Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (2024)

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On keto, I’m always looking for different ways to get fatty meats into my diet that will taste great and keep my wallet (and stomach) full. Yesterday, I picked up this 8 pound roast for just under $16. Yep, that’s under $2 a pound – and it’ll feed an entire family for a few days! Pulled pork is just plain delicious – and if you think we have to slather or smoke this baby just to coax some flavor out of it – you could never have been so wrong.

Double check on what type of pork shoulder you are actually getting. There are 2 parts of the pork shoulder – the Picnic Roast (what we’re using) and Boston Butt (which comes from the upper part of the shoulder). Boston Butt is generally a bit more expensive, but will usually have the bone removed for easier serving. If you end up using a Boston Butt, you will have to keep an eye on it – it will cook quicker and is usually a bit smaller in size. Not to mention, it’s usually boneless which means it can dry out if you’re not careful.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (1)

The Picnic Roast is what we’re using. This cut of meat is generally a little bit tougher than a Boston Butt, though ends up with a great final texture and more flavor. Instead of getting those soft stringy – almost mushy – pieces of meat, we’ll have meaty chunks of pork that we can literally pull apart with our fingers. It does take a little extra cooking time, and a little more patience – but it’s so easy and way cheaper.

Pork shoulder normally takes up a whole afternoon of cooking, but I really don’t like smelling the pork all day and getting hungry, so I opt to cook it overnight. I generally have a game plan of 9-10 hours that I’ll be cooking it for, so I just keep that in mind for what time I should put it in the oven for when I get up in the morning. You definitely don’t want to rush the cooking process. Slow and low will allow for the fat and connective tissues to render down properly, essentially basting the whole shoulder as you cook it. This results in incredibly tender and juicy pork once you’re finished.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (2)

You may be wondering what the heck you’re going to do with 20 servings of pork. You can practically feed a whole party or gathering with just 1 roast – and it’s perfect for cooking and freezing for future recipes. Over the next few days I’ll be posting some new recipes that I’ve made using the pork shoulder – keep an eye out!

Yields 20 servings (6 oz.) of Crispy Skin Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder

The Preparation

  • 8 pounds bone-in, skin-on, pork shoulder
  • 3 ½ tablespoonssalt
  • 2 teaspoonsoregano
  • 1 teaspoonblack pepper
  • 1 teaspoongarlic powder
  • 1 teaspoononion powder

The Execution

1. Completely wash and pat dry the pork. Leave on the counter-top for 2-3 hours to come to room temperature.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (3)

2. Once the pork has been dried and is coming to romm temperature (after a few hours), preheat your oven to 250F. Mix together all of the spices in a bowl.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (4)

3. Starting skin side down, pat the salt rub all over the pork to completely cover it. Once the bottom is done, flip and place on a wire rack that’s sitting over a baking sheet covered in foil. Spread the rub on all sides and top of the pork.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (5)

4. Once your oven is preheated and pork rubbed, place into the oven and bake for anywhere between 8-10 hours. I did 10 hours for my 8 lb. roast, but if you have smaller sizes or bigger sizes, you will have to adjust accordingly. You essentially want the internal temperature to be about 190F.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (6)

5. Remove the pork from the oven and cover with foil. Allow the pork to rest for 15 total minutes. Preheat oven to 500F.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (7)

6. Once pork is rested and oven to at 500F, remove the foil tent from the pork and place into the oven. We will rotate the pork every 5 minutes to allow for even cooking of the skin (YAY CRACKLINS’). There may be smoke that comes out of your oven during this process due to the fat that dripped off during the roast time burning. You can either open the window or remove this fat previous to putting into the oven.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (8)

7. Take the pork out of the oven and let rest for 15-20 minutes before slicing/digging in.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (9)

8. Serve up for family and friends alike – the pork should be completely tender, easily seperating from the roast by pulling the meat off with your fingers.

Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (10)

This makes a total of 20 (6 oz.) servings of Crispy Skin Pork Shoulder. Each serving comes out to be 461 Calories, 36.7g Fats, 0.2g Net Carbs, and 30.3g Protein.

Crispy Skin Pork ShoulderCaloriesFats (g)Carbs (g)Fiber (g)Net Carbs (g)Protein (g)
8 lbs. Pork Shoulder9181733000606
3 1/2 tbsp. Salt000000
2 tsp. Oregano601100
1 tsp. Black Pepper501100
1 tsp. Garlic Powder902020
1 tsp. Onion Powder802020
Per Serving ( /20 )460.536.
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Crispy Skin Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder

This makes a total of 20 6 oz. servings of Crispy Skin Pork Shoulder. Each serving comes out to be 461 Calories, 36.7g Fats, 0.2g Net Carbs, and 30.3g Protein.

The Preparation

  • 8 lbs. Pork Shoulder
  • 3 1/2 tbsp. Salt
  • 2 tsp. Oregano
  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper
  • 1 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp. Onion Powder

The Execution

  1. Wash and dry the pork, then leave it out to come to room temperature for a few hours. Preheat oven to 250 and rub salt and spices over the entire pork shoulder.
  2. Place onto a wire rack sitting over a baking sheet covered in foil. Bake for 8-10 hours (more or less depending on size) or until internal temperature is about 190F.
  3. Remove meat from oven and cover with foil. Let this rest for 15 minutes. In the mean time, heat oven to 500F.
  4. Remove foil and roast pork again for 20 minutes total at 500F, rotating every 5 minutes.
  5. Let pork rest for 15-20 minutes before cutting and serving.


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Pork Shoulder Picnic Roast Recipe [Crispy Skin & Slow Roasted] (2024)


How do I get crispy skin on my picnic shoulder? ›

Starting the pork in a low oven breaks down tough connective tissue. Finishing the pork in high heat rapidly crisps up the skin.

How to make pork skin crispy when roasting? ›

Bake at 450F for 30-45 minutes or until the skin has puffed up. If any edges are starting to burn, place a small piece of foil to cover to get the skin as evenly crisp as possible. If needed, place pork under broiler for a few minutes to speed up the blistering process (watch carefully to ensure skin does not burn).

What is the difference between pork shoulder roast and pork shoulder picnic roast? ›

So what's the difference between picnic shoulder and pork shoulder? In short, not much. They are theoretically the same, with slight variations in how they are cut in different parts of the country. One can be substituted for the other in recipes without worry.

Which is the best cooking method for a pork shoulder? ›

Pork shoulder benefits from long, slow cooking that tenderizes the meat and melts the fat. The best cooking methods for pork shoulder are braising or stewing, but it may also be fried, baked, or made into ground pork.

What is the secret to crispy skin? ›

The secret to crispy skin
  1. When it comes to roasting poultry – the crispier the skin, the better! But how do you achieve a crispy skin without drying out the meat inside? ...
  2. Step 2: Season with salt. ...
  3. Step 3: Add butter or duck fat under the skin. ...
  4. Step 4: Rest overnight. ...
  5. Step 5: Circo-Roast your bird.

How to get a crispy bark on pork shoulder? ›

You're going to have to be cooking low and slow to build an awesome bark on your brisket, ribs or pork shoulder. Cooking at high temperatures is going to really make it hard, if not impossible to build a good layer of bark. Keep your grill around 225-degrees or lower for best results.

How do you get the skin hard on a pork shoulder? ›

Insufficient heat will make it hard for the skin to get really crisp. Make sure to take the pork out of the fridge 30 minutes before you cook it so that the meat reaches room temperature. A high starting temperature (240C/220C fan/gas 9 in this recipe) is essential for crisping up the pork.

How to get a good crust on pork? ›

Giving the pork a little time to warm up will ensure a nice crust on the outside, with a tender center. (Well, if you follow the next few pieces of advice, that is...) For chops, we like to get our pan screaming hot...then take it down to medium. That first blast of heat helps get a good golden crust.

How to make BBQ pork skin crispy? ›

The secret to achieving the pork crackle is dry skin, salt, and high heat. Also give yourself at least 24hrs for the best results. Use a rolled shoulder/neck or belly with all the skin still in tack. I find using these mentioned cuts yield the best results.

What is a pork shoulder picnic roast good for? ›

Use the meat for stews, tacos, pulled pork sandwiches, mini quiches, empanadas, or as the centerpiece of a special meal, with sides of potatoes, vegetables, or casseroles.

Is picnic roast ok for pulled pork? ›

A picnic roast also works well, but tends to be a little less flavorful and is leaner than the butt roast. You can make pulled pork with either a bone-in or boneless Boston butt or picnic shoulder, but we think the bone-in has more flavor even though it takes longer to cook.

Should you sear pork shoulder before roasting? ›

Sear it good. This is an optional step, but if you have the time, adds a lot of flavor. Heat a little oil in a large skillet or your Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Sear the pork heavily on all sides until golden brown.

Does pork shoulder get more tender the longer it cooks? ›

Unlike the more lean tenderloin and chops, pork shoulder is an incredibly forgiving cut of meat. It becomes more tender as it cooks and benefits from a lengthy cook time, so even if it stays on the heat a few minutes too long, you won't suddenly end up with something dry or rubbery.

How to crisp fat on pork shoulder? ›

Cooking the Perfect Pork Crackling

Preheat oven to 230°C, 210°C fan or Gas Mark 8. Put the joint in a roasting tin on the top shelf for 20 minutes. This sudden blast of heat is the key to crispy crackling.

How to get crackling on pork shoulder? ›

Heat the oven to a high temperature: 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Roast the pork for 15 mins to allow the heat to penetrate quickly. Turn the heat down to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and roast for another 1 hr 30 mins. If the crackling has not properly formed, turn the heat up again and check every 5 mins until the skin has crackled.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.