that world? – James Hillman

528. The reason for the sadness of this modern age and the men who live in it is that it looks for the truth in everything and finds it. – Edmond de Goncourt

529. No, but way before that, I’ve been doing little dances in movies for years. Yeah, that was an amazing chance. You know, at my age to be able to do a music dance video, very unusual. – Christopher Walken

530. There probably aren’t a lot of actors my age who tap dance. – Christopher Walken

531. I started auditioning when I was about 10 and I didn’t get my first job until I was 12, and two years at that age is really hard. – Anna Kendrick

532. I remember being in Hollywood at the age of 16 and marveling at the stars. The idea of being part of it never entered my mind. It was too far-fetched. – Bryan Adams

533. The older generation had greater respect for land than science. But we live in an age when science, more than soil, has become the provider of growth and abundance. Living just on the land creates loneliness in an age of globality. – Shimon Peres

534. One of my grandfathers, actually, having gone out there as a minister, decided he would better serve the people as a doctor. So at a very late age – at the age of 38 in fact – he changed course and decided to become a doctor. – Colin Firth

535. I’m totally into new age and self-help books. I used to work in a bookstore and that’s the section they gave me, and I got way into it. I just loved the power of positive thinking, letting yourself go. – Jason Mraz

536. It’s the kind of clothes that mothers and daughters can wear, in terms of concept… It’s not about age. It’s about taste, and it’s about lifestyle. I believe women of all ages can wear anything. – Ralph Lauren

537. The reason for the slow progress of the world seems to lie in a single fact. Every man is born under the yoke, and grows up beneath the oppressions of his age. – John Jay Chapman

538. A newspaper is lumber made malleable. It is ink made into words and pictures. It is conceived, born, grows up and dies of old age in a day. – Jim Bishop

539. Just as we reject racism, sexism, ageism, and heterosexism, we reject speciesism. The species of a sentient being is no more reason to deny the protection of this basic right than race, sex, age, or sexual orientation is a reason to deny membership in the human moral community to other humans. – Gary L. Francione

540. I am a grandmother now, and that means age is creeping on, creeping on. – Lillie Langtry

541. I love things that age well – things that don’t date, that stand the test of time and that become living examples of the absolute best. – Giorgio Armani

542. Many women my age have known the experience of giving up crucial parts of themselves to please the man they love. – Joyce Maynard

543. American Idol transcends age, gender, ethnicity, everything. – Carrie Underwood

544. You get to a certain age and you can’t judge yourself on your dad or your parents. – Ellie Goulding

545. I’d like to look like Madonna when I’m her age. I also look at athletes and love their bodies. I’ve always wanted to be muscly, not skinny. A lot of women yo-yo around, but I’m always aware if I’m getting a bit out of shape. I never look at the scales but I can just tell. It goes on my tum and bum. – Ellie Goulding

546. I could always sing, from a really young age, but my voice was really weird. I used to make my mum turn up the radio every day in our house. She was well into music so I got that from her. – Ellie Goulding

547. I think women get caught up too much in having a plan – ‘I’m going to get married at this age I’m going to have a kid at this age’ – and then they just try to find a guy who will fit into that picture. I don’t want my life to be based on that. – Julia Stiles

548. I was always concerned with writing to my age at a particular moment. That was the way I would keep faith with the audience that supported me as I went along. – Bruce Springsteen

549. Experts tell us that 90% of all brain development occurs by the age of five. If we don’t begin thinking about education in the early years, our children are at risk of falling behind by the time they start Kindergarten. – Robert. L. Ehrlich

550. When I was seventeen, I worked as a counsellor at a co-ed sleep-away camp for eight weeks. I loved it but it could be harrowing – it was far too much responsibility for someone my age. – Harlan Coben

551. Music has always been my protection against the world, from a very young age. I feel safe inside of a jam. – Trey Anastasio

552. We are the children of a technological age. We have found streamlined ways of doing much of our routine work. Printing is no longer the only way of reproducing books. Reading them, however, has not changed. – Lawrence Clark Powell

553. Religion is the best antidote to the individualism of the consumer age. The idea that society can do without it flies in the face of history and, now, evolutionary biology. – Jonathan Sacks

554. Religiosity turns out to be the best indicator of civic involvement: it’s more accurate than education, age, income, gender or race. – Jonathan Sacks

555. The year I was born, 1956, was the peak year for babies being born, and there are more people essentially our age than anybody else. We could crush these new generations if we decided too. – Tom Hanks

556. Adulthood is the ever-shrinking period between childhood and old age. It is the apparent aim of modern industrial societies to reduce this period to a minimum. – Thomas Szasz

557. I was born at the age of twelve on a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot. – Edward Koch

558. We live in an age of instant knowledge. And there’s almost a sense of entitlement to that. – J. J. Abrams

559. It’s the golden age of French cinema again but it’s because Sarkozy had the guts to push through copyright law. – Harvey Weinstein

560. I started in the restaurant business at the age of 19 as a waitress. I loved the atmosphere and the camaraderie of the restaurant business. I loved not having to go to an office. I loved making people happy. – Anne Burrell

561. My view is pensioners don’t have the one option that people of working age have. They can’t really increase their income, because they are no longer able to work. – Iain Duncan Smith

562. Work is transformative. It gives you a greater chance of a greater income. You can affect your life while you’re of working age, so you have scope and opportunity. Pensioners do not. – Iain Duncan Smith

563. I think you can’t really escape any kind of spiritual education as a child, whether it’s New Age or Judaism or Buddhism or whatever it is. You can’t escape it, even if you completely disagree with it, you still have it as a foundation that you base things off of. – Jack White

564. At my age the only problem is with remembering names. When I call everyone darling, it has damn all to do with passionately adoring them, but I know I’m safe calling them that. Although, of course, I adore them too. – Richard Attenborough

565. What I really tried to do with Helen was make her show this sad side of her. She was married off at 16, was so young and living in this castle that can’t leave because of how she looks, and married to a man she hates and three times her age. – Diane Kruger

566. I never took guitar lessons. I took classical piano lessons from the age of six when we lived in Holland. And when we moved to America, it was just the typical thing except I was really good at it so was my brother. – Eddie Van Halen

567. I never took guitar lessons. I took classical piano lessons from the age of six when we lived in Holland. – Eddie Van Halen

568. When I write about a 15-year old, I jump, I return to the days when I was that age. It’s like a time machine. I can remember everything. I can feel the wind. I can smell the air. Very actually. Very vividly. – Haruki Murakami

569. We live in an age, in an era where there is so much negativity, there is so much violence in the world, there is so much unrest and people are at war, that I wanted to promote the word love and red signifies love. – Elton John

570. I’m 20 years old. I like to party as much as anyone my age. Going clubbing is my way of relaxing or releasing a lot of stress. I don’t feel that I should have to justify that part of my life. I don’t know that I’m necessarily an addict. – Lindsay Lohan

571. I am happy being able to play roles with people my age because once you do something really mature there is no turning back. – Lindsay Lohan

572. Compared to a lot of actresses my age, I’m actually overweight. – Lindsay Lohan

573. This is what I asked for, and in this day and age that’s what actually goes on. But what hurts me the most is that I work just as hard as any other actress around my age, like Scarlett Johansson, but I just don’t get the opportunities that they get because people are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life. – Lindsay Lohan

574. At a young age, I was interested in comic books, which was really how I learnt to read. The name Cage came from a comic book character called Power Man. – Nicolas Cage

575. There is a certain age at which a child looks at you in all earnestness and delivers a long, pleased speech in all the true inflections of spoken English, but with not one recognizable syllable. – Annie Dillard

576. I can’t wait to be that age and hanging out with a bunch of people hanging out all day playing golf and going to the beach, all my own age. We’d be laughing and having a good time and getting loopy on our prescription drugs. Driving golf carts around. I can’t wait. – Cameron Diaz

577. I would love a family. I’m at the age where the wish for a child gets stronger. But who knows. – Cameron Diaz

578. I love physical kinds of comedy and getting down and dirty and doing stunts. When I was growing up, I was always getting into fights with guys and usually punching out boys my age because I was a lot bigger and tougher. So I’m naturally accustomed to putting myself into the headspace of a girl who can take care of herself. – Cameron Diaz

579. Love, with very young people, is a heartless business. We drink at that age from thirst, or to get drunk it is only later in life that we occupy ourselves with the individuality of our wine. – Isak Dinesen

580. Age for me is just a number. – Haile Gebrselassie

581. You hit a certain age and – especially because of TV – the young cooks coming up say, ‘You’re a sellout, because you’re doing something other than what you should be doing.’ ‘Top Chef’ is a double-edged sword for me: There’s a whole group of people who will not come to the restaurants because they assume I’m not in them anymore, all I do is TV. – Tom Colicchio

582. Some of your teachers are actually closer in age to you than you think. – Maya Lin

583. From an early age I didn’t buy into the value systems of working hard in a nine-to-five job. I thought creativity, friendship and loyalty and pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable was much more interesting. – Adam Clayton

584. I didn’t have any success in show business until I was 30 to 31 years of age. – Adam Carolla

585. I hate the idea that you shouldn’t wear something just because you’re a certain age. – Miuccia Prada

586. I am firmly of the opinion that women who make a lot of effort to hang onto their looks in middle age (unless they are beauties, entertainers or prostitutes) are rather sad, as one should surely have something more substantial to recommend one by this time, such as kindness or cleverness. – Julie Burchill

587. As a precocious teen I dreamed of being Graham Greene. Well, as it turned out, I never wrote a great novel, sadly, and I never converted to Catholicism, happily, but I did do one thing he did. That is, in middle age I moved to a seaside town and got into a right barney with the local powers-that-be. – Julie Burchill

588. Age should not have its face lifted, but it should rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the etchings of experience and the firm line of character. – Clarence Day

589. Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can’t retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time. – Bernard Baruch

590. To me, old age is always fifteen years older than I am. – Bernard Baruch

591. I wear clothes that most people in the Midwest would probably deem inappropriate at my age. And I rock a bikini all summer long. I know that it’s not normal, but I just don’t care. I live once. – Liz Phair

592. I’ve lost touch with a lot of that boutique-type music just because of my age, and raising my son and the multiple jobs I have at this point. – Liz Phair

593. There’s no way to approach anything in an objective way. We’re completely subjective our view of the world is completely controlled by who we are as human beings, as men or women, by our age, our history, our profession, by the state of the world. – Charlie Kaufman

594. Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy. – Dorothy Thompson

595. Maybe it is something to do with age, but I have become fonder of poetry than of prose. – Aung San Suu Kyi

596. When I was younger, my whole sense of self-worth was based on whether or not I was working, which was awful. And I had a baby at 20 years old, so it wasn’t just about me. At around the age of 30 there was a stretch where I wasn’t working – certainly not on anything I liked, anyway – and I started to do other things. – Kiefer Sutherland

597. I grew up on the golden age of children’s TV. – Edward Norton

598. I do wish I could tell you my age but it’s impossible. It keeps changing all the time. – Greer Garson

599. Pretend to be dumb, that’s the only way to reach old age. – Friedrich Durrenmatt

600. The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning you’re not old. – Rosalyn S. Yalow

601. The history of my life must begin by the earliest circ*mstance which my memory can evoke it will therefore commence when I had attained the age of eight years and four months. – Giacomo Casanova

602. We are in an electronic technology age now and it’s about time we put away the old stuff. – Monica Edwards

603. At the age of 20 I bought a used Fiat 127. This was the only one I could afford! – Carlos Ghosn

604. At my age, I don’t think anyone is untouched by cancer. – Bryan Cranston

605. We try, we fail, we posture, we aspire, we pontificate – and then we age, shrink, die, and vanish. – George Saunders

606. My habit would have been to veer towards the dark – to prove I was something edgy, or maybe to prove that I was cognisant of the dark side. Now, with age and confidence, I can say, yeah, that’s true, but I am cognisant of the fact that people can do things well. And can be more loving than you expect. – George Saunders

607. It is not possible to live in this age if you don’t have a sense of many contradictory forces. – Rem Koolhaas

608. I’m very accepting with my age. It’s like notches on your belt: experience, wisdom, and a different kind of beauty. There comes a day when you’ve become comfortable in your skin. – Zoe Saldana

609. You need some insecurity if you’re an actor. It keeps the pot boiling. I haven’t yet started to think about retiring. I was shocked when I heard about Paul Newman retiring at age 82. Most actors just fade away like old soldiers. – Al Pacino

610. It’s hard for women at my age in Hollywood, but I’m not discouraged. – Jane Fonda

611. We’re still living with the old paradigm of age as an arch. That’s the old metaphor: You’re born, you peak at midlife and decline into decrepitude. – Jane Fonda

612. We can no longer waste time and money. Every day, more than 2,000 girls in America, age 15-19, give birth – in the wealthiest, most educated nation in the world! Neither you nor I should accept this statistic. – Jane Fonda

613. The reality is sobering: in the United States one in three girls will become pregnant before age 20, totaling more than 750,000 girls per year. – Jane Fonda

614. I am hoping for peaceful transition into a new age. Obama has already played a great role in initiating us into that vision. If he were to be harmed in any way, it would spawn the birth of a million Obamas. – Saul Williams

615. I definitely don’t look my age. So I actively look for roles that will help people change their perception of me. – Elijah Wood

616. The age thing really bugs me. Do people have more of a right to not like what I say because I’m 19? – Fiona Apple

617. There are a lot of downsides to being male. We age faster and die younger. But give us this: we’re lifetime baby-making machines. Women’s reproductive abilities start to wane when they’re as young as 35. Men? We’re good to go pretty much till we’re dead. – Jeffrey Kluger

618. Older fatherhood isn’t all bad: testosterone rates drop about 1% per year as men age, making them less reactive and more patient, and a professionally established middle-aged man is likely to have more time and money to devote to his kids than a twenty-something who’s just getting started. – Jeffrey Kluger

619. Credit or debit cards, for starters, are nothing short of shoppers’ Novocain. Even in the age of digital purchases and virtual money, we still attach a special value to dirty paper with pictures of presidents on it. Handing some of that to a cashier simply hurts more than handing over a little sliver of plastic. – Jeffrey Kluger

620. When it comes to raising civilized kids there are no hard rules, but there are two things on which most parents agree: Boys are generally wilder than girls, and adolescents are wilder than kids of any other age. If you’ve got an adolescent boy, you’re in the sweet spot for trouble. – Jeffrey Kluger

621. It seems to me there is a change in what audiences want to see. I can only hope that’s correct, because there’s an awful lot of people of my age around now and we outnumber the others. – Maggie Smith

622. A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. – Robertson Davies

623. In Hollywood, you play a mom, and the next thing you know, you’re on ‘The Golden Girls.’ They age you so fast. – Gabrielle Union

624. A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations. – Ezra Pound

625. I can’t get my knickers in a twist about my age and ageing in an industry that caters to the ids of 14-year-olds. – Vera Farmiga

626. I was living on the wrong side of the tracks in Evanston, Illinois, in a home for boys. We had these Jackson 5 records. I really related to their voices – they were about my age, but they were doing it. – Eddie Vedder

627. By age seven, I used to comb my hair for performances, just pull my hair up into a bun. Granted, it wasn’t a very intricate hairstyle. Still, to be that responsible and disciplined at age seven is unusual. – Janet Jackson

628. It begins and ends with money. It’s absurd in this day and age when we need so much money for education, health, for people, that a $100 million dollars can be spent on a film. It’s obscene. – Kathleen Turner

629. I am at that age when you panic at the slightest thing. – Rupert Everett

630. Being gay and being a woman has one big thing in common, which is that we both become invisible after the age of 42. Who wants a gay 50-year-old? No one, let me tell you. – Rupert Everett

631. I began to speak well at a very advanced age – 15, 16, 17 years old. It was psychological: the trauma of war, my family and growing up on my own. I was more or less a street kid. – Roberto Cavalli

632. We Jews have a special attachment to the Book. The study of page after page in tomes yellowing with age was obligatory. – Theodore Bikel

633. Having come to live in this age is as though one were to have entered another country. Learn its language or risk being left out. – Theodore Bikel

634. I don’t want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I put it on? – George Michael

635. I believe that the fight against crime starts in the home. Parents must take responsibility for their children and show them love and guidance from an early age so they learn to respect the rights of others. – Blanche Lincoln

636. At an early age, I started my own paper route. Once I saw how you could service people and do a good job and get paid for it, I just wanted to be the best I could be in whatever I did. – Puff Daddy

637. Middle age: when you begin to exchange your emotions for symptoms. – Irvin S. Cobb

638. Brain power improves by brain use, just as our bodily strength grows with exercise. And there is no doubt that a large proportion of the female population, from school days to late middle age, now have very complicated lives indeed. – A. N. Wilson

639. I began to understand my sensations, to know what I wanted, at around the age of forty – but only vaguely. – Camille Pissarro

640. I grew up on a farm in a small town where you do or say one thing and everybody knows about it. You see it happen, there’s always the town gossip – ‘Oh did you hear about so and so, or did you hear what went on in this household?’ So I learned at a very young age just to keep my mouth shut. – Garrett Hedlund

641. If you love somebody, you love them. My parents had a 25-year age gap between them and my mum was the breadwinner, my dad the house husband. I’m a strong believer that a good relationship can work, whatever the situation. – Katherine Jenkins

642. The Border Ballads, for instance, and the Robin Hood Ballads, clearly suppose a state of society which is nothing but a very circ*mscribed and not very important heroic age. – Lascelles Abercrombie

643. By the age of 9 or 10, I knew that I had to cut my own cloth and make my own way. – John le Carre

644. When you’re my age and you see a story, you better go for it pretty quickly. I’d just like to get a few more novels under my belt. – John le Carre

645. Catholics and evangelicals need to remain allied, and in solidarity, against the increasingly aggressive secularism of our age. – Gary Bauer

646. I don’t know whether it’s age or maturity, but I certainly find myself committed more and more to the looser forms of Western democracy at any price. – John le Carre

647. Losing both parents at a young age gave me a sense that you can’t really control life – so you’d better live it while it’s here. I stopped believing in a storybook existence a long time ago. All you can do is push in a direction and see what comes of it. – Jon Hamm

648. Old age is not a disease – it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses. – Maggie Kuhn

649. I was a very sickly kid. While I was in the hospital at age 7, my Dad brought me a stack of comic books to keep me occupied. I was hooked. – Len Wein

650. Study until twenty-five, investigation until forty, profession until sixty, at which age I would have him retired on a double allowance. – Thomas Moore

651. In the digital age of ‘overnight’ success stories such as Facebook, the hard slog is easily overlooked. – James Dyson

652. The greatest writers of this age… are aware of the mystery of our existence. – J. B. Priestley

653. The chief role of the universities is to prolong adolescence into middle age, at which point early retirement ensures that we lack the means or the will to enforce significant change. – J. G. Ballard

654. My grandparents got married at a very young age, and a lot of what I think about marriage is based on their relationship. I watched them over the years and saw how they dealt with everything together, as a team. – Kyle Chandler

655. My grandparents got married at a very young age, and a lot of what I think about marriage is based on their relationship. – Kyle Chandler

656. At my age it is unseemly to be pessimistic. – Naguib Mahfouz

657. I don’t know why people are so obsessed with age anyway. I mean, 90 is the new 70 70 is the new 50 and 50 is the new 40 so the whole act-your-age thing? Only up to a point. – Joan Collins

658. I don’t look my age, I don’t feel my age and I don’t act my age. To me age is just a number. – Joan Collins

659. I believe that parents need to make nutrition education a priority in their home environment. It’s crucial for good health and longevity to instill in your children sound eating habits from an early age. – Cat Cora

660. Most poetry in the modern age has retreated to the private sphere, turning its back on the political realm. – Terry Eagleton

661. We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids’ diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don’t buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time. – Cat Cora

662. Filth and old age, I’m sure you will agree, are powerful wardens upon chastity. – Geoffrey Chaucer

663. It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates dictatorship. – Henry A. Wallace

664. Working on the ‘Ice Age’ movies, I’m really proud to be in them. – Seann William Scott

665. No Congress ever has seen fit to amend the Constitution to address any issue related to marriage. No Constitutional Amendment was needed to ban polygamy or bigamy, nor was a Constitutional Amendment needed to set a uniform age of majority to ban child marriages. – Judy Biggert

666. We’re taught at such a young age that you can always be better and that you’re never perfect and that you’re never good enough. – Shawn Johnson

667. The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times. – Robert Morgan

668. Study is the bane of childhood, the oil of youth, the indulgence of adulthood, and a restorative in old age. – Walter Savage Landor

669. Because of my age and because there’s more work on the small screen. What it’s missing in quality it makes up for in quantity. From an actor’s selfish point of view. – Cesar Romero

670. Old age is an insult. It’s like being smacked. – Lawrence Durrell

671. Age puzzles me. I thought it was a quiet time. My seventies were interesting and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age. – Florida Scott-Maxwell

672. One of the great challenges of our age, in which the tools of our productivity are also the tools of our leisure, is to figure out how to make more useful those moments of procrastination when we’re idling in front of our computer screens. – Joshua Foer

673. I happen to be interested in watching a face age. I like faces of women aging so it makes me personally quite sad. That’s a beautiful gift from God. If people don’t want to see that anymore then I won’t be in anymore movies. – Debra Winger

674. Never say never, but the thought of electively cutting oneself is beyond my grasp, and I also object to it politically. Denying the lines on our faces makes a comment about age and wisdom I don’t care to make. – Debra Winger

675. People pay to see movies with women looking beautiful, but I think there will be a place for me to play women looking my own age. – Debra Winger

676. There’s a small club of women who are willing to age. – Debra Winger

677. I hope to find the roles that are age appropriate but not yearning to be younger, or parenting ad nauseam. – Debra Winger

678. I try to write lyrics so that they won’t age, which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence. – Florence Welch

679. In the modern media age we are rarely surprised by what we see. Whether it’s on television or film or in the theatre, everything is so advertised, so trailed, that most entertainment is merely what you thought it was going to be like. – Rowan Atkinson

680. Your 40s are a major trough. About the age of 50, feelings of satisfaction begin to rebound and keep rising into your 50s, 60s and 70s, with health being a major factor. – Jane Pauley

681. I came back to work when my children were two months old. At that early age, they seem to have little awareness of anybody but their Raggedy Ann dolls, so it wasn’t a matter of them missing me. I was missing them. – Jane Pauley

682. Being successful at a very young age gave me the confidence and the capability to try out other things. – Joshua Lederberg

683. About the time I turned 50, I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also, I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents, so I’m no longer somebody’s daughter. – Jane Pauley

684. I feel more mature than most people my age. – Leighton Meester

685. Age does not bring you wisdom, age brings you wrinkles. – Estelle Getty

686. Maybe I’ll be a feminist in my old age. – Bjork

687. I feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, but we have to. It’s an emergency. – Bjork

688. You can fake your age or mask it, but the passion that moves the characters has to be real. – Victoria Abril

689. I think that clearly it has an influence, to be coming of age during the punk rock era, to come from a difficult and sporadically violent background, to have been in and out of such chaos, I think it actually helps. But I don’t know for sure. – Craig Ferguson

690. I’d date someone younger or older age doesn’t matter to me. Or looks, really – it’s all about maturity. – Leona Lewis

691. Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. – George Sand

692. I wanted to be a forest ranger or a coal man. At a very early age, I knew I didn’t want to do what my dad did, which was work in an office. – Harrison Ford

693. Parenting is an impossible job at any age. – Harrison Ford

694. Sally Field looks amazing in general, never mind her age! She’s a phenomenally talented actress and has had a career spanning so many decades. – Alison Sweeney

695. I’ve had two romances since moving to Las Vegas. One was with somebody 12 years older than me, and the other was the same age, and neither worked out. I know people still think of me as one of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends, and he of course was much older than me, but that was a whole different lifestyle and a different kind of dating. – Holly Madison

696. From age 16, I lived and breathed wine. I read every magazine and book about wine. – Gary Vaynerchuk

697. IQ is a commodity, data is a commodity. I’m far more interested in watching people interact at a restaurant with their smartphone. We can all read ‘Tech Crunch,’ ‘Ad Age.’ I would rather be living in the trenches. I would rather be going to Whole Foods in Columbus Circle to watch people shop with their smartphones. – Gary Vaynerchuk

698. Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age. – Clive Bell

699. I appreciate and enjoy my age. – Nikki Giovanni

700. I’ve been going through photos of my mother, looking back on her life and trying to put it into context. Very few people age gracefully enough to be photographed through their aging. – Jamie Lee Curtis

701. I am rediscovering the whole sexual dimension of life at the age of 86, really. And that also means discovering the feminine. So the whole of this dimension, which I had been seeking for a very long time, is now sort of opening itself up to me. – Bede Griffiths

702. I think all writers of my age who are brought up on films probably by the age of 16 have seen many more films than they have read classics of literature. We can’t help but be influenced by film. Film has got some great tricks that it’s taught writers. – David Mitchell

703. Some broad themes brought me where I am today. At a very young age, my hobby became thinking and finding connections. – Dean Kamen

704. I think you have to be a little bit strict. You can’t be friend and their parent in a lot of situations, especially in this day and age where it’s so dangerous for kids. So there’s a bit of sternness, I guess, in the way I raise my kids. – Tim McGraw

705. In the 1970s and 1980s there was so little decent fiction for young people, but we’re now in a golden age that shows no sign of fading. Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Lemony Snicket are only three of the best known among a good number of equals. – David Mitchell

706. I want to sell to people my own age, because that’s the way I write songs. – John Mellencamp

707. You get to a certain age and you just want to prove that you can still rock – that you’ve still got it. – Jarvis co*cker

708. I always thought that I might retire from any form of sexuality by the age of 40 and just become a dignified older person. – Jarvis co*cker

709. It’s only at this age that I can say the word ‘art’ without flinching. – Mira Nair

710. Well, once you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you are the more mature pop performer and you’re past the age you ever thought you would do it, you might as well do it as long as you can. As long as I can still lift a microphone, then I’ll do it, you know. – Jarvis co*cker

711. I hope to have one more boxing match at the age of 55. Given that demographic at the age of 55 to 65, you’ve got to make a statement with your life. Otherwise, you are just existing. – George Foreman

712. I think it’s hard, the fact that there’s a certain age that we can’t have kids anymore. – Courteney Cox

713. While I had often said that I wanted to die in bed, what I really meant was that in my old age I wanted to be stepped on by an elephant while making love. – Roger Zelazny

714. I basically started playing violin at the age of six. That lasted about three years because my previous teacher died and the second teacher didn’t really know how to successfully get me going. – Miroslav Vitous

715. Age acquires no value save through thought and discipline. – James Truslow Adams

716. I’ve had to be a man since I was 12 or 13. I had a job. And I was playing the piano for people twice my age. Handling responsibility is what makes a man a man. – Jamie Foxx

717. Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative. – Maurice Chevalier

718. Up until age 40, most men are just not as mature as women. So, it makes sense that a lot of women date up in age a bit. – Patti Stanger

719. Think back to yourself at age 18. I know I was mighty different than the Patti I am today. As we grow up, we grow out of our haircuts, our apartments and – often times – our romantic decisions. – Patti Stanger

720. I was well motivated. What I wanted to do was work for myself. I had twenty two jobs before I started my business at the age of twenty three and I didn’t want one more boss telling me what to do. So I was motivated simply because I didn’t want a boss. – Barbara Corcoran

721. Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me, Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. – Tom Peters

722. An age which is incapable of poetry is incapable of any kind of literature except the cleverness of a decadence. – Raymond Chandler

723. I’ve always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food. – Michael Stipe

724. There must be a law against forcing children to perform at an early age. Children should have a wonderful childhood. They should not be given too much responsibility. – Maria Callas

725. Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time. – Frederick Jackson Turner

726. People quit on jobs. They quit on marriages. They quit on school. There’s an immediacy of this day and age that doesn’t lend itself to being committed to anything. – Emily Blunt

727. I nearly died of double bronchial pneumonia at the age of five. – Roger Moore

728. The wonderful thing about age is that your knees don’t work as well, you can’t run down steps quite as easily and obviously you can’t lift heavy weights. But your mind doesn’t feel any different. – Roger Moore

729. In a secular age, an authentic miracle must purport to be a hoax, in order to gain credit in the world. – Angela Carter

730. But I think it’s a little different in Europe, because 40 is really the best age for a woman. That’s when we hit our peak and become this ripe fruit. – Juliette Binoche

731. My mother was 45 when she had me, so when I was in high school my parents were the same age as my friends’ grandparents. – Jack White

732. In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance. – S. I. Hayakawa

733. Just call me a family man and an actor who digs his whole scene, side interests and all. Just say I feel mighty good at the ripe old age of 27. – Bobby Darin

734. Maybe back in the day you didn’t need to be the greatest looking to be on TV and you didn’t need to speak the best, but in this day and age, I think you need to be the package. You need to look the part for your sponsors, you need to be able to speak the part for the media and to big CEOs. – Danica Patrick

735. The culture of independent film criticism has totally gone down the drain and this seems to come with the territory of the consumer age that we are now living in. – Wim Wenders

736. There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. – Bill Bryson

737. They say eyes clear with age. – Philip Larkin

738. Growing up on stage, I was introduced to makeup at a young age and I will never forget the first time I tried on a L’Oreal Paris iconic lipstick – it was instant glamour and I’ve been hooked ever since. – Lea Michele

739. I don’t mind my age. – Heather Mills

740. Despite what anti-aging ads say, growing older can be better. I feel better in my skin, 100 percent. You have greater effects of gravity, but the better sense of yourself you have is something I wouldn’t trade. Women who lie about their age – ‘why?’ – Demi Moore

741. For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30. – Demi Moore

742. It’s a little silly to finally learn how to write at this age. But I long ago realized I was secretly sincere. – Annie Dillard

743. It’s not always possible to sit down and eat at home in this day and age of fast-paced living, but if you are going to eat out, do so as a family and support all the great local places in your areas. I’ll still eat at the same diner I did as a kid with my parents. – Michael Symon

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744. I worked hard in gymnastics since the time I was six years old until I retired at 23 years of age. – Nadia Comaneci

745. I did successfully kick tobacco at the age of 34. I smoked for like 20 years, from 14 to 34. – Larry Hagman

746. India saw from the beginning, and, even in her ages of reason and her age of increasing ignorance, she never lost hold of the insight, that life cannot be rightly seen in the sole light, cannot be perfectly lived in the sole power of its externalities. – Sri Aurobindo

747. Back in the 1960s, I saw Peter, Paul and Mary. I was at that age, about 14, and I was mesmerized. – Lucinda Williams

748. For me from a pretty young age up until about 21 years old hallucinogenics had a huge place in my life. – Jon Fishman

749. A sense of freedom is something that, happily, comes with age and life experience. – Diane Keaton

750. Writers obviously have to bear witness to the harsh face of the age. – Alexander McCall Smith

751. Stop living a day at a time and stop worrying about age. – Helen Reddy

752. Young women from a very young age are taught that life will be easier if you can just turn on the charming smile and say very little and be complacent and docile and sweet. – Amber Heard

753. I started writing when I had three kids under the age of 4. I used to write every ten minutes I got to sit in front of a computer. Now, when I have more time, I function the same way: if it’s writing time, I write. – Jodi Picoult

754. I’m never overawed by a situation and I think that’s because I’ve always looked several years older than I am. So because people were treating me like I was 40 when I was 29, I’ve always felt in control of a situation. People used to say, when you’re 32, you’ll look 32. I’m still waiting for that moment, where my age catches up with my appearance. – Chris O’Dowd

755. I am 54 and age is slowly writing itself on my face. – Arthur Smith

756. I envy the sensibility in Europe, appreciating beauty in women as they age. I’m going to go that way. I might dye my gray hair for a bit, but beyond that the buck stops. I’m not having any work done. – Rachel Bilson

757. It was Julie Burchill who decreed that, beyond a certain age, a man should not be seen in a leather jacket. – Arthur Smith

758. As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model. – Bernie Sanders

759. I’ve watched my peers get better with age and hoped that would happen with me. – Bonnie Raitt

760. I never wanted to do TV. I just did what I was trained to do through the Special Forces, and I’ve been doing that from a very young age. – Bear Grylls

761. Here’s a proposal, offered only partly in jest: no resident of the United States, whether born here or abroad, should get to be a citizen until age 18, at which time each such resident has to take a test. – Eric Liu

762. Second to agriculture, humbug is the biggest industry of our age. – Alfred Nobel

763. When it comes down to it, it’s about who you know, and who’s a fan. It’s about whether you’re the right age, whether you’re hot or not, whether the studio is into you or not. – Marlee Matlin

764. Another principle is, the deepest affections of our hearts gather around some human form in which are incarnated the living thoughts and ideas of the passing age. – Matthew Simpson

765. My acting career began at age three and my parents got me into it. I was in a McDonald’s commercial. – Corey Feldman

766. I think that age as a number is not nearly as important as health. You can be in poor health and be pretty miserable at 40 or 50. If you’re in good health, you can enjoy things into your 80s. – Bob Barker

767. I just yesterday returned from a trip where I photographed a woman with two children whom I photographed first when she was the age of the older of the two children. – Jock Sturges

768. You live in a deranged age, more deranged that usual, because in spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing. – Walker Percy

769. To write a story about New York that only deals with people in your age and socioeconomic bracket, that feels dishonest to me. So much of New York comes from everyone bumping into each other. – Josh Radnor

770. My mother inspired me to treat others as I would want to be treated regardless of age, race or financial status. – Tommy Hilfiger

771. And from the first time I picked up a basketball at age eight – I had a lot of difficulty when I first picked up a basketball, because I was a scrub – there were things that I liked about it. – Julius Erving

772. Right up until the time I retired at age 37, I felt like there were still things that I could do better. – Julius Erving

773. In 1981, at age 31, I was voted the best player in basketball, and the most valuable player in the league. – Julius Erving

774. The great thing about arriving at this age is that I don’t even care about my career anymore. – Ron Perlman

775. Almost all of your life is lived by the seat of your pants, one unexpected event crashing into another, with no pattern or reason, and then you finally reach a point, around my age, where you spend more time than ever looking back. Why did this happen? Look where that led? You see the shape of things. – Ron Perlman

776. I’ve always been intrigued by color and by interesting hair. I was one of those weird little girls doing my own hair at the age of 9. I was, like, getting weird gels and new brushes and cornrow holders. I would tweak and perm at the age of 13. – Nicki Minaj

777. There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don’t get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don’t get them. – T. D. Jakes

778. The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. – Matthew Arnold

779. If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them. – Luciano Pavarotti

780. Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places. – E. Joseph Cossman

781. As an American, you have a right to good health care that is effective, accessible, and affordable, that serves you from infancy through old age, that allows you to go to practitioners and facilities of your choosing, and that offers a broad range of therapeutic options. – Andrew Weil

782. Women would be disproportionately affected by the privatization of social security. It is one of the most important safety nets for American women in old age, or in times of disability, to insure financial income for their families. – Barbara Mikulski

783. Low levels of vitamin D in the population as a whole suggest that most people need to take a vitamin D supplement. This may be especially true for seniors, as the ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin declines with age. – Andrew Weil

784. Part of the reason I sort of shot out like a cannon out of Michigan and left home at such an early age is because I had to feel independent. – Madonna Ciccone

785. I think that everyone at any age should ask themselves, ‘where do I want to be today, where do I want to be tomorrow, and where do I want to be in a hundred years?’ We all have clear answers to those questions. We only have so much time. It’s a real shame if we don’t spend our lives trying to do that. – Jack Antonoff

786. My parents got married late and they had kids late, so I never felt a social or cultural thing to be married or pregnant or a homeowner by a certain age. – Anna Kendrick

787. I’m a pretty big dork. It’s crazy. I’m one of those people who grew up with all kinds of musicals, but I was right at that age where ‘Rent’ was a big deal for me and for my friends. – Anna Kendrick

788. My parents were really, really cool about supporting what I wanted to do at a really young age. I think I was about 10 when I caught the bug. They would drive me down to New York if there were auditions. When I was 12, I did this show on Broadway called ‘High Society,’ so we moved to New York for the run of that. – Anna Kendrick

789. I was very sexual from a very young age. – Portia de Rossi

790. It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years. – Tom Lehrer

791. And I’m not as young as I once was. At my age, I don’t have time to be bored. – Lev Grossman

792. I was drafted into the Army when I was 19 and came out at age 22. Most people that I knew didn’t think they’d come home alive. I didn’t think I would either, so I was happy when I did. – Ed Koch

793. One already feels like an anachronism, writing novels in the age of what-ever-this-is-the-age-of, but touring to promote them feels doubly anachronistic. The marketplace is showing an increasing intolerance for the time-honored practice of printing information on paper and shipping it around the country. – Lev Grossman

794. To own the dominant, or only, newspaper in a mid-sized American city was, for many decades, a kind of license to print money. In the Internet age, however, no one has figured out how to rescue the newspaper in the United States or abroad. – Eric Alterman

795. I grew up loving horses. I was relatively obsessed, starting with my rocking horse at age 2, all the way through my painting and drawing phase. – Diane Lane

796. I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age. – Minnie Driver

797. You can construct the character of a man and his age not only from what he does and says, but from what he fails to say and do. – Norman Douglas

798. I never played much golf as a kid. I caddied quite a bit but never got serious into golf until about age 15. – Lee Trevino

799. These days too many of us seem inclined to cover our ears, close our eyes, and blindly follow the most narrow, conservative tenets of religion or else seek comfort in the ancient traditions of New Age ritual. – Joan D. Vinge

800. There is no age, height, or weight requirement to skate. It is good exercise no matter what your age is. If you want to be competitive, most start young. But, I practice with many adult competitors. – Nancy Kerrigan

801. I remember when I was 6 years old and my brother used to go seek out guys that were 13 to come over and play football against me while he was the ‘permanent quarterback.’ I didn’t know exactly what the age difference was, but I was already playing against older guys. – Junior Seau

802. Well, my son really loves wildlife. And everytime he draws a polar bear I want to tell him there probably won’t any by the time… he’s my age. That’s kinda hard to deal with. – Thom Yorke

803. To be perfectly honest, I think that as I’m growing older, I’m just growing more impatient. I’ll be very happy if at some point people say, ‘Michael’s grown wiser and softer in his old age.’ But we’ll have to wait and see what my next project is. – Michael Haneke

804. A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that. – Kathleen Turner

805. Listen, in England people are already writing their memoirs at the age of 23. – Rupert Everett

806. I was apprehensive. I feared every time I talked about poetry, it would be filtered through the lens of race, sex, and age. – Rita Dove

807. Everyone takes pause at 40. It’s the age you have to assess everything in your life. It’s the fictitious marker that’s always coming up when you’re young. The world really does look at you to kind of have it together by 40, and be successful by 40. Whatever success means. – Paul Feig

808. I started out modeling at a young age and surrounded myself with different brilliant minds. I have so many people to get educated from, and I’ve been a sponge. – Kellan Lutz

809. People say women shouldn’t have long hair over a certain age, but I’ve never done what everyone says. – Jane Seymour

810. We tend to think of age only in time, but I don’t think it has much to do with time at all there’s a whole load of other things. I’ve met 16-year-olds who are old and 90-year-olds who are young. – Roger Daltrey

811. It looks good when you see someone kicking at the age of 51 with no double. It’s kinda cool for people to know that past 50 we can keep flexible. – Jean Claude Van Damme

812. The second album was emotionally exhausting and my life felt like it had become very serious at a very young age. – Delta Goodrem

813. I never felt totally, 100%, patriotically English… I’d seen a lot of the world by an early age – sort of spent a lot of time traveling around Lebanon and I’d seen Babylon, and Damascus, and all sorts of places in the Middle East by the time I was ten. Then we’d return to Ruslip in West London… Done a fair bit of traveling really. – Andy Serkis

814. The first feminine feature that goes, with advancing age, is the neck. – Gloria Swanson

815. You just never know when you’re living in a golden age. – Alexander Payne

816. We now have an opportunity, though, to do something we didn’t do in the industrial age, and that is to get a leg up on this, to bring the public in quickly, to have an informed debate. – Jeremy Rifkin

817. I’ve spent as much as 30 grand on a watch but it’s not about flaunting my wealth. I don’t have many extravagances but watches are my biggest one. I must have 30 of them now. I’ve been collecting since the age of nine, when I won a black TAG in a karting event. – Jenson Button

818. We were making the first step out of the age of chemistry and physics, and into the age of biology. – Jeremy Rifkin

819. I feel like women are asked their age more than men. – Kristen Wiig

820. Even in this day and age, if you’re not married, there are people who are like, ‘Awww! Don’t worry, it’ll happen for you someday.’ – Kristen Wiig

821. For students today, only 10 percent of children from working-class families graduate from college by the age of 24 as compared to 58 percent of upper-middle-class and wealthy families. – Patrick J. Kennedy

822. I have worked very hard on being aware of my childhood but moving forward and not letting it bring me down emotionally. That is a hard thing – especially when you have children of your own and you remember what happened to you at that age. – Samantha Morton

823. Traveling to Russia and Germany and being able to see the world at a young age was really cool for me, and I really liked that. – Mia Wasikowska

824. I vividly remember being 14. That was the age when I started to get happy: I started being a writer and stopped being a loser. – Anthony Horowitz

825. The balance of private good and general welfare is at the bottom of civilized morals but the morals of the Heroic Age are founded on individuality, and on nothing else. – Lascelles Abercrombie

826. I also find it interesting that a lot of people in their 30s are not married and don’t have kids. There are a lot of people in this age bracket that are out there dating and trying to find love. And I never thought that at my age I would be. – John Stamos

827. The reason can only be this: heroic poetry depends on an heroic age, and an age is heroic because of what it is, not because of what it does. – Lascelles Abercrombie

828. The 19th century was the age of Individualism the 20th and 21st are the ages of Socialism. – Francis Parker Yockey

829. We live in an age of mediocrity. – Lauren Bacall

830. I gambled and I lost. I failed in securing my options for this choice for myself, but I succeeded in verifying the Dark Age is still with us. – Jack Kevorkian

831. I always looked really young for my age. And once I hit 23, 24 and 25, I was then allowed to play the cool 18-year-olds and stuff. – Ben Barnes

832. I want to be age appropriate. I don’t want to be that girl you see walking away and she looks 25 and then she turns around and she looks 90. – Stevie Nicks

833. When I was at school, I was in choirs more than anything else, from a very young age, about 9 years old. And then I started taking drum lessons. – Ben Barnes

834. I was always obsessed with being famous. I had Marilyn Monroe paper dolls as a child, and I was always obsessed with her. I’ve just been really driven in that direction, and none of my friends were. So, I don’t know what put that bug in me at a young age. – Holly Madison

835. All my early school reports from the age of 5 were ‘Daniel must learn not to distract others.’ – Dan Stevens

836. At the age of 11 I was about 6 ft. tall and my voice had completely broken. That caused problems. I was this gangly, spotty, very unattractive kid. I wasn’t cool and I wasn’t a nerd. I didn’t even want to fit in with anyone. – Dan Stevens

837. I’ve always tried to do my very best, and I want to be the very best age, whatever age I am. – Ann-Margret

838. I never quite toed the line. I was a bit disruptive. All my early school reports from the age of 5 were ‘Daniel must learn not to distract others.’ And now, that’s what I do for a living. – Dan Stevens

839. One problem with age is that patience begins to ebb. – Carl Hiaasen

840. Men of my age live in a state of continual desperation. – Vita Sackville-West

841. Starting a new retirement plan for those below a certain age is something tens of millions of Americans have already been through at work. – Mitch Daniels

842. Anybody under the age of forty knows hip-hop, gospel and R&ampB pretty well, and it’s all a part of what we consider to be ‘black music.’ There is a natural synergy between the three. – John Legend

843. Well, Jeff Buckley for me is one of the greatest singers I’ve ever heard. And the reason why is he has an amazing range, amazing emotional power in his voice. And the music he put around it also just had this passion and this soul to it and this spirit to it that very few artists have, and he passed at a very young age. – John Legend

844. It’s getting better generally, daily, especially in TV, for women in acting and age and looks count less. As more women come into the business. Change of any sort takes a long time to happen. – Julie Walters

845. I think the most exciting thing is that you expect people our age to know the music, but actually a lot of kids know the music, and if anything is left, we have left really good music, and that’s the important part, not the mop-tops or whatever. – Ringo Starr

846. It doesn’t matter what color, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc., everyone should have the same freedoms and liberties. – Lance Bass

847. Childhood itself is scarcely more lovely than a cheerful, kindly, sunshiny old age. – Lydia M. Child

848. In my older age, I’ve learned to take things slower, because I used to be that total-fall-in-love-after-a-day guy. – Lance Bass

849. You watch yourself age and it’s hard to feel like a sex symbol. – Idris Elba

850. I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don’t want to be some stress casualty in early middle age. – James Ellroy

851. I’d always thought the Rats were good fun, but one of the very nice things about being of Saga age is that I can actually look back and think, When I was younger I was in a great band. It was always a collective thing. – Bob Geldof

852. I do think I feel it but you don’t think you are cause at a certain time you are no age but you don’t think you are anything. You feel the life you have lived. I feel that. It’s been a long fifty years. – Bob Geldof

853. The crucial task of old age is balance: keeping just well enough, just brave enough, just gay and interested and starkly honest enough to remain a sentient human being. – Florida Scott-Maxwell

854. My first job was in retail at the age of 14, and I have worked in the industry ever since. – Rachel Roy

855. I believed my story would be helpful to young women my daughter’s age, who are still in the process of forming themselves as women, and in need of encouragement to remain true to themselves. – Joyce Maynard

856. Old age and sickness bring out the essential characteristics of a man. – Felix Frankfurter

857. We hold that the most wonderful and splendid proof of genius is a great poem produced in a civilized age. – Thomas B. Macaulay

858. The age we live in is a busy age in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection. – Jeremy Bentham

859. In a spiritually sensitive culture, then, it might well be that age is something to be admired or envied. – Rowan D. Williams

860. What though youth gave love and roses, Age still leaves us friends and wine. – Thomas More

861. If there is anything I would do differently in my life, it is that I would study business more. I’m trying to teach my daughter Chloe at an early age about investing and money so she’s not afraid of it. – Donna Mills

862. Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty one is a menace to the community. – Brigham Young

863. Time, in general, has always been a central obsession of mine – what it does to people, how it can constitute a plot all on its own. So naturally, I am interested in old age. – Anne Tyler

864. The first crocodile I ever caught was at nine years of age, and it was a rescue. – Steve Irwin

865. It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely. – Albert Einstein

866. Alone we can do so little together we can do so much. – Helen Keller

867. It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone. – Marilyn Monroe

868. Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for it is better to be alone than in bad company. – George Washington

869. I restore myself when I’m alone. – Marilyn Monroe

870. A man is born alone and dies alone and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode. – Chanakya

871. I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel. – Audrey Hepburn

872. I don’t want to be alone, I want to be left alone. – Audrey Hepburn

873. You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. – Wayne Dyer

874. We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders. – Maya Angelou

875. If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. – George Carlin

876. Language… has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone. – Paul Tillich

877. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. – Henry David Thoreau

878. Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work. – Abdul Kalam

879. Every man must do two things alone he must do his own believing and his own dying. – Martin Luther

880. Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me. – Anne Hathaway

881. I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. – Henry David Thoreau

882. I finally faced the fact that it isn’t a crime not having friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems. – Whitney Houston

883. Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own. – Henry Rollins

884. The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. – Albert Camus

885. If you are lonely when you’re alone, you are in bad company. – Jean-Paul Sartre

886. Life could be wonderful if people would leave you alone. – Charlie Chaplin

887. All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. – Blaise Pascal

888. We are rarely proud when we are alone. – Voltaire

889. We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life. – Tennessee Williams

890. It’s an interesting combination: Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience. That’s always been a tug of war for me. – Jodie Foster

891. Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self. – B. R. Ambedkar

892. If I am a legend, then why am I so lonely? – Judy Garland

893. A man can be himself only so long as he is alone. – Arthur Schopenhauer

894. What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be. – Ellen Burstyn

895. Still and all, why bother? Here’s my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone. – Kurt Vonnegut

896. When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone. – Tennessee Williams

897. You come into the world alone and you go out of the world alone yet it seems to me you are more alone while living than even going and coming. – Emily Carr

898. To live alone is the fate of all great souls. – Arthur Schopenhauer

899. The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. – Doug Coupland

900. I’ve also seen that great men are often lonely. This is understandable, because they have built such high standards for themselves that they often feel alone. But that same loneliness is part of their ability to create. – Yousuf Karsh

901. In Genesis, it says that it is not good for a man to be alone but sometimes it is a great relief. – John Barrymore

902. I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone. – Lord Byron

903. The lonely become either thoughtful or empty. – Mason Cooley

904. There’s a tremendous difference between alone and lonely. You could be lonely in a group of people. I like being alone. I like eating by myself. I go home at night and just watch a movie or hang out with my dog. I have to exert myself and really say, oh God, I’ve got to see my friends ’cause I’m too content being by myself. – Drew Barrymore

905. I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don’t see things clearly as long as you’re still involved. – Dido Armstrong

906. The best part about being alone is that you really don’t have to answer to anybody. You do what you want. – Justin Timberlake

907. The desire to get married, which – I regret to say, I believe is basic and primal in women – is followed almost immediately by an equally basic and primal urge – which is to be single again. – Nora Ephron

908. Who knows what true loneliness is – not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. – Joseph Conrad

909. Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame. – Mason Cooley

910. As a body everyone is single, as a soul never. – Hermann Hesse

911. The capacity for not feeling lonely can carry a very real price, that of feeling nothing at all. – Doug Coupland

912. Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place. – Tec*mseh

913. All men’s misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone. – Jean de la Bruyere

914. To dare to live alone is the rarest courage since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in their closet. – Charles Caleb Colton

915. Even in the presence of others he was completely alone. – Robert M. Pirsig

916. Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul, for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss. – Guru Nanak

917. I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely. – Tori Amos

918. I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference. – Greta Garbo

919. Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one. – Martin Heidegger

920. I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best. – Frida Kahlo

921. As I get older I’m more and more comfortable being alone. – Sienna Miller

922. I’m fascinated with myself and love hearing the sound of my own voice. I’d like to hear what I have to say. A lot of people don’t like being alone because they truly don’t like themselves, but I love me. – Gene Simmons

923. I would be married, but I’d have no wife, I would be married to a single life. – Charles Bukowski

924. Unless we love and are loved, each of us is alone, each of us is deeply lonely. – Mortimer Adler

925. A man content to go to heaven alone will never go to heaven. – Boethius

926. He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything. – Baltasar Gracian

927. Remember we’re all in this alone. – Lily Tomlin

928. Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone. – Octavio Paz

929. Absolutely lonely people have few personal interactions of any kind. – Martha Beck

930. Is he alone who has courage on his right hand and faith on his left hand? – Charles Lindbergh

931. Don’t go away. I don’t want to be alone. I can’t stand being alone. – Arnold Rothstein

932. Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up. – Pearl S. Buck

933. Being alone is very difficult. – Yoko Ono

934. I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married. – Elizabeth I

935. If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone. – Maxwell Maltz

936. Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight. – Roy Orbison

937. Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude, and the society of thyself. – Thomas Browne

938. The longer one is alone, the easier it is to hear the song of the earth. – Robert Anton Wilson

939. All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone. – Jean de la Bruyere

940. When the people you love are gone, you’re alone. – Keanu Reeves

941. You can’t fake it when you’re alone with God, you know. – Jim Bakker

942. Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets. – Paul Tournier

943. If you’re going to put yourself above everybody else, you might end up alone. – Joseph Gordon-Levitt

944. By all means use some time to be alone. – Edward Young

945. I think I jump around more when I’m alone. – Nicolas Cage

946. When I’m alone, I can sleep crossways in bed without an argument. – Zsa Zsa Gabor

947. There are places and moments in which one is so completely alone that one sees the world entire. – Jules Renard

948. I’m happily single. – Paula Abdul

949. You’re only lonely if you’re not there for you. – Phil McGraw

950. I’m single, footloose and fancy free, I have no responsibilities, no anchors. Work, friendship and self-improvement, that’s me. – Joel Edgerton

951. When everything is lonely I can be my best friend. – Conor Oberst

952. A human being is a single being. Unique and unrepeatable. – Eileen Caddy

953. Your actions, and your action alone, determines your worth. – Evelyn Waugh

954. I think the greatest amount of pressure is the pressure I place on myself. So in a way I chose to be alone. – Cathy Freeman

955. You only grow when you are alone. – Paul Newman

956. We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone. – Orson Welles

957. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. – Audrey Hepburn

958. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. – Swami Vivekananda

959. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – Helen Keller

960. Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts. – Mahatma Gandhi

961. It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone – so far. – Marilyn Monroe

962. Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another. – Thomas Merton

963. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. – Calvin Coolidge

964. I may climb perhaps to no great heights, but I will climb alone. – Cyrano de Bergerac

965. What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. – Albert Pike

966. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. – Robert A. Heinlein

967. We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. – Charles Stanley

968. Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. – Thomas Jefferson

969. It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. – Thomas Jefferson

970. The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be. – Anne Frank

971. The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. – George Edward Moore

972. Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. – Martin Luther

973. I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. – John F. Kennedy

974. One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more. – Thomas Jefferson

975. Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. – John Quincy Adams

976. Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game. – Voltaire

977. Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. – Eleanor Roosevelt

978. It is better to be alone than in bad company. – George Washington

979. Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. – Friedrich Nietzsche

980. The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

981. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. – Henry David Thoreau

982. To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly. – Benjamin Franklin

983. You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give. – E. O. Wilson

984. You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room. – Dr. Seuss

985. Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no longer serve to settle disputes… can no longer be of concern to great powers alone. – John F. Kennedy

986. Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. – Booker T. Washington

987. Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors. – Confucius

988. An artist is always alone – if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is loneliness. – Henry Miller

989. The man who goes alone can start today but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. – Henry David Thoreau

990. Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your won presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement. – Alice Koller

991. I have noticed… that men usually leave married women alone and are inclined to treat all wives with respect. This is no great credit to married women. – Marilyn Monroe

992. I am alone I am always alone no matter what. – Marilyn Monroe

993. Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I’d sit all day and way into the night. Up in front, there with the screen so big, a little kid all alone, and I loved it. I loved anything that moved up there and I didn’t miss anything that happened and there was no popcorn either. – Marilyn Monroe

994. A woman can’t be alone. She needs a man. A man and a woman support and strengthen each other. She just can’t do it by herself. – Marilyn Monroe

995. I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, ‘There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me dreaming of being a movie star.’ But I’m not going to worry about them. I’m dreaming the hardest. – Marilyn Monroe

996. Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone. – Ayn Rand

997. The doer alone learneth. – Friedrich Nietzsche

998. God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. – Martin Luther

999. There is danger that we lose sight of what our friend is absolutely, while considering what she is to us alone. – Henry David Thoreau

1000. No face which we can give to a matter will stead us so well at last as the truth. This alone wears well. – Henry David Thoreau

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  • Play exploration: just being curious, having fun, finding adventure and exploration.

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True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful. Too many people measure how successful they are by how much money they make or the people that they associate with. In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are. There is a huge difference between failing and failure.

What are two lines of success? ›

15 Powerful Quotes On Success
  • Success is No Accident. ...
  • Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts. ...
  • Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count. ...
  • He Who is Not Courageous Enough to Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing in Life. ...
  • Don't Wait for Opportunity, Create it.
Feb 20, 2019

How do I get rich motivational quotes? ›

Epictetus: “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” Edmund Burke: “If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.” Jim Rohn: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

What are 20 positive quotes? ›

Here are some short inspirational quotes for the New Year.
  • “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” - ...
  • “Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings.” - ...
  • “I think the more unexpected something is, the more there is to learn from it.” -
Jan 2, 2024

What is a hard life quote? ›

It's a hard life... but if I could, I would do it all again. Being in a fishbowl, everybody looking at every move you make, talking about everything you do - it's just a hard life to live. I don't really think about having had a hard life. It was just my life, and it's all I knew.

What are 5 positive quotes? ›

Motivation quotes
  • “Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” — ...
  • “The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.” — ...
  • “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” — ...
  • “I have not failed. ...
  • “Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once.” —
Jan 17, 2024

What are 5 positive attitude quotes? ›

If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden. Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.