The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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Covington, Kentucky

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fcj LEJ i-j si x- vl ')Z fr yr T1 rr' nra aimTHii Insr ka SECTION 'ONE TWOPART8 I i £3 i NUMBER 8663 COVINGTON KY THURSDAY JUNE 20 1918 A' TH1T OmCIAL KCWBPAPII OF KEKTOM AND CAMPBELL COUNTIES In CanpMl and Kanton eonntlM In Ksntdcky and Haailltaa Musty In jVr-ia Obis 1 cant alaawhaip I eanu a copy and by canlar pasta a waafe CE SEEK To Be Auctioned It vraa announced hi-sday that 2S committee have been appointed to have charge of tlje'etreet fair and carnival to be given by 'Committee Campbell 'County Council of Defense June ZS and Z9 for a -host ess home In Newport for soldiers and sailor iVAn etching' of the White -House at Washington with the elgnature of Mrs Woodrow Wllsonlwas received Thursday Jt will be auctioned oft The services of 'the Thomas Military Ban4 have been secured for one tight Another band will be on hand for the other night- Prisoner Proiqises To Support Family f- Ben' Nalls 27 builder of 1208 Banklick-at Covington arraigned Thursday before Judge Read of Kenton County Court was ordered to pay $6 a 1 week to Lew Phillips Kenton county humane officer for the support of wlfa and two children one of which le a week old Nalls Was arraigned In Covington Police Court earlier In the day on a warrant sworn to by hia sister-in-law Myrtle 9c ton judge Manson referred the case te the County Court case was continued Indefinitely on his promise to support his family itEJMJRL Girl Going Over Wants To Get Near-the Front putsey Is Big Man In Home Guards Craig Issues Proclamation in Which He Asks All Citizens to Give Liberal Sup-V ft port to Campaign Starting Next Week a Violation of -Espionage Act Is Charged by Officers Who i Visit Church co PRISONER SUPPLIES BONO I -S' themselves to purchase War Savings Stamps at such times and places andj in aueh manner aa may be pointed out by the War Savings Campaign Commjttee of Kenton-co and thus Indicate their unfaltering purpose to sustain the principles of liberty and freedom for humanity" WOMEN tOKID campbell-co a Woman members of the Campbell County Council of Defense met Wed-nesday night' at headquarters of the Newport Civic end Industrial As- soclatlon and organised teams for the Thrift Stamp and War Saving1 -V Certificate drive to start Monday Mrs Edward Hayea of Bellevue and Ben Sharpleas addressed the 1 women The asms teams that put Campbell-co "over" in tpk recent Cron drive will work during tple campaign' Members of the Council of Defense tU are striving to linupJOOQ member for tbe Limit Club by the day the opening guns are fired Minister According to Allega- tion Said Soldiers Would Drop Into Perdition Rev Moss pastor of the Staffords hurg Church 20 ipllea south of Covington arrested following church services Wednesday night and charged with violating he- eapl-' onage law will be given prelimt nary hearing before Mrs Mable Van Dyke Bell Commissioner -of Covington Tuesday at 2130 -m Bond was fixed At 12000 which Rev Ross furnished i Rev Roes It Is -charged asserted In recent eermone tbat nine 'out of every 10-American soldiers killed on the battlefields of Franck would drop immediately Into perdltlfin Refers to Statement Rev Ross told Mrs Bell' 'shtTsald that he meant they would do so if they were not Christians don't believe ygii meant to violate the law but unfortunately you Mrs Bell told Rev Rosa makes no difference what Waa In your mind A preacher has wide In fluence on the minds -of tbe public The statement you made has 'a tenancy to restrict recruiting and -en Several dovlngton ministers at- tended the hearing Thursday Mrs Bell 'asked RevV Ross a soldier laid down his life for the principles of Christianity does' not that make him a Christian?" Querry Is Answered Rev Rose replied that It coifnted ---but did not fully 'make' him Chrls- tlan love 1 hath- no man that ha lay down his life for his friend" Mrs Bell added j- Ora slant Covington attorney represents Rev Roes A number of Covington federal of- fleers motored to Staffordsburg Wed- nesday night and attended the church servlcea 1- BLAKELY ASKS RULES AGAINST i BAR MEMBERS Victim Bears Gift for Teacher as She Is Ron Down on Covington Street1 71 LICENSE NUMBER IS SEEN Authorities Believe Driver of Ca Was on Way From Races at Latonia "Aunty going to take- seme money 'to a little girl to buy teaoher a present because she going (to teach next year" said Virginia Bu-ter 10 she' tripped out" of the home -of her aunt William Glover 126 ScOtt-sf Covington Wednesday afternoon' aunty be back at 4 A few minutes later the girl died while being rushed to St Hospital! She had been crashed by an automobile which struck her as she was crossing Scott-st between 16th and 17th streets )In one hand nrai tightly clasped her handkerchief containing a nickel teacher" tied in one corner -V- Aunt In Mourning The Glover home was darkened Thursday and the aunt was mourn' lng the loss of the jilece who ha4 lived wltfi her for three years whila attending (Covington public schools Covington police are continuing eeafch for the driver of the machine They have obtained the jiumber of an Ohio license tag said to have beenson the ear The lone occupant of the ear apparently made no effort to stop after the accident spectators say The girl was struek after she had waited to allow two machines to pass Then she stepped to the street In front of the third car whleh when he hesitated atruqk her1 find hurled her td the street passing over her left shoulder and her head' V' Other Autoiet Stops Joseph Kellry'144 Peetest Cincinnati who wag driving Immediately Jtaujk of the can which struck the girl stopped andt with the- assistance of Frank Tapliorn of Cpmpahy 5 Covington Department rushed the girl to the hospital The ear which figured in the accident was going nortlr on Scott-st and apparently was' going from the Latonia raceJ Borne- spectators say It was an Ohio car used os a livery operating between' Cincinnati and Latonia The parents of the dead girl Suter and wife' of Turner Station Ky were notified of the aociMent JOBS ARE FOUND BY IS REPORT The lid was clamped down tight on all Idlem in Covington Thursday and all 'policemen were- adding their weight to see that It remained tight Theodore Khiemper chief of police aid Instructions have been issued to policemen that they arrest all men who they believe are violating the new law which provides that men must wo'rk at least 36 hours a week No Arrests were made Thursday ihornlng or early In the afternoon Men whose faces were familiar objects about the town weep absent Thursday the day the law took effect 'Many of them reported 'to Kluemper that they had -obtained York arid Intended- to stick to It le quiet today hut we hall not let up one Instant in our vigilance" Kluemper said who used to bum around but now are at work must remain at work! They work for while afa then drift back into the class of idlers We Intend to keep strict watch and the first time any man Is caught who la not working at least the required 36 heors a week will be arrested" ARMY VETERAN TO BE SPEAKER 1 A AJIS4 ALLA MAE 'S Mayor John J' Craig of Covington In a proclamation Issued Tliilirs--iay sets Friday June 28 as War Savings Day in Covington and appeals to every man woman and child In the city to rlfa full and generous support to the War' Savings Stamp- campaign Which opens Monday The proclamation: Thetealdent of the Unltld States has called upon the loyal men and women of America to pledge themselves to save and Invest In Waf Savings Stamps for the victory of our arms and The government needs anil must have a great amount of money to carry out Its plana In this war and desires this money to come from all the people and thru the purchase War Savings Stamps every man woman and-chlld given an opportunity to thus' aid the government In this great emergency and "i The people of the city of Covington atftl Kenton-co are organising a War Savings Stamp cam1 palgn beginning June 24 and extending thru to July 8 1918 for the purpose of eecuringVpledges for the purchase of quota of $150486000 and'June 20f 1918 haa been fllxed as National War Savings Day thruout the United States and 1 Support" "Whereas The material needs of the nation demand the full hearty and1 patriotic support ef the people everywhere and the practise of thrift and self-denial to meet such demand and It should be the earnest desire of every citizen of the city of Covington' and Kenton County to respond now with the same full measure) of devotion as in "other activities i I John Craig mayor of the city of Covington do hereby proclaim Friday June '28 1918' as War Savings Day In' the city of Covington and on that gay and during the campaign appeal' to all men women and children of the city of Covington to give full and generous support to this -cause and pledge THREE ARE HURT AS AUTO RUNS DOWN SLOPE Two Kentucky men Were slightly hurt and one Cincinnatian' was braised severely late Wednesday it became known Thursday leTl' an auto In wlftch they were riding ran over an embankment and- turned turtle' on Oneonta-pike two miles south of Alexandria Ky Elmer Gregg 19 of Isabella-st) Newport was driving the auto' Chapplue 33 of 761 Thlrd-av Dayton waa hurt on one'shoulder and Joseph Hart 85 of the Haddon Hall apartments Avondale Cincinnati was braised about the body He was removed to his home The auto was completely wrecked Chapplue was pinned qnder a brace holding the top Grass growing over the edge of a steep embankment camouflaged the road WOMAN IS FINED' S50 IN SHOOTING The case of Carrie Stowers Indicted by the grand Jury on a charge of shooting to kill William Maynard of 43 Eighth- Covington came up Thursday before Judge Tracy In Kenton Circuit Court Stephens Blakely commonwealth attorney moved that the charge be changed to shooting1 In sudden heat and passion The defendant entered a plea of guilty She was fined 50 and costs COUPLE WEDS AT MIDNIGHT Lieutenant Higgins of the Cqv-lngton police was best St a midnight wedding in the office of the Kenton-co clerk Wednesday Bert A King justice of the peace waa called upon to unite a couple from Indiana and Higgins was asked to witness the ceremony The1 couple was Albert Grinstabe' 21 and Wllla Crame 21 both of Greens-Mirg Ind- -1 Steel Plant Worker Sued for Divorce Mrs Nellie Kalbflelsch sued Frank Kalbfieisch for divorce Thursday in Campbell Circuit Court' Cruelty waa 'charged They were married In-Newport Aug 25 1906 Mrs Kalbflelsch sayg her husband receives $35 a week at a steel plant Bhe seeks custody of two chitdPen May 9 and Frank Jr 6 and also asks allnwny -ri TWO GIRLS ARE FOUND PERFECT IN BABY TEST Two of three babies examined for the government at the Newport ''weighing and center Thursday' were classed as perfect They were girls The'5- women lp charge of the weighing and measuring Sngratulat-ad the 'mothers of both babies The yuungsters were Marian Louisa Mar-- tin 2of 818 Lindsey sst Newport 'and Leotto Hartly 1 year and 10 months- of Waterworks-rd The Martin baby la 88 Inches tall and weighs 84 pounds The Hartly baby weighs 80 pounds and 8 ounces and is 8- and eight-tenths inches high Miss' Emma- Fennell is being as- stated by Miss Beryl Schwgrberg -Miss Lillian Davln and Mrs Tudy Arthur In the measuring of the babies Mothers of babies undet-1 years of age may take tljem to the' Arnold Street School on Friday Monday 1 Tuesday or Wednesday of-next week to be' weighed and treasured tracOrSest TO BE APPEALED A when he yeTls for more than slx feet tall and well tls guesed he weighs about 215 pounds" 1 Tom "as 'he Is known among the guards needs recruits In the Home Guard Company He says there now are more than a hundred members Uniforms are furnished free likewise rifles The only thing the recruits have to buy la shoes The oompany meets Thursday nights In the City Armory In the City Building Court-pl and Columbla-et Newrfort' 4 IS NEAR DEATH TT It' la doubtful whether Lawrence NIebeck24 Who Is undetr indictment in Campbell-co on a charge ef assault with attempt to kill will be tried 'I' Tflebeck it was charged entered a chicken coop and-when caught hit the owner with an Iron- mallet Shortly after being arrested he was taken to Speers Hospital Dayton where physicians found every valve connected to his heart la leaky He la not expected to live BAN ON HOGS IS CONSIDERED A proponed ordinance submitted by the Covington Health Department to' the Covington city commie sloners Thursday prohibiting the raising of hogs In the city llpilts was referred to the Committee of the Whole Commissioners Bay aueh an ordinance le In effect now but members of the Health Department say They And no record of such an ordinance Mrs WN Andrews Is Seriously 111 Mrs Andrews wife of IV Andrews' of the Andrews Co steel 'plant 1 seriously 111 at her home Park-av and Nelson-pi Newport She has double 1 pneumonia She haa been under th bare of several physicians and a trained nurse for several" weeka Cyclist Arrested To Sell Machine The case of Earl Kraus of 227 Bterrettav Covington who was arraigned before Judge Maruton of Covington Police Court Thursday On a charge of speeding was placed on the open docket when Kraus promlsqd to sell 1 hlS motorcycle Kraus was arrested at Pike end Washington streets Covington holding Judge-Matt Harbeaqn Is Stephens LI Blakely Kenton-co commonwealth attorney filed articles in Kenton Circuit Court Thursday -4k asklnr for rules agalnnst 8oott is Robson and joeeph Wilkie Cov- lngton attorneys "to show cants why thay -should not be permanently dltf c- barred The articles were filed after a meeting of ths Kenton County Bar Asso- -clatibn had been held Robson and i Wilkie are members i the Bar As- soclatlon' The articles charge Robeon with appropriating money to hia own use v-and Or procuring to he forged papers purporting to be divorce decrees in two cases one In Kenton-oo and the bther Campbell-co Wilkie le Charged with appropriating money to his own usei Robson and Wilkie are under indictment In -Kenton Circuit Court- 'OBjECfOR' IS HELD AT FORT -v A "conscientious objector" to wav was received at Ft Thomas- Wed- -nesday He was placed in the guardhouse after he had refused to drill or to do kitchen1 duty He alts In his cell reading a Bible most of the day' it was reported Thursday Unless hia attitude changes he probably will be countmartialed ALIEN SONS AT FRONT I 1 Registrars In Newport expect to register almost 100 woman aliens' before the registration days are over More than SO have been registered so far A woman whose husband was killed while fighting the Union -army In the Civil War and whose two son1 now are ia EYanoe wl tilths American Expeditionary Forces was registered Wednesday Registration is going on quietly in the outer parts of Campbell-co France Keachecl by Son of Schmeing bchmelng' sanitary officer of the Covington Board of Health received word Thursday from his son Bernard Schmeing 18 who enlisted1 In the pavy In March that he is safe in France other son Corporal Albert Schmeing 23 la at 1 Camp Zachary Taylo- Louisville He left with a group of selects in April Red Cross Unit Is -To Display Work The Junior Red Crow of America In Opvlngton will have an exhibition In the Coppln Co department store windows and Medisonav Saturday and Sunday Work was done by members of the organise tion All the work was done by children of the grades WOOD BLOCK IS LAID Edward Kncpfle contnirtnr had workmen start laying wood V' block on Third-et between York and Haratom street fhurdluv When finished this will be the tint wood block stmer In Nemiort including lOth-et on the extreme southern ee- poratlon line Thlrd-et will be tln-' i within a tawyT Figuratively speaking Thomas Toutsey of Newport a big man big In several ways one Is in stdture Also he Is the' big mogul lii'the Newport Home Ouard Company so to apdkk for captain of the company 1 tYoutsey was elected by Axxlama-tlork It Is his second term in that capacity 1 Capable -Of '-handling any situation which nfight arise while he Is head of the Home Guards say his friendtLi should Just see the men stop JOBS OPENED IN RADIO SERVICE Covington and Kenton-co Selective Service Boards iave received hptice from' Henry Rhodes chief of the selective service department of Kentucky that 103 grammaq school graduates are Wanted1 They 'must be white 'men physically fit and of selective service 'age They are to he sent to the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute where they will be trained US' auto mechanics carpenters linemen and radio operators Registrants have until to enlist In this brancty If at that time men have not enlisted thruout the state the boards will becalled upon to select their quota of the deficiency ANOTHER GIVEN JO-TEAR TERM Ym eyer of Clifton who wee sentenced to 10 years In the penl- Rentiary on an Indictment charging him with an attack on a girl is-a nniw of Johns' Mss ten hrook-T son-in-law of John-'" Mastenbrook who was given a similar sentenoe by- a Jury In Campbell Circuit Court on the same charge Arthur Bchernbeck 28 is In the Newport Jail awaiting' trial on a similar charge BIDS FOR NEW BRIDGES SOUGHT Campbell-co commissioners authorised the county road engineer Thursday to advertise for bids for the building of new concrete bridges on tbs Licking-pike at Creek and Gray's road The bridges will be built with the aid of the state which Is to pay half of the cost The -next meeting of the county commissioners will be held July 1 at the Alexandria Courthouse During the summer months the commissioners will meet twice monthly Joe Rook 84 negro of West Vie- glrila arraigned In Covington oPIlce r-J" Miss Alla Maa Simpson 1403 Greenup-at Covington expects Jo leave soon with the Business Woman's unit of the A for France Bhe will leave Covington next Thursday for New York Miss Simpson Is the daughter of Dr: 8 Bimpeon and wife Bhe was born In South Covington and was reared In that community She haa been employed in the office of the Walter Thompson Advertising Agency for eight year' Bhe was With the Cincinnati office for six' yean and then waa advanced to the New York' office i Bhe'-wIU continue her work after reaching New York until she shlls -Miss Bimpeon decided upon foreign work a little more than three weeks ago Her papers went thru and ahe was accepted one week after she applied Miss Bimpeon Is anxious to go over and considers this the greatest op portufiity offered to a wonwn? did not feel that I wks doing JOBS DENIED TO PRISONERS A Btricklett Covington- city solicitor reported Thursday that Covington city commissioners would not be allowed-by law to accept a proposition made by a Covington flym to hire Covington city prisoners at $250 a day each When the proposition waa submitted to the commissioners they favored Its acceptance but asked Btricklett to look up the law and us-f they would be permitted to Moept of at William ft license 335 Ed McKenna filed suit In Kenton Circuit Court Thursday against Rouse Mrs- Bat Ira Rouse and the city of Covington for the recovery of $9687 alleged to be due' for street Improvements effected Dee 13 1917 Ben Bledenharn Is attorney for McKenna ATTORNEY IS APPOINTED A- Behroetter attorney was appointed administrator of the estate of benjamin Howard In Kenton Coufity Court He qualified before Judge John Read 1 enough for my country where I waa and I hope to be sent aa neartto the flgHting line as possible" ehe says The work of the business woman's unit consists of 'confidential office York' GOEBEL PARK TO BE OPENED i The Covington playground at Goebel Fork will open Monday' under the auspices of the i Art Club ft The committee In charge Includes Miss Kate1 Scudder chairman Mrs Frances Manser Miss McKee and Miss Louella Boyd Five trained teachers will instruct the children in klndergartn work drlls foot dancing knitting and awing' 'r i Instead of sewing for themselves the pupils will make clothllg for the Belgian children end- other- needy persons Mlsg Scudder announces that there will be no prizes awarded this year to the children ant no- largo entertainment wUl be given at the end of the season as uguul but bvery effort will be moda to make the children enjoy each day 200 PupUs Will Be In Pageant Two hundred children of-Mofer of God School will give a patriotic pageant Thursday night In the auditorium of the school 8ixth-et near Washlngton-at Scenes will be portrayed and roles of Covington boys whot are offering their all in France will be played by the children Costumes and scenery have been obtained for the entertainment An Invitation has been extended to the general public to attend Ipsberger's Orchestra will furnish the patriotic selections and "The Star-Spangled Banner" to be sung by all present will fonolude the program 9 i 4 FingerPrints Are No Mystery to Him Justin Huber secretary to Orle 8' Ware Covington postmaster who has charge of the registration of woman and girl alien enemies who live In the county says- he can tell the difference between the finger prints of an American woman aqd ope of German descent Hs lias no set rule of difference to follow but ays he can tell" Huber has charge of that part of the work whksl requires ths worn- en's finger prlnty- Ij I'-lj-- George Philipps attorney said Thursday he -wbuld appeal the 'case of Stephen -Dowd 20 railroad clerk of Hamilton Aped $100 and costs slid sentenced to days at hard labor with ball and chain attached to him 1 i Dowd arrested at the La ton la Race 'Track was charged with disorderly conduct Detectives said Dowd 'was attempting to pick somebody's pocket when they arrested hlnr Philipps said he called a Judge of Hatnilton to Covington In the' defendant's behalf J' Philipps said the arrest was made just outside the city line' Part of 1 the betting stand Is- Inside the 'city line Most of It Kentuckians 'Apparently Are OK Officers In charge of the atmy'tv-crultlng office 18 Bike-st Cortngton say a very email percentage of tlie men who attttnpt to enlist fait to pass physical examination part of Kenton-co 'seems to 'have pretty healthy sien una of the officers said few who have failed did so becauseof underweight" The annual meeting of the Coving- i ton High School Alumnae Asaocta-pgjlgJGT'Ol OELlOOIl tion will held Thursday night-at the Sixths District School lOth-st and Maryland-av Covington' VCorporal Marls Alexander' who has seen active service With the Canadian forces will be the speaker Four new directors will be elected to serve three years The graduating class of ISIS will be honor guests of the evening -The reorganisation of thb association will be held Monday night at the A Licenses Approved Covington city commissioners ancUoned the transfer Thursday the saloon lice ns of JoiTYborder 302 Scott-st Covington to rrice They also allowed Gelsen Lemker to 'transfer their from 16th -st and Madlson-av to Qourt-at Covington CITY IS PARTY IN SUIT McBirney to Meet LeaderofYMCA McBirney secretary-manager of the Newport Clvlq and Industrial Association will leave Thursday night for Chicago to confer with Dr John Mott general secretary of the A werk In the United Btatea Dr Mott wants McBirney to manage a esm-j Wifgn In southern Kentucky fora( fw weeka Married Selects' Status Outlined Covington selective service Vbards received Instructions Thursday relative to the reclassification of registrants who have been given deferred classification because of marriage Board members say they will start ga work of reclassification soon Court Thursday on a charge of In- Ulrica tlun was fined $10 and coaUk Vesslotui of the Kenton Circuit Court at Independence I ''Ap'.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.