What Is a Soul Tie? Experts Explain Why This Love Connection May Feel So Intense (2024)

Have you ever met someone whose presence in your life just made sense? Maybe it was an instantaneous attraction, or maybe things clicked after you formed an extremely deep connection? Either way, if you've ever felt an invisible string pulling you toward someone, it's possible you've encountered a soul tie.

A soul tie is a type of spiritual connection that relationship expert and matchmaker Sameera Sullivan describes as the "knitting together" of two souls. They can develop via a physical, spiritual, social, or emotional bond, and it typically happens more in romantic relationships than platonic ones.

Not every person you've dated qualifies as a soul tie — no matter how in love you may have been. Because here's the thing about soul ties: they're so intense that the feeling may be unlike anything you've ever experienced — in a good or bad way. We spoke with experts to explore what this rare connection is and what it means when you've found someone who could be a soul tie.

What Is a Soul Tie, and How Are Soul Ties Formed?

Also called a "spiritual coding," a soul tie can be depicted as two souls linking together through a spiritual or emotional bond, spirituality expert Perry Valentine, founder of healing-crystal store AtPerry's, says. The connection is so deep that it can make you feel like you've known the person forever. (And if that sounds intense, that's because it is.)

Soul ties are typically formed through a physical, spiritual, social, or emotional connection, which can involve deep conversations and complete openness and vulnerability — but more generally, they blossom after sexual intercourse, certified relationship and life coach Joseph Moore says. It's important to have an emotional connection prior to having sex, but a continuously passionate sex life generally helps the soul tie develop. "Time and sex is how a soul tie is formed," he says.

You may be asking yourself, "OK, but what's the difference between a soul tie is and just falling in love?" — which, fair. Normal relationships involve sex, time, and lots of intimacy, but it's the spiritual part that takes a soul tie to a deeper level. It's literally your two souls becoming intertwined beyond the boundaries of falling in love. (Like I said, intense.)

What's the Difference Between a Soulmate, a Soul Tie, and a Twin Flame?

Whereas you only have one soulmate, you can have many soul ties throughout your life. They're both rare to find, but soul ties typically develop differently than do soulmates. Psychologist Ronald Williams says a soulmate is most often formed through an immediate connection. Sure, it's also possible for a soul tie to form instantaneously, but most soul ties develop gradually.

Soulmates are also typically seen in a more positive light. David Bennett, a relationship counselor and owner of Double Trust Dating and Relationships, previously told POPSUGAR that "a soulmate treats you with kindness, generosity, and brings out the best in you." While that can also be true of a soul tie, there can be a toxic side.

Twin flames are similarly intense — and potentially toxic. The biggest difference between a soul tie and a twin flame is that a twin flame can be a best friend, a sibling, or even a child. While it's possible to have a platonic soul tie, it's way more common to form a romantic soul tie, since most of them form after sexual intercourse.

What's the Negative Side to Having a Soul Tie?

Because the connection is so rare, intense, and deep, it's possible for you to develop an unhealthy obsession or extreme attachment with your soul tie, Valentine says. "Some people may even feel incomplete without their soul tie," she says, which, in relationships, can lead to an unhealthy attachment style where boundaries, needs, and wants are not met. In addition, one person can feel the soul-tie connection more than the other. If that happens, "the other person can easily take advantage of it and become toxic or abusive, and oftentimes, the other person can hardly leave," Moore says.

How to Break Soul Ties

Fortunately, it's possible to break a soul tie if it feels unhealthy, but "it takes a lot of self-confidence and determination, meditation, and a willingness to endure pain for a while before time heals the wound of separation from your soul tie," Moore says. This can best be worked out through therapy and journaling to help sort out your feelings. With that said, if there's no inequitable power dynamic or toxicity and you're happy in your soul-tie courtship, there's no need to break it off.

What Are Some Signs You've Met a Soul Tie?

Unfortunately, it's one of those things that's best described as "when you know, you know." However, according to Valentine and Sullivan, there are a few signs that you may have met a soul tie:

  1. You can't stop thinking about them.
  2. You feel connected with them on a deeper level — more so than any other connection you've felt before.
  3. You cannot bear the thought of your relationship ending.
  4. You might feel a physical or subconscious pull leading you to them.
  5. You feel like you've known the person forever.
  6. You feel a sense of familiarity and comfort around them.
  7. You feel like you can let your guard down around them.
  8. You dream about them often.

Ultimately, if you think you've met someone who could be your soul tie, explore it. Don't focus too much on the "signs" or what it's supposed to feel like — when a connection manifests to the level of being a soul tie, it's something you likely won't even have to question.

What Is a Soul Tie? Experts Explain Why This Love Connection May Feel So Intense (2024)


What Is a Soul Tie? Experts Explain Why This Love Connection May Feel So Intense? ›

Most people refer to a soul tie connection as feeling united with someone emotionally and spiritually, she adds. “Soul ties are deep emotional and spiritual connections between individuals,” agrees Sarah Levine-Miles, a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist based in Rockville, Maryland.

What is a soul tie connection? ›

A soul tie refers to the phenomenon of meeting someone for the first time and feeling like you already know them, says Leah Caracappa, LCSW, a social work therapist, educator, and spiritual coach based in New York. “A soul tie is a connection or link between two beings.

What does an intense soul connection feel like? ›

You feel like you've known a person for a long time—even if you've just met. You meet them during an important transition in life, like a move or breakup. You both notice a lot of coincidences, like showing up in the same places.

What is a true love or soul tie? ›

Your connection with your soulmate is deep and instantaneous (in most cases). However, this might not be the case with soul ties. Soul ties take time to form, could even set in after you have slept with the person, or could happen much later. Until the soul tie kicks in, you might not feel very strongly for the person.

What does it feel like to have a soul tie with someone? ›

Soul ties are profound spiritual connections shared with someone else that generally transcend the closeness in a typical relationship. A soul tie can cause you to feel incredibly attached to a person, and life without them becomes hard to imagine.

What's the difference between a soul tie and a soul bond? ›

A soul tie is an intense emotional connection, but unlike a soulmate bond, it can be unhealthy and draining. It's like being stuck in a toxic relationship that you just can't seem to escape.

What is the difference between a twin flame and a soul tie? ›

A twin flame is said to be someone with whom you share a soul and a soul tie is a strong connection or link that binds two people. A soul tie is formed after two people have been intimate physically, spiritually, mentally, or even emotionally.

How do you know if you've met your soulmate? ›

You know you've found a kindred soulmate when you pretty much agree on all of the small and big stuff. “You love the same things; laugh at the same jokes; agree and disagree with love and affection; compete with gusto but without bitterness or jealousy. These people share the same journey toward truth and love,” Dr.

What is a deep intense connection with someone? ›

A deep emotional connection with others is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing. It provides a sense of belonging, security, and support, which are essential for maintaining good mental health. Understanding emotional connection helps you to move beyond the surface and establish a deep bond with others.

How do I know if I found a soul partner? ›

A few telltale signs you've found a soulmate include a feeling of instant recognition and knowing each other, being inexplicably drawn to each other, and accepting who the other person is in totality.

Do men feel soul ties? ›

So an emotional soul tie is present between that person and the other person with that he feels a connection. Soul ties affect men just as much as women. It's just that men are more lowkey in their feelings.

How long do soul ties last? ›

Maybe you learn something about the world through the other person, or you learn something about yourself and the way you love another. A soul ties relationship can be intense and may not last more than a couple weeks or months, though it can be a permanent bond that continues to evolve over time.

What happens after you break a soul tie? ›

However, you may experience a sense of freedom, release, and emotional healing after cutting ties with a person or a past experience. You may also feel less attached or emotionally dependent on that person or experience.

How do you know if you met your twin flame? ›

Signs You've Met Your Twin Flame
  • Feeling an inner pull towards that person.
  • Feeling as though you have met before or always known each other.
  • When passion generated within the relationship flows into other areas of life.
  • Shared level of commitment to the relationship and to each other.
Sep 29, 2023

Can you have a soul tie with someone you've never met? ›

Yes, it is possible to have a spiritual connection with someone you've never met, particularly in the case of twin flames. Even before meeting them in the physical realm, you can sense their energy and connection.

When a man breaks a woman's spirit? ›

So, when a husband breaks his wife's heart- what does this truly mean? To put it simply, breaking a person's heart and spirit is when you deeply hurt their feelings. Breaking down a person emotionally, wrecking their willpower and resilience all count as breaking down someone's spirit.

How do you know someone is your soulmate? ›

You know you've found a kindred soulmate when you pretty much agree on all of the small and big stuff. “You love the same things; laugh at the same jokes; agree and disagree with love and affection; compete with gusto but without bitterness or jealousy. These people share the same journey toward truth and love,” Dr.

Are soul ties and soulmates the same thing? ›

Soul ties can be ungodly and harmful. Let's learn the symptoms and how breaking soul ties matters. Soul mate, on the other hand, refers to someone who perfectly complements your personality. There is an intense connection that is beneficial to both parties.

What happens when a soul tie is broken? ›

However, you may experience a sense of freedom, release, and emotional healing after cutting ties with a person or a past experience. You may also feel less attached or emotionally dependent on that person or experience.

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