The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Kentucky Posti

Covington, Kentucky

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THE POST TUESDAY JUNE 21 1919 Psc4 Deaths Beierle to Campaign On Slots Tax Pledge Hanneken Has Kiwanis Program Hermann Hanneken past president will preside at the 12:15 Wednesday meeting of the Covington Kiwanis Club at the Covington Chamber of Commerce The club will celebrate Kiwanis Nile at Closley Field for the Reds-Phillies game Friday night Dr 0 Tyson OPTOMETRIST Offices with MOT11V the Jeweler 613-15 MADISON AVE COVINGTON School Tax Rates Up in Campbell-co The CampbeirCounty Board of Education and the school board of the Cold Sprftig independent school district raised school tax rates for 1949 tax collections to the maximum of $150 per $100 valuation Action by the two school boards in hiking the taxes to meet new financial demands upon the boards in the maintenance of schools was filed Monday with members of the Campbell County Fiscal Court The Fiscal Court which has no authorities under the law to change or fix the school tax rates accepted the increases The county school rate is hiked 16 cents from $134 to $150 the maximum allowed under the state law The Cold Spring rate was increased from $135 to $150 Metliodisjt jChurch To I Be Setting Keen-Landmeier i vrf Prenuptial Parties Given First Methodist Aurch Covington will be the setting for the wedding of Miss Shirley Landmeier daughter of Mr and Mrs Edwin Landmeier of Lakeside Park and Mr Jack Keen son of Mr and Mrs Harry Keen Park Hills which will be performed at 7:30 Saturday Rev Lorin Spenny pastor of Zion Evangelical and Lutheran church Park Hills will officiate: Mrs Wayne Lamb and Mrs David Pendery Jr joined forces to honor the bride-elect and a coterie of her friends with a ldncheon at the home of Mrs Lamb Jackson road Park Hills Saturday fOn Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Harry Keen entertained with a prenuptial dinner at their home Audubon road bringing together members of the wedding party for Mr Keen and Miss liandmeier Covers were placed for: the fiances Mr and Mrs Wayne 4amb Mr and Mrs David Bendery Jr Mr and Mrs William Thompson Mr and Mrs Clark Nowland Jr Mr and Mrs Klnneth rBice Mr and Mrs Dunbar Dickey Miss eJanne Cummings Mr Richard Williams Mr aind Mrs Charles Close Mr and iyirs Edwin Landmeier and the hbst and hostess Will Resign If He Fails to Follow Up Candidate Promises A tax on every slot machine in operation in Campbell county within 90 days after his election was pledged Tuesday by Frank Beierle head of the Newport League in his announcement as a Democratic candidate for sheriff He said the tax would be levied and collected within 90 days or he would resign years ago the League carripaigned for an occupational tax on the extensive gambling in the city of Mr Beierle said taxpayers are now benefitting from this campaigfw The gambling interests now are paying more than $100000 into the Newport Mr Beierle attacked the of the Democratic party stating they were "self-appointed and not elected He said the engages in to confuse the issues Pie cites his nine years service in the Newport office and his knowledge of the workings of the office as his qualifications to hold the sheriff position ms s' A Mrs Lillie Robb Services will be held at 2 Wednesday at the Middendorf funeral home 917 Main street Covington for Mrs Lillie Robb 69-year-old spiritualist and medium who died Monday at the home of a daughter Mrs Arthur Bier-man 720 Lewis street Covington Mrs Robb who died after a long illness formerly held seances at 1210 Banklick street Covington Besides heu daughter she leaves her husband Herbert Robb of the Lewis street address twc sons Walter and Lindsey Lee Scott three brothers William Sam and Rutherford Rich al of Covington and eight grandchi dren Friends may ca at the funera home after 2 Tuesday ial will be in Linden Grove etery Covington Mrs Minnie Meyer Services il be held at 2 Wednesday at the Muehlenkamp funeral home Newport for Mrs Minnie Meyer who died Monday at her home 724 Saratoga street Newport Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery Southgate Mrs Meyer a lifelong resident of Newport was 76 Antn Marfz She leaves her sister Mrs Mnro marr Hazel Miller Silverton a Requiem High Mass will be sung rbother Albert Sprott Reading at 9 a Thursday at Mother of Pa and several nieces and God Church for Anton Martz 89-year-old retired paint foreman who died early Tuesday at his home 430 Bakewell street Covington after a long illness Services will be held at 2 prayers will be said at 8:30 Wednesday at the Erschell a at the Hugenberg Glind-funeral home Newport funeral home Covington Charles Roth Detroit a former Burial will be in Mother of God Frank Beierle EVERY FORM OF LIFE INSURANCE From Age 1 Day to 65 Years including Annuities is written by this Agency of Shenandoah Life Ins Co The Dividends aro Liberal Too! HAL RICKETTS Est 87 Years FIRST NAT BANK BLDG Weatherill Meeting The regular meeting of Capt A Wetherill Camp No 5 Spanish-American War Veterans will be held at 8 Wednesday at the Junior Order Hall 1) I FLOORING 0ak' Yellow Pinev AT THE MOVIES 22nd Russell Cov AX 7409 AT THE MOVIES LUDLDUJ PAMINC LINOLEUM UMmillO VENETIAN BLINDS 412 VOKK NEWPORT CO 8B30 64 Inches Wide Congowall Rn IX 39c 9x12 Hugs An me I Finish $893 9i9 Amistrdng's Asphalt Tile 8c Music Hall lltli andVsPHK 'IS NtwroRf resident of Newport who died Monday after a long illness He was 73 GAYETY Newport 322 ELM ST TONIGHT I ll nr Allysnn Peter Lnwfnrd Also Selected Short Subject Approximate Starting Time of Feature: 7:03 9:31 Cemetery He leaves a daughter Mrs Dial Covington a sister Miss He leaves his widow Mrs Lena Mary Martz Covington and one Roth a son Herschel Roth and: rantson a sister Mrs Otto Wolf New- port Burial will be in Evergreen nvinfltnn Cemetery Southgate JV Illy lull Friends may cal lat the funeral Mrs Harry Muldoon has ERL ANGER KLSMERE PARKING TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY! James Mason Barbara Brl Geddes Feature Starts 7:27 9:22 TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY Jimmy Lydon Lois Collier OF THE Also Cartoon Capt A Wetherill Veterans will sponsor a social Wednesday at Odd Fellows Hall Sixth and York streets for members and friends TODAY Janies Forrest JUBILEE: Third annual Jubilee of the northern Kentucky York Rite Association will be held Sept 28-Oct 1 inclusive at the Covington and Newport Masonic temples York Rite dignitaries from Ohio Indiana Kentucky and West Virginia will attend James Forrest Covington is newly elected president He succeeds James Carmichael Ft Thomas Ft Thomas Play Season Is Under Way Ft Thomas public playgrounds opened Monday morning for the 13th consecutive year Chhrles Kuhn city engineer said the playgrounds at each of the three public schools are open to children from six to 17 years old The areas will be open five days a from 9 a to noon and from 1 to 5 They will be closed Saturday and Sunday A special program will be held one evening each week Play will be supervised by a man and a woman supervisor at each playground Junior Olympics will be a feature of the summer program Inter-playground contests will be scheduled and handicraft classes will be taught Soft-ball teams will be organized for boys and girls Money Found In Hair-do Of Theft Suspect A Newport woman registered as Barbara Ward 22 of Fourth street charged with robbing a Newport man of ap-provximately S50 was given a probated fine of $100 and costs 50 days in jail by Judge Eugene Benzinger in Covington Police Court when the charge was changed to disorderly conduct Judge Benzinger probated the fine and jail sentence on the provision she stay out of Covington She was arrested on complaint of Clarence Meyers 1044 York street who told the court he met her in a Newport cafe then came to Covington where she took his money When searched by Miss Elizabeth Cohran Covington juvenile officer $47 was found in Miss rehome between 3 and 10 mL Tnesdnv 1 turned to her home from Chicago where she attended commencement at Northwestern University Tuesday Edwin Karrick SHIRLEY ftim TheaVesJ THE SECRET THOUSANDS DIED TO LEARN 0mS in the jungle's i heart guarded by a trail of fire inTarzan's greatest thriller! in which her son Mr Albert Muldoon participated 4 DIXIE Ft Mitchell CO 9110 TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY! Eddie Albert Gale Storm GOES CARTOON NEWS TONIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY-TWIN BILL MimM PICTUHB and CHAMPION Newport Rebekah Lodge No 65 will meet at 8 Tuesday at Odd Hall Sixth and York streets with Mrs Anna May Deu-bel presiding Campbell County Gold Star Chapter No 1 will hold its meeting at 8 Wednesday in the American Legion Hall with Mrs Alvin Steil in charge A recital will be presented by pupils of the piano class of Emma Redmond at 8 Wednesday at the Covington Art Club 604 Greenup street Auxiliary of Newport Eagles will meet at 8:30 Wednesday at Hall Eighth and York streets Mrs Louella Insko will preside If You Do Not Know Diamonds 2 AIR Edwin Karrick 4 Lyndale road Edgewood 60-year-old clerk of Andrews Steel Mill collapsed and died in the kitchen of his home as he prepared to go to work early Tuesday Mrs Tressa Riffe Kenton county coroner returned a verdict of death due to cerebral hemorrhage His widow Mrs Estella Ellman Karrick and a son Harold Karrick South Hills are operators of Place a restaurant 412 Court street Cincinnati Besides Mrs Karrick and his son he leaves another son Gilbert Karrick Norwood a daughter Mrs Evelyn Dibert at home a brother Emery Karrick Ft Thomas and seven grandchildren The funeral will be conducted at 1:30 Thursday at the Lin-nemann funeral home Covington Services will be held at 2 at Latonia Christian Church Bur-ial will be in Highland Cemettery fl I 4 I 716 Monmouth St Continuous 11 A to 11 TODAY and WEDNESDAY Dennis Louise Albritton A CROOKED Also Gloria Henry David Street SURRENDER 1 Bellevue-Dayton EDGAR RICE It is still easy for you to buy perfect stones Just seek out the store whose integrity you' value at a greater price than that which you wish to pay for your diamonds with 91 diamond experience in this one location serving the people of northern Kentucky has proven through all these years their fitness and ability to aid you in your diamond problems There is no obligation lor you to come in and talk with our Diamond experts They will be glad to give you any advice and assistance you wish in vour selection Weekly or Monthly Payments Society of Christian Service of Calvary Methodist i Church Bellevue will meet at 8 Wednesday at the church Mrs Robert Hake will have the program i Miss Virginia Cunningham a Student at the University of Ken-'iQcky will appear on the program as will Billy Layne student at Centre College Mrs Walter Routledge students and the church chairman will serve refreshments All young people have been invited to attend CORNER LATONIA LAST TIMES TONIGHT HAND THEATER 18 Ft Thomas Aye Ft Thomas Ky Candies Starring TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY" Humphrey Bogart John Dorek ON ANY lv LEX BARKER Packed for Mailing 91 0 Madison Ave Covington starring Covington Cold Spring Sewing Unit No 1 of Booth Members of the Cold Spring Hospital will meet in the annex Club were to meet FREE PARKING FOR THEATER PATRONS Parking Area Black Topped and Floodlighted BRENDA JOYCE wllh ALBERT DEKKER EVELYN ANKERS CHARLES DRAKE Homemade French Pot ICE CREAM at 10:30 a Tuesday at the home of Mrs Walter Hildebrand Rose avenue The last lesson on was to be given by Mrs Nick Steffen and Mrs Norbert to sew at 9:30 a Wednesday Mrs Oscar Roetken will be in chcarge Sale CAMPBELL CIRCUIT COURT Eagle Savings and igs and Loan Association a MOTCH Jeweler and Optician 613 MADISON AVENUE Comfortably COOL JUNE ALLISON PETER 11WF0RD MARGARET O'BRIEN ELIZABETH TAYLOR NOW 33? Store Hours 9 A to 10 Closed Sundays I alsosh6kt subjects and LATEST NEWS PICTURES SHOWING- A HOMERUN OF LAUGHTER ROMANCE AND FUN -Gene Esther Frank KELLY WILLIAMS SINATRA AIR-CONDITIONED MADISON Bet 7th and 8tli COV Continuous from JI to 11 TTit-7nhnrcrpr corporation Plaintiff vs Charles Boyer et al Defendants No 39395 By virtue of a judgment and Order of rJSnle of the Campbell Circuit Court render- Jed June 4 1949 in the above cause I shall ffer for sale at the COURT HOUSE fjpoOR in Newport Kentucky to the high jest bidder at Public Auction on Wednes- the 22nd day of June 1949 at 10 A upon the following ipne-third cash and the balance in equal Installments payable in six and twelve tjfcnonths from date of sale the following iroperty to-wit Lot numbered ninety three (93) in the ellevue Addition to the City of Newport ampbell County Kentucky situated on he east side of Saratoga Street between vfixth and Seventh Streets in said City This sale is to satisfy a judgment In of the plaintiff in the sum of £150151 with interest at 6 per annum from August 24 1948 and its cost herein For the deferred payments the purchaser jkith approved surety or sureties must execute bonds bearing legal interest from the fay of sale according to law Bidders Ijvill be prepared to comply with these 'terms NORBERT ROLL mm Gift TO Tift) Uc ly TECHNICOLOR Starts Tomorrow BING CROSBY DAYVUE Humphrey Bogart John Derek ANY Also CARTOON Plus: and Frankie" City of Little Men Master Commissioner CAMPBELL COUNTY COURT Comfortably TIMES ROUTE 11 Ner TACOMA PARK DAYTON KY 'this parking problem HAPPEN IF GO TO THE RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN -r-fv Sale j- CAMPBELL CIRCUIT COURT Gladys Sipes Plaintiff vs John Shields ftn(1 Kay Gllligan Defendants Equity ji Nn 39007 By virtue of a judgment and Order of of the Campbell Circuit Court rendered May 3 1949 in the above cause shall offer for sale at the Court House Door in Newport Kentucky to the highest bidder at Public Auction on Thursday he 23rd day of June 1949 upon the Jfollowing terms: One-half (Vi) cash and ihe balance in four months from date of Sale the following described property I Jo-wit: One 1944-1945 2 Mi -Ton Reo Cargo Truck 'Serial number 221825 Motor number 1603694 Dump Body and Hoist to be jiold at the garage of Sam Ottavani at EOOl Monmouth Street Newport Kentucky jit 10 A and One 1944-1945 2 fa -Ton Reo Cargo Truck ferial number 221775 Motor number 1603329 Dump Body and Holst to be old at the garage of William Kissinger 4jn Route 27 Cold Spring Kentucky Jit 11 A The above sale is to satisfy a judgment tt favor of the plaintiff Gladys Sipes in ie sum of $75000 with interest includ-lig costs of storage and the costs of this ction For the deferred payments tfte purchaser with approved urety or sureties must ex-acute bonds bearing legal interest from nie day of sale according to law Bidders will be prepared to comply with these te NORBERT ROLL Master Commissioner Campbell Circuit Court TOMORROW- jOAN CRAWFORD SHORT SUBJECTS AND LATEST NEWS PICTURES Greater than ever in a dramatic (tor of COHSPIRACIIS HIDDEN PASTS INSURANCE Protect Your Property Against Loss the Cost Is Small See don't carry large sums of money in your pocket or purse To do so is to invite disaster Safeguard your money Deposit it in a thrift account with us THE COVINGTON TRUST BANKING GO INCORPORATED The Oldest Trust Compony in Northern Kentucky Member Federal Insurance Corp CORNER 6TH AND MADISON COVINGTON- HE 2580 AIR-CONDITIONED WASHINGTON at 7th Covington Boxoffiee Opens Daily 6:30 Saturdays Sundays and Holidays 1:30 DOUBLE BILL! of the Wild James Ellison Mary BHh Hughes Jane Evelyn Ankers Carroll Nalsh AND AQUANETTA as the Jungle Woman with David Brian Gladys George Virginia Hoston NEWPORT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE i'rotecting Property in Tbli Community for Over 60 Years FOURTH AND MONMOUTH STS NEWPORT KY LOUIS KLUSCHEK Fret Fhooe CO 8389 SCHAEFER See iunk (FURNITURE THINK OF DINE'S Added Attraction CONGO Plus: Latest News "Black Luck Blackie" a Color Cartotft.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.