Roasted Potatoes With Figs and Thyme Recipe (2024)



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Roni Jordan

I've saved this to make in a few days because I adore dried figs and I have some fresh thyme to use up. But damned if I'm going to leave the papery skin on the garlic cloves - I'll roast them unskinned and not force my diners to peel them 'at table.'


Jerry's answer (thanks, Jerry) brings to mind variations--you could give the figs a bit of a smoky taste if you have something like lapsang souchong, or a different spin, depending on what tea you have and what your tastes are. I'll give this a try...


Great hit! Our guests marveled over the figs, in particular. It did take about twice the roasting time though, which is not unusual, I've found.


It pretty much just rehydrates the figs! It infuses the flavor of black tea into the figs. This turned out wonderful!

K & S

This attracted compliments as part of a nicer dinner party -- the fig and tea combination is absolutely lovely! Notes:For the black tea, a strong English/Scottish breakfast works well -- we were glad we didn't use a Darjeeling.Potatoes require about a half sheet pan (13" x 18") to allow enough space for proper roasting. Roast time was *closer* to 40 minutes, but we wanted some golden-brown spots.We used roughly a 50/50 mix of Turkish and Black Mission figs (good result).

Vessy Stroumsky

Such a simple, easy recipe that's jam packed with flavours. Only dried Kalamata figs were available when I made these, but my dinner guests raved that it was such a great flavour combination. I accidentally forgot the thyme, but had these roasting around Mark Bittman's Apple-Stuffed Pork Loin with Moroccan Spices and the flavour combination worked flawlessly. A great recipe that easily impresses guests.

From Comments

Peel garlic cloves before roasting

David Hays Buckley

Hi. The "peeling" is simply poking with your fork and yummy garlic "puree" comes out. It cooks in a certain delicious self-steaming way. Try it.


Loved the sweetness of the figs against the buttery potatoes. Nice for Thanksgiving or other homey holiday.


This dish is divine. This is more work, but even better: Reserve the tea marinade; hold the garlic and after pan is in broiler, separate cloves, remove skins, toss in olive oil, and add to the pan for last 15-20 min. of roasting, to avoid burning them; add thyme when dish seems to need only 5 min. more of cooking, toss in the pan; and, although not nearly as beautiful, serve the dish as a potato/fig/garlic/thyme mash, mixed with the marinade, which is infused with a strong fig flavor.

Michele Ireland

We didn’t plan ahead, so didn’t have time to steep the figs for hours. We used white turkish figs, rather than black mission figs. To save time on steeping the figs, we cut them in half lengthwise and steeped them for probably less than an hour. It worked great! The figs were a more manageable size this way, too.


My fig tree is prolific. Can I make this with fresh figs? Maybe leave out the soaking step?


I’m thinking prunes rather than figs. There are tough dried figs and softer ones out there. The former have leathery skins and are better for snacking. I realize this strays from the recipe, but soaking prunes in sherry also works.


This recipe received rave reviews at a dinner party this evening. We had 8 people so we made 1 1/2 times the recipe but really the original would have been fine. Everyone loved the figs which made the dish memorable and gave the potatoes a unique flavor signature. I did scoop out the garlic and didn’t serve it because of the skins. Next time I think I will take another reviewers suggestion and just remove the skins before cooking so the garlic can be served with the dish. Overall it was great!


Figs were the star of this show. We only had 6 garlic cloves so added some quartered shallots. Husband gave it a 3, I say 4. Worked very well with the leek/garlic confit NYT recipe with the leek cream. Think we'll make the figs again... maybe with the potatoes, but husband wants to try the figs with some whipped cream for dessert first!

eddie m

I’d like to reiterate Sarah L’s question above. I haven’t see an answer. To halve or to halve not? Recipe says nothing about halving potatoes but photo clearly shows the fingerlings halved. Are the rest of you roasting the fingerlings whole?

JL from Pt T

Made this tonight - it was a big hit. The flavor of lapsang souchong tea in the figs is lovely - subtle, smoky, and enchanting. I saved the liquid afterwards for stock - it has the tea flavor and a sweetness from the figs. I say leave the skin on the garlic cloves - it turns the garlic into a delicious paste. I would love to have more of the lapsang souchong flavor - would the potatoes take on that flavor if they were soaked in the tea for a short time before roasting?

mariah mackay

I used dates and Earl Gray tea; 40 minutes was just fine. Also, I served this with Lamb Chops from this site, will post separately. It was a lovely fall dinner without too much time in the kitchen after guests arrived.


Followed instructions, turned out great. Remember to cut larger potatoes in half. Simply adding figs made it feel like a special autumn dish. My thyme lost color during the roasting process, next time I might add some chives or extra fresh thyme for color. Also, instead of 6 hours of tea soaking time for figs, I will probably soak them overnight. The fig tea water afterwards from soaking also tastes great, I added it to some chocolate pudding I was making to add some complexity to my dessert


This dish was not very special, however if you used fresh figs and added them a bit later in the baking it would’ve been more sumptuous instead the figs were hard and tasteless


I made this for a dinner party and was disappointed. Potato's were hard and the figs flavorless and I am above average cook. It was pretty though...

Sarah L

Do you halve the potatoes? Recipe doesn’t say so, but photo shows them halved. Thank you!


The figs soaked in tea were absolutely amazing, and I'll use them again with pork or roast chicken or in a dessert. However, I wasn't wowed by the combo of the figs and the potatoes. Together they were just a little strange (which is weird - I love dried fruit with potatoes usually), and I felt like something was missing (like maybe a meat). I used earl grey - maybe I'll try a less assertive black tea in the future? Also - the soaking liquid for the figs - I could drink it from a mug! So good!

Seattle cookery

My figs got a bit dry. Cooked too long, maybe? No worries, though. I finished on the stove w some red wine to deglaze some of the yummy bits, and to add a bit more moistness back in.


Has anyone made this with fresh figs. Other than omitting the tea soak, would you recommend any other changes?

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Roasted Potatoes With Figs and Thyme Recipe (2024)


How does Gordon Ramsay make the best roast potatoes? ›

In a video online, Gordon explained: “For crispy roast potatoes, you can depend on them, my tip is to parboil them, leave them to steam dry, then sprinkle them with semolina or flour, and then give them a good roughing up.”

Why do you soak potatoes before roasting? ›

Soaking potatoes in water helps remove excess starch. Excess starch can inhibit the potatoes from cooking evenly as well as creating a gummy or sticky texture on the outside of your potatoes. Cold water is used because hot water would react with the starch activating it, making it harder to separate from the potatoes.

Should you rinse starch off potatoes before roasting? ›

Rinsing or soaking the potatoes for an hour (or, even better, overnight) will remove some of the starch from the surface and prevent the sugars from browning before the potatoes are cooked.

How to make crispy roast potatoes Mary Berry? ›

Preheat a large shallow roasting tin in the oven until hot before adding the fat to the tin and heating for five minutes. Carefully add the potatoes, turning them in the fat until coated and scatter over the thyme sprigs. Return them to the oven and roast them for around 45 to 55 minutes until golden brown and crisp.

Should you boil potatoes first before roasting? ›

You don't NEED to, though if you want nice crispy potatoes with fluffy insides, par-boil cut potatoes for ten mins or so, drain in a colander and then shake well to break up the surface. Put into very hot oil and roast until cooked.

What kind of oil does Gordon Ramsay use for roast potatoes? ›


Most of our chefs choose duck fat or beef dripping for roasties - at Bread Street Kitchen, they even render their own. Duck fat is superior not just for its flavour but for the colour it gives the roasties.

What happens if you don't soak potatoes before baking? ›

Potatoes do not need to be soaked before cooking. You may be confusing soaking with covering cut up potatoes with water so they don't oxidize and turn brown. They only have to stay under water until you cook them.

Is it better to roast potatoes on parchment paper or aluminum foil? ›

Use parchment paper– non stick foil, or baking sheets will not do the trick. Parchment paper allows the potatoes to roast without sticking! Evenly spread out the potatoes – Don't stack them on top of one another – spread your potatoes out on the baking sheet and try not to overcrowd them.

What happens if you don't soak potatoes in water? ›

A: The main reasons to cut the potatoes and pre-soak in water are: To allow the excess starches and sugars to be removed from the outer surface of the fry strips AND to keep the potatoes from browning prematurely from exposure to air. Covering in water helps the potato from turning a dark color.

Why are my potatoes not getting crispy in the oven? ›

An overcrowded pan will turn a sauna into a steam bath; Your potatoes will cook, but they'll be soft, moist, and bland like steamed potatoes. Even if you're tempted to save dishes by throwing a mound of potatoes onto one baking sheet, parsing them out over two will give them the space they need to crisp up.

Does soaking potatoes in water make them Crispier? ›

If you want to prepare your potatoes later after you have cut them soaking them in cold water will keep them from turning brown. Also, if you are going to fry them they will turn out crispier. Soaking them helps to remove the starch.

How long can you soak potatoes in water to get starch out? ›

For French fries or chips: Soak sliced potatoes in cold water for at least 30 minutes, and up to 2-3 hours, before frying. This can help to remove excess starch and result in crispier fries. For mashed potatoes: Soak whole or diced potatoes in cold water for 30 minutes to 2 hours before boiling.

What oil is best for cooking roast potatoes? ›

Neutral, low-cost oil such as vegetable oil, canola oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, corn oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc., work well for roasting. These oils have a high smoke point, allowing the potatoes to get very hot to achieve maximum crispiness.

Why won't my potatoes get crispy in oil? ›

A: This sure sounds a lot like potatoes that have been stored too long, in too cold of an environment before cooking. When potatoes are held below 41°F for too long a period, the starches convert to sugar and it changes the cooking chemistry.

What are best potatoes for roasting? ›

Russet potatoes will produce crisper crusts and fluffier centers. Yukon Golds will be slightly less crisp and have creamier centers, with a darker color and deeper flavor. You can also use a mix of the two. The potatoes should be cut into very large chunks, at least 2 to 3 inches or so.

What potatoes does Jamie Oliver use for roasting? ›

“When it comes to the perfect roasties, I always start with Maris Pipers.

What is the best oil or fat for roast potatoes? ›

Goose fat is one of the first choices for roast potatoes because first of all – it tastes nice! It has a really rich flavour compared to your more common vegetable oils. It's a bit like how cooking your roast potatoes in dripping from your turkey can add more flavour to your spuds too – they're both animal fats.

How do you roast potatoes Bobby Flay? ›

  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Toss the potatoes with the canola oil, garlic paste and salt and pepper to taste. Place on a sheet tray and roast until cooked through and golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes.
  3. Remove from the oven and immediately fold in the herbs.

How to make the best roast potatoes James Martin? ›

Melt the lard in a deep flameproof roasting tray on a high heat and fry the potatoes on each side until they begin to brown. Sprinkle with salt and roast for 30 minutes, or until starting to colour. Turn the potatoes and return to the oven for a further 20-30 minutes, or until golden-brown and crisp.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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